#!/bin/sh # # CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) # http://cadp.inria.fr # # tst version 1.570 -- date 2025/01/10 10:25:49 -- Hubert Garavel # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ATTENTION 1: toutes les lignes ci-dessus doivent etre des commentaires # # ATTENTION 2: les lignes de cette section doivent obligatoirement se terminer # par un commentaire afin de neutraliser les '\r' parasites dans le cas ou le # shell de Cygwin n'aurait pas l'option 'igncr' correctement positionnee # CHECK_CYGWIN_INSTALLATION() { # RESULT=0 # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # recherche du fichier /etc/setup/cadp_cygwin cree par cadp_cygwin.com # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if [ -f /etc/setup/cadp_cygwin ] # then # # note : si /etc/setup/cadp_cygwin comporte plusieurs lignes # (c'est-a-dire si cadp_cygwin.com a ete appele plusieurs fois) # on affiche la liste des numeros de versions VERSION_LIST=`sed -e 's/^cadp_cygwin.com \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/' /etc/setup/cadp_cygwin` # VERSION_LIST=`echo $VERSION_LIST` # echo '' # echo "The shell-script \`\`cadp_cygwin.com'' (version $VERSION_LIST) has been applied" # else # echo '' # echo "*** The shell-script \`\`cadp_cygwin.com'' has not been applied" # RESULT=1 # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # verification pour savoir si /bin/sh.exe accepte l'option igncr # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( /bin/sh.exe -o igncr true 2> /dev/null ) # if [ $? -ne 2 ] # then # echo '' # echo "Command \`\`/bin/sh.exe'' accepts option \`\`igncr''" # SH_IGNCR=0 # else # echo '' # echo "*** Command \`\`/bin/sh.exe'' refuses option \`\`igncr''" # SH_IGNCR=1 # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # verification pour savoir si /bin/sh.exe est identique a /bin/bash.exe # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cmp -s /bin/bash.exe /bin/sh.exe # if [ $? -eq 0 ] # then # echo '' # echo "Commands \`\`/bin/sh.exe'' and \`\`/bin/bash.exe'' are identical" # else # echo '' # echo "Commands \`\`/bin/sh.exe'' and \`\`/bin/bash.exe'' are different" # if [ $SH_IGNCR -eq 1 ] # then # # on a une erreur fatale RESULT=1 # fi # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # on regarde si /etc/profile a ete patche par cadp_cygwin.com # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if [ ! -f /etc/profile ] # then # echo '' # echo "*** File /etc/profile does not exist" # echo " Please, notify cadp@inria.fr" # ETC_PROFILE_OK=0 # else # cat /etc/profile | tr -d '\015' | grep -s '^set -o igncr ; export SHELLOPTS$' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # if [ $? -eq 0 ] # then # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/etc/profile'' exists and has been patched" # ETC_PROFILE_OK=1 # else # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/etc/profile'' exists and has not been patched" # ETC_PROFILE_OK=0 # fi # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # on regarde si /Cygwin.bat a ete patche par cadp_cygwin.com # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if [ ! -f /Cygwin.bat ] # then # echo '' # echo "*** File /Cygwin.bat does not exist" # echo " Please, notify cadp@inria.fr" # CYGWIN_BAT_OK=0 # else # cat /Cygwin.bat | tr -d '\015' | grep '^set SHELLOPTS=igncr$' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null # if [ $? -eq 0 ] # then # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/Cygwin.bat'' exists and has been patched" # CYGWIN_BAT_OK=1 # else # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/Cygwin.bat'' exists and has not been patched" # CYGWIN_BAT_OK=0 # fi # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # on verifie l'existence de /Cygwin-Terminal.ico # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if [ -f /Cygwin-Terminal.ico ] # then # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/Cygwin-Terminal.ico'' exists" # CYGWIN_TERMINAL_OK=1 # else # echo '' # echo "File \`\`/Cygwin-Terminal.ico'' does not exist" # CYGWIN_TERMINAL_OK=0 # fi # # if [ $ETC_PROFILE_OK -eq 0 -a ! \( $CYGWIN_BAT_OK -eq 1 -a $CYGWIN_TERMINAL_OK -eq 0 \) ] # then # # autre cas d'erreur fatale RESULT=1 # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # on verifie la presence de liens symboliques si Cygwin pas dans C:/ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CYGWIN_ROOT=`cygpath -w /` # if [ "$CYGWIN_ROOT" != "C:\\" ] # then # for DIR in bin dev etc home lib sbin tmp usr var # do # if [ ! -L "C:\\$DIR" ] # then # echo '' # echo "*** Symbolic link \`\`C:\\$DIR -> $CYGWIN_ROOT\\$DIR'' is missing" # # erreur fatale RESULT=1 # elif [ ! "C:\\$DIR" -ef "$CYGWIN_ROOT\\$DIR" ] # then # echo '' # echo "*** Symbolic link \`\`C:\\$DIR'' does not point to \`\`$CYGWIN_ROOT\\$DIR'' as expected" # # erreur fatale RESULT=1 # else # echo '' # echo "Symbolic link \`\`C:\\$DIR -> $CYGWIN_ROOT\\$DIR'' exists" # fi # done # fi # # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # message d'erreur recapitulatif eventuel # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if [ $RESULT = 1 ] # then # echo '' # echo "*** Your version of Cygwin is not properly installed" # echo " The CADP software will not function on this system" # echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" # echo " Download the \`\`cadp_cygwin.com'' shell-script from:" # echo " https://cadp.inria.fr/ftp/cadp/installator.win64/cadp_cygwin.com" # echo " Save this script as a file and execute it using the following command:" # echo " /bin/bash -o igncr cadp_cygwin.com" # fi # return $RESULT # } # # if [ -x /bin/cygpath.exe -a `expr "$SHELLOPTS" : '.*igncr.*'` = 0 ] # then # # On est sous Windows/Cygwin et la variable $SHELLOPTS ne contient pas # la valeur indispensable "igncr" qui permet de tolerer les caracteres # '\r' dans les shell-scripts. Voir discussion plus detaillee : # http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2010-08/msg00015.html echo '' # echo "*** Variable \`\`\$SHELLOPTS'' does not contain option \`\`igncr''" # echo " The CADP software will not function on this system" # echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" # CHECK_CYGWIN_INSTALLATION # exit 1 # fi # # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TST_BANNER="This is \`\`tst'' version 1.570 (2025/01/10 10:25:49)" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cette commande peut etre appelee avec 0 ou 1 argument # # - S'il y a zero argument : on suppose que le logiciel CADP est installe' sur # la machine courante ; dans ce cas on fait une double verification, en # testant a la fois le systeme d'exploitation de la machine et la maniere # dont CADP est installe'. Ce mode de fonctionnement de "tst" sert APRES # l'installation de CADP. # # - S'il y a un argument : cet argument doit etre un nom d'architecture (sun4, # sun5, etc.) ; dans ce cas on ne teste que le systeme d'exploitation de la # machine courante, sans supposer que CADP est installe' sur cette machine. # Ce mode de fonctionnement de "tst" sert AVANT l'installation de CADP. if [ "$1" = "" ] then CHECK_CADP=1 else CHECK_CADP=0 fi export CHECK_CADP # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAIL_LINE () { if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_tail -n 1 else case "$ARCH" in sun3 | sun4 | sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) tail -1 ;; * ) tail -n 1 ;; esac fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE () { # recherche le repertoire $2 dans la liste de repertoires $1 (qui suit # les conventions de la variable $PATH) ; on prend en compte le fait # que les repertoires de $1 peuvent eventuellement finir par "/" et # l'on suppose que $2 ne finit pas par "/" SAVED_IFS=$IFS IFS=":" for DIR in $1 do if [ "$DIR" = "$2" -o "$DIR" = "$2/" ] then IFS=$SAVED_IFS return 0 fi done IFS=$SAVED_IFS return 1 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAGNOSTIC () { # cette commande affiche un message d'aide # argument(s) facultatif(s) : # argument $1 : "-n" s'il ne faut pas sauter de ligne en fin du message # de diagnostic if [ "@$1" = "@-n" ] then OPTION_N="-n" shift else OPTION_N="" fi # arguments obligatoires # argument $1 : repertoire pour sun3, sun4 # argument $2 : repertoire pour sun5, sun64, sol86, sol64 # argument $3 : repertoire pour iX86, x64, ia64 # argument $4 : repertoire pour win32, win64 # argument $5 : repertoire pour macOS, mac86, mac64 if [ "$#" -ne 5 ] then echo "*** internal error: extra or missing arguments to DIAGNOSTIC()" fi case $ARCH in sun3 | sun4 ) WHERE "$PATH" "$1" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory $1 to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> Install the SunOS package containing this command" fi ;; sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) WHERE "$PATH" "$2" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory $2 to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> Install the Solaris package containing this command" fi ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) WHERE "$PATH" "$3" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory $3 to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> Install the Linux package containing this command" fi ;; win32 | win64 ) WHERE "$PATH" "$4" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory $4 to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> Install the Cygwin package containing this command" fi ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) WHERE "$PATH" "$5" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory $5 to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" fi ;; * ) echo "==> Unknown architecture \`\`$ARCH''" ;; esac if [ "$OPTION_N" = "" ] then echo '' fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHICH () { # argument $1 : nom de la commande dont on verifie l'existence # ou que l'on recherche dans la liste $PATH. Attention: cet # argument peut contenir des espaces, comme par exemple # /Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe # c'est pourquoi on positionne a ':' la variable $IFS du shell qui # sert a definir les separateurs entre les noms de fichiers FILE="$1" case "$FILE" in /* ) # chemin absolu if test -x "$FILE" then echo `dirname "$FILE"` return 0 else echo "" return 0 fi ;; * ) # chemin relatif SAVED_IFS=$IFS IFS=":" for DIR in $PATH do if [ -x "$DIR/$FILE" ] then # on supprime le "/" final eventuel de $DIR echo "$DIR" | sed -e 's+/$++' IFS=$SAVED_IFS return 0 fi done echo "" IFS=$SAVED_IFS return 0 ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_PRESENT () { # argument optionnel -s (silent) : aucun message d'erreur si la # commande specifiee n'existe pas # argument $1 : nom de la commande dont on verifie l'existence # cet argument peut contenir des espaces, comme par exemple # "/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe" # argument $2 (optionnel) : nom de la variable d'environnement # (si elle existe) qui est censee contenir la valeur $1 if [ "$1" = "-s" ] then SILENT=1 shift else SILENT=0 fi if [ "$1" = "" ] then echo '' echo "*** Unexpected empty value" if [ "$2" = "" ] then echo "==> Please report the problem to cadp@inria.fr" else echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2 to learn about variable \$$2" echo "==> Install the third-party software that seems to be missing" echo "==> Make sure that your \$PATH variable gives access to it, and re-run \`\`tst''" fi # on renvoie 0 et non pas 1 pour eviter des messages return 0 fi WHICH_DIRECTORY=`WHICH "$1"` if [ "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" != "" ] then echo "Command \`\`$1'' is ok" return 0 else if [ "$SILENT" = 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Can't find command \`\`$1''" fi return 1 fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC () { # argument(s) facultatif(s) : # argument $1 : -n indiquant qu'on ne doit pas sauter de ligne # supplementaire a la fin du message de diagnostic eventuel if [ "@$1" = "@-n" ] then OPTION_N="-n" shift else OPTION_N="" fi # arguments obligatoires : # argument $1 : nom de la commande dont on verifie l'existence # arguments restants : liste de repertoires dans laquelle la commande # $1 devrait se trouver en fonction de l'architecture courante # argument $2 : repertoire pour sun3, sun4 # argument $3 : repertoire pour sun5, sun64, sol86, sol64 # argument $4 : repertoire pour iX86, x64, ia64 # argument $5 : repertoire pour win32, win64 # argument $6 : repertoire pour macOS, mac86, mac64 if [ $# -ne 6 ] then echo "Command \`\`$1'': internal error: extra or missing arguments to CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC ()" fi CHECK_PRESENT $1 RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT = 1 ] then shift DIAGNOSTIC $OPTION_N "$@" fi return $RESULT } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_ACCESS () { echo '' WHERE "$1" "$2" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "*** Can't locate directory \`\`$2'' in \`\`$4''" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2 and" echo "==> Add directory \`\`$3'' to your \`\`$4'' variable" else echo "Directory \`\`$3'' is included in the \`\`$4'' variable" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARCH_IN_LIST () { # argument 1 : commande a rechercher # argument 2 : liste de repertoires COMMAND=$1 DIRS=$2 WHICH_DIRECTORY=`WHICH $1` if [ "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" = "" ] then return fi for D in $DIRS do if [ "$D" = "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" ] then return elif cmp -s "$D/$COMMAND" "$WHICH_DIRECTORY/$COMMAND" then return fi done FIRST_DIR=`echo $DIRS | sed -e s'/\ .