-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Fri Jun 7 12:15:54 CEST 2024] This directory contains an example for BCG, CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, BCG_TRANSIENT, LNT2LOTOS, and SVL. It describes the specification and the computation of time dependent througput measures of a simple failure model for the Hubble space telescope. After generation, the state space is first transformed into an Interactive Markov Chain, then reduced to a Continuous Time Markov Chain, and finally analysed at various time points. A graphics is produced using Gnuplot. * The specification is described in: * H. Hermanns. Construction and Verification of Performance and * Reliability Models. Bulletin of the European Association of * Theoretical Computer Science 74:135-154, 2001. The model was originally specified in LOTOS and translated to LNT in 2013. The computed throughput measures indicate how the activities related to the failures and repairs of the telescope change as time advances, and how they fade out on the long run. Files: hubble.lnt LNT specification of the Hubble (2022) hubble_orig.lnt former LNT specification of the Hubble (2013) hubble.plot Gnuplot input file demo.svl SVL verification script LOTOS/hubble.lotos LOTOS specification of the Hubble LOTOS/demo.svl SVL verification script doc/Hermanns-01.pdf H. Hermanns' paper (EATCS 2001 bulletin) doc/slides_lnt.pdf H. Garavel's slides - LNT specification (2022) doc/slides_lotos.pdf H. Garavel's slides - LOTOS specification (2011) The verification scenario is described and commented in the file "demo.svl". It can be run by typing $ svl demo or even simply $ svl After the verification you may type $ svl -clean demo or even simply $ svl -clean to remove all the generated files.