module inres_protocol_int_6 is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- type definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type DecNumb is 0, s (x:DecNumb) with ==, !=, < -- the LOTOS operations 2, 3, 4, <=, >=, and > have not been translated to -- LNT, because they are never called end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function 1 : DecNumb is return s (0) end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type ISDU is data1 -- data2 to data5 have been suppressed end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type Sequencenumber is 0, 1 with ==, != end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function succ (x:Sequencenumber) : Sequencenumber is case x in 0 -> return 1 | 1 -> return 0 end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type SP is ICONreq, ICONconf, IDISind, ICONind, ICONresp, IDISreq, IDATreq (data:ISDU), IDATind (data:ISDU) -- the LOTOS functions isICONreq(), isICONconf(), isIDISind(), isIDATreq(), -- isIDATind(), isICONind(), isICONresp(), isIDISreq(), and data() have not -- been translated to LNT, because they are never called end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type IPDU is CR, CC, DR, DT (f:Sequencenumber, d:ISDU), AK (f:Sequencenumber) -- the LOTOS functions isCR(), isCC(), isDT(), isAK(), isDR(), data(), and -- num() have not been translated to LNT, because they are never called end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type MSP is MDATreq (d:IPDU), MDATind (d:IPDU) end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function isMDATreq (m:MSP) : Bool is case m in MDATreq (any IPDU) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function isMDATind (m:MSP) : Bool is case m in MDATind (any IPDU) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function data (m:MSP) : IPDU is var d:IPDU in case m in MDATreq (d) -> return d | MDATind (d) -> return d end case end var end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- channel definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ channel LOSS_CHANNEL is () end channel channel MSAP_CHANNEL is (m:MSP) end channel channel ISAP_CHANNEL is (s:SP) end channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- process definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process MAIN [ISAPini, ISAPres:ISAP_CHANNEL] is hide MSAP1, MSAP2:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL in par MSAP1, LOSS -> Station_Ini [ISAPini, MSAP1, LOSS] (1 of DecNumb) -- maximum number of transmissions equal to 1 || MSAP1, MSAP2, LOSS -> Medium [MSAP1, MSAP2, LOSS] || MSAP2 -> Station_Res [MSAP2, ISAPres] end par end hide end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Medium [MSAP1, MSAP2:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] is par Channel_with_loss [MSAP1, MSAP2, LOSS] || Channel_without_loss [MSAP2, MSAP1] end par end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Channel_with_loss [a, b:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] is var d:MSP in loop a (?d) where isMDATreq (d); alt b (MDATind (data (d))) [] LOSS end alt end loop end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Channel_without_loss [a, b:MSAP_CHANNEL] is var d:MSP in loop a (?d) where isMDATreq (d); b (MDATind (data (d))) end loop end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Station_Ini [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] (max:DecNumb) is disrupt Initiator [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (max) by -- former LOTOS process Disconnection expanded inline MSAP (MDATind (DR)); ISAP (IDISind); Station_Ini [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (max) end disrupt end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Initiator [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] (max:DecNumb) is Connectionphase [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (max); i; -- LOTOS operator ">>" Initiator_Dataphase [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (succ (0 of Sequencenumber), max) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Connectionphase [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] (max:DecNumb) is var z:DecNumb in -- former LOTOS process Connectrequest expanded inline ISAP (ICONreq); -- former LOTOS process Connectrequest2 expanded inline loop L1 in alt MSAP (MDATreq (CR)); -- User errors are ignored z := s (0); break L1 [] MSAP (MDATind (CC)) [] var x:SequenceNumber in x:= any SequenceNumber; MSAP (MDATind (AK (x))) -- DR is only accepted by process Disconnection -- System errors are ignored end var end alt end loop; i; -- LOTOS operator ">>" -- former LOTOS process