*//'` echo "==> But using \`\`$WHICH_DIRECTORY/$COMMAND'' instead of \`\`$FIRST_DIR/$COMMAND'' might create problems" echo "==> If you notice something wrong, try to re-order your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_LOCATION () { if [ "$#" -ne 6 ] then echo "*** internal error: extra or missing arguments to CHECK_LOCATION()" fi if [ "$ARCH" != win32 -a "$ARCH" != win64 ] then COMMAND=`basename "$1"` else COMMAND=`basename "$1"`.exe fi DIRS_SUN34="$2" DIRS_SUN5="$3" DIRS_IX86="$4" DIRS_WIN32="$5" DIRS_MACOS="$6" case $ARCH in sun3 | sun4 ) SEARCH_IN_LIST "$COMMAND" "$DIRS_SUN34" ;; sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) SEARCH_IN_LIST "$COMMAND" "$DIRS_SUN5" ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) SEARCH_IN_LIST "$COMMAND" "$DIRS_IX86" ;; win32 | win64 ) SEARCH_IN_LIST "$COMMAND" "$DIRS_WIN32" ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) SEARCH_IN_LIST "$COMMAND" "$DIRS_MACOS" ;; * ) echo "==> Unknown architecture \`\`$ARCH''" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTE_CC () { # renvoie le nom plausible du compilateur C utilise if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_cc -default else # CADP n'est pas encore installe sur la machine courante # tentative rudimentaire de determiner le compilateur C sans recopier # extensivement le code de cadp_cc et cadp_compiler case $ARCH in sun3 | sun4 | sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) echo ${CADP_CC:-cc} ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 | macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) echo ${CADP_CC:-gcc} ;; win32 ) if [ "$CADP_CC" != "" ] then echo "$CADP_CC" elif [ -x /bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gcc ] then # version recente de Cygwin echo "/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gcc" elif [ -x /usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc ] then # version Cygwin 64 bits - compilateur 32 bits echo "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc" elif [ -x /bin/gcc-3 ] then # version ancienne de Cygwin echo "/bin/gcc-3 -m32 -mno-cygwin" else # solution peu satisfaisante echo "/bin/gcc -m32 -mno-cygwin" fi ;; win64 ) if [ "$CADP_CC" != "" ] then echo "$CADP_CC" elif [ -x /usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ] then # version Cygwin 64 bits - compilateur 64 bits echo "/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" else # solution peu satisfaisante echo "/bin/gcc -m64 -mno-cygwin" fi ;; * ) echo "compiler-for-unknown-architecture-$ARCH" esac fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CC () { if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 -a -x "$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler" ] then case "`$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler $CC`" in cc-* ) echo "cc" ;; clang-* ) echo "clang" ;; gcc-* ) echo "gcc" ;; icc-* ) echo "icc" ;; unknown-* ) echo "unknown" ;; esac else # tentative rudimentaire de determiner le compilateur C sans recopier # extensivement le code de cadp_compiler case "`basename "$CC"`" in cc* ) # grossiere approximation case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 ) echo "cc" ;; * ) echo "gcc" ;; esac ;; clang* ) echo "clang" ;; gcc* ) echo "gcc" ;; icc* ) echo "icc" ;; suncc* ) echo "cc" ;; * ) echo "unknown" ;; esac fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_SOLARIS_COMPILER () { # on regarde s'il existe /opt/sunstudio12.1 etc. LIST1=`/bin/ls -d /opt/sunstudio1* 2> /dev/null` # on regarde s'il existe /opt/solstudio12.1 etc. LIST2=`/bin/ls -d /opt/solstudio1* 2> /dev/null` # on regarde s'il existe /opt/solarisstudio12.4 etc. LIST3=`/bin/ls -d /opt/solarisstudio1* 2> /dev/null` # on regarde s'il existe /opt/developerstudio12.6 etc. LIST4=`/bin/ls -d /opt/developerstudio1* 2> /dev/null` if [ -h /opt/SUNWspro ] then # /opt/SUNWspro est un lien symbolique : on ne dit rien true elif [ -d /opt/SUNWspro ] then # /opt/SUNWspro est un repertoire if [ "$LIST1" != "" -o "$LIST2" != "" -o "$LIST3" != "" -o "$LIST4" != "" ] then echo "" echo "*** /opt/SUNWspro exists but more recent C compiler(s) may be available in" echo " "`echo "$LIST1 $LIST2 $LIST3 $LIST4" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'` echo "==> We recommend to continue installing recent versions of the C compiler" echo " in /opt/SUNWspro, so as to benefit from Oracle system updates" fi else # on suppose que /opt/SUNWspro n'existe pas (on neglige les cas tordus) if [ "$LIST1" != "" -o "$LIST2" != "" -o "$LIST3" != "" -o "$LIST4" != "" ] then echo "" echo "*** /opt/SUNWspro does not exist but recent C compiler(s) are available in" echo " "`echo "$LIST1 $LIST2 $LIST3 $LIST4" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'` echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2 and possibly create /opt/SUNWspro as" echo " a symbolic link pointing to the most recent C compiler" else echo "" echo "*** /opt/SUNWspro does not exist" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2 to install Oracle Developer Studio" fi fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_C_COMPILER () { # compilation et execution d'un programme C minimal TEMPORARY="$TEMP/test_$$" cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include int main () { puts ("Hello Vasy"); return 0; } EOF (cd "$TEMP" ; "$CC" $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY) > /dev/null 2>&1 # note : le changement de repertoire avant de lancer $CC est rendu # necessaire par un bug des compilateurs SunStudio (Sparc ou Intel) : # si l'option -o comporte un chemin absolu, celui-ci semble etre # ignore lorsque le compilateur cherche a produire le fichier .o et # la compilation echoue donc si l'on n'a pas le droit d'ecriture # dans le repertoire courant if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "*** \`\`$CC'' failed to compile a minimal C program" echo "==> Check that your C compiler is installed properly" else test "`$TEMPORARY 2>/dev/null`" = "Hello Vasy" RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo "*** A minimal C program compiled using \`\`$CC'' did not execute properly" if [ \( "$ARCH" = "iX86" -o "$ARCH" = "x64" -o "$ARCH" = "ia64" \) -a "`CHECK_CC`" = "icc" ] then # cas du compilateur icc pour Linux pour lequel # $LD_LIBRARY_PATH doit etre positionnee pour # executer les binaires produits par icc avec # edition dynamique de liens echo "==> Set variable \`\`\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' to access the Intel CC runtime library" echo " (e.g., `dirname $CC`/../lib)" else echo "==> Check that your C compiler is installed properly" fi fi fi rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY $TEMPORARY.exe } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CC_VERSION () { echo '' if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 -a -x "$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler" ] then echo "Current C compiler is \`\``$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler $CC`''" else echo "Current cc version is \`\`"`($CC -V 2>&1 || echo '0 (unknown)') | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/.*\([0-9]\.[0-9]\).*/\1/'`"''" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_GCC_VERSION () { echo '' if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 -a -x "$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler" ] then echo "Current C compiler is \`\``$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler $CC`''" else echo "Current gcc version is \`\`"`($CC -v 2>&1 || echo '0 (unknown)') | TAIL_LINE | sed -e 's/^[^0-9]*//'`"''" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_ICC_VERSION () { echo '' if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 -a -x "$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler" ] then echo "Current C compiler is \`\``$CADP/src/com/cadp_compiler $CC`''" else echo "Current icc version is \`\`"`($CC -V 2>&1 || echo '0 (unknown)') | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/.*Version \([.0-9]*\).*ID: \(l_cc_.*\)$/\1 (\2)/'`"''" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CC_ISSUES () { if [ "$ARCH" = "iX86" ] then # le compilateur C de Sun, lorsqu'il fait l'edition de liens # sur des binaires iX86 produits par gcc, necessite d'ajouter # libgcc.a pour eviter des messages d'erreur de la forme : # undefined reference to `__umoddi3' # undefined reference to `__udivdi3' # ceci est fait dans le script cadp_cc # on verifie ici que la bibliotheque libgcc.a a bien ete # installee (ce qui, selon les distributions Linux, n'est # pas systematique) # la commande ci-dessous existe aussi dans "cadp_cc" et devra # etre mise a jour en meme temps que le present fichier LIBGCC=`ls -r /usr/lib/gcc/i?86-*-*/*.*.*/libgcc.a /usr/lib/gcc-lib/*-redhat-linux/*.*/libgcc.a 2>/dev/null | head -n1` if [ "$LIBGCC" = "" ] then echo "*** The Sun C compiler on 32-bit Linux requires the libgcc.a library" echo " which seems to be missing from this system" echo " The CADP software will not function properly on this system" echo "==> Install the libgcc.a library, which can be found in the \`\`gcc'' package" echo " (on Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) or in the \`\`compat-libgcc-296.i386'' package" echo " (on RedHat, Fedora, etc.)" fi fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_ICC_ISSUES () { # detection de la bogue #1 de ICC: la version l_cc_c_9.0.030 n'etend # pas correctement le signe des "unsigned char" et "unsigned short" # lors d'une promotion vers le type "int". Cela ne se produit qu'avec # l'option d'optimisation "-O1", qui est une option par defaut de ICC. # Cette bogue a ete corrigee en mars 2006 par Intel: Q338282 # "sign extension on cast from unsigned short to int when optimized" # et ne se produit plus a partir de la version l_cc_c_9.0.031. TEMPORARY="$TEMP/test_$$" cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include int main () { volatile unsigned char v = 1 << 7; v = v >> 7; printf ("%d", v); return 0; } EOