-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Fri Apr 12 10:45:07 CEST 2024] TITLE: Verification of the Invoicing Case Study TOOLS: BCG_CMP, BCG_MIN, CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, LNT2LOTOS, SVL, and XTL AUTHORS: Mihaela Sighireanu, May 1998. The work on this application has been performed in February and May 1998. See http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Sighireanu-Turner-98.html and http://cadp.inria.fr/case-studies/98-a-invoice.html Upgraded by Frederic Lang and Hubert Garavel in June 2001. The main improvement is the replacement of the Makefile written by Mihaela Sighireanu with a (shorter) SVL script. Upgraded by Frederic Lang and Hubert Garavel in January 2015 to inline XTL formulas in the SVL script and to take advantage of the new property/check statements of SVL. Translated to LNT in January 2022 by Reyhane Falanji and Florian Gallay as part of a student project. The translation was revised and simplified by Hubert Garavel in August 2022. CONTENTS OF THE PRESENT DIRECTORY: macros.xtl definitions common to all XTL properties demo.svl SVL script guiding the verification =READ_ME.txt this file inv2d_p_r_a.lnt data-oriented descriptions (DOD) CHANNELS.lnt channel library DATAD.lnt data library for DOD INVOICE.lnt process library for DOD inv2p_p_r_a.lnt process-oriented descriptions (POD) DATAP.lnt data library for POD ORDERS.lnt process library for POD STOCKS.lnt process library for POD inv2p_new_p_r_a.lnt modified process-oriented descriptions to support state variables test (NPOD) ORDERS_NEW.lnt modified process library for NPOD inv2d_safety_p_r_a.lnt modified data-oriented descriptions to support safety equivalence (SDOD) CONTENTS OF THE LOTOS DIRECTORY: inv2d_p_r_a.lotos data-oriented descriptions (DOD) inv2d_p_r_a.t auxiliary file containing iterators DATAD.lib data library for DOD INVOICE.lib process library for DOD inv2p_p_r_a.lotos process-oriented descriptions (POD) inv2p_p_r_a.t auxiliary file containing iterators DATAP.lib data library for POD ORDERS.lib process library for POD STOCKS.lib process library for POD inv2p_new_p_r_a.lotos modified process-oriented descriptions to support state variables test (NPOD) inv2p_new_p_r_a.t auxiliary file containing iterators ORDERS_NEW.lib modified process library for NPOD inv2d_safety_p_r_a.lotos modified data-oriented descriptions to support safety equivalence (SDOD) inv2d_safety_p_r_a.t auxiliary file containing iterators REMARKS: The size of the graphs depends on the maximal numbers of order references , the maximal numbers of products , and the maximal numbers of amounts . In "macros.xtl" file, the constant "N" must be initialized with the maximal value of order references . Some particular LTSs belonging to description having M_p=1 cannot be generated because of state explosion or of large computation time. If you have enough computation power and time available, you may try these examples by modifying the script "demo.svl" to enable M_p=1 in the second "for" loop. INSTRUCTIONS: - The appropriate invocations are described in the "demo.svl" file. Execution of the verification scenario can be performed by typing: $ svl demos or even simply $ svl - Cleanup of the current directory can be obtained by typing: $ svl -clean demos or even simply $ svl -clean REFERENCES: - Mihaela Sighireanu, Model-checking Validation of the LOTOS Descriptions of the Invoicing Case Study, appeared in Proceeding of the First International Workshop on Comparing System Specification Techniques, CSST'98, Nantes, March 26--27 1998. (Short version of the report below.) - Mihaela Sighireanu, Ken Turner, Invoicing Problem: (E-)LOTOS Description and Model-checking Verification, to appear as INRIA Research Report.