Wait expanded inline loop L2 in alt MSAP (MDATind (CC)); ISAP (ICONconf); assert max != 0; z := 0; break L2 [] var x:Sequencenumber in x := any SequenceNumber; MSAP (MDATind (AK (x))) -- DR is only accepted by process Disconnection -- System errors are ignored end var [] LOSS; if z < max then MSAP (MDATreq (CR)); z := s (z) else assert z == max; ISAP (IDISind); break L2 end if -- Timeout end alt end loop; if z == max then Connectionphase [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (max) end if end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Initiator_Dataphase [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL, LOSS:LOSS_CHANNEL] (number:Sequencenumber, max:DecNumb) is var z:DecNumb, olddata:ISDU in -- former LOTOS process Readytosend expanded inline loop L1 in alt var y:ISDU in y := any ISDU; ISAP (IDATreq (y)); MSAP (MDATreq (DT (number, y))); z := s (0); -- 1 is the first Sequencenumber olddata := y; break L1 end var [] MSAP (MDATind (CC)) [] var x:Sequencenumber in x:= any SequenceNumber; MSAP (MDATind (AK (x))) end var end alt end loop; i; -- LOTOS operator ">>" -- z is number of sendings. At the beginning z=1 -- former LOTOS process Sending expanded inline loop L2 in alt var x:Sequencenumber in x := any SequenceNumber; MSAP (MDATind (AK (x))); if x == number then assert max != 0; z := 0; break L2 elsif z < max then MSAP (MDATreq (DT (number, olddata))); z := s (z) -- The Initiator shall not resend more than max times in case of -- faulty transmission else assert z == max; ISAP (IDISind); break L2 end if end var [] MSAP (MDATind (CC)) [] LOSS; if z < max then MSAP (MDATreq (DT (number, olddata))); z := s (z) else assert z == max; ISAP (IDISind); break L2 end if end alt end loop; if z == 0 then Initiator_Dataphase [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (succ (number), max) else assert z == max; Initiator [ISAP, MSAP, LOSS] (max) end if end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Station_Res [MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL, ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL] is -- former LOTOS process Connectrequest expanded inline loop L1 in alt MSAP (MDATind (CR)); ISAP (ICONind); break L1 [] var x:Sequencenumber, y:ISDU in x := any SequenceNumber; y := any ISDU; MSAP (MDATind (DT (x, y))) -- System errors are ignored end var end alt end loop; i; -- LOTOS operator ">>" disrupt -- former LOTOS process Wait expanded inline ISAP (ICONresp); -- former LOTOS process Wait2 expanded inline loop L2 in alt MSAP (MDATind (CR)) [] var x:Sequencenumber, y:ISDU in x := any SequenceNumber; y := any ISDU; MSAP (MDATind (DT (x, y))) -- System errors are ignored end var [] MSAP (MDATreq (CC)); break L2 end alt end loop; i; -- LOTOS operator ">>" Station_Res_Dataphase [ISAP, MSAP] (succ (1 of Sequencenumber)) by -- former LOTOS process Disconnection expanded inline ISAP (IDISreq); -- former LOTOS process Disc2 expanded inline -- Disc2 allows Responder to reject all IPDUs while it is disconnecting loop L3 in alt MSAP (MDATreq (DR)); break L3 [] MSAP (MDATind (CR)) [] var x:Sequencenumber, y:ISDU in x := any SequenceNumber; y := any ISDU; MSAP (MDATind (DT (x, y))) end var end alt end loop; Station_Res [MSAP, ISAP] end disrupt end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Station_Res_Dataphase [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL] (number:Sequencenumber) is -- number is the last acknowledged Sequencenumber alt var x:Sequencenumber, y:ISDU in x := any SequenceNumber; y := any ISDU; MSAP (MDATind (DT (x, y))); if x == succ (number) then ISAP (IDATind (y)); Dataphase2 [ISAP, MSAP] (x) else assert x == number; Dataphase2 [ISAP, MSAP] (x) end if end var [] MSAP (MDATind (CR)); ISAP (ICONind); -- former LOTOS process Wait expanded inline ISAP (ICONresp); Wait2 [ISAP, MSAP] end alt end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Wait2 [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL] is alt MSAP (MDATind (CR)); Wait2 [ISAP, MSAP] [] var x:Sequencenumber, y:ISDU in x := any SequenceNumber; y := any ISDU; MSAP (MDATind (DT (x, y))); Wait2 [ISAP, MSAP] -- System errors are ignored end var [] MSAP (MDATreq (CC)); Station_Res_Dataphase [ISAP, MSAP] (succ (1 of Sequencenumber)) end alt end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ process Dataphase2 [ISAP:ISAP_CHANNEL, MSAP:MSAP_CHANNEL] (x:Sequencenumber) is alt MSAP (MDATreq (AK (x))); Station_Res_Dataphase [ISAP, MSAP] (x) [] MSAP (MDATind (CR)); ISAP (ICONind); -- former LOTOS process Wait expanded inline ISAP (ICONresp); Wait2 [ISAP, MSAP] end alt end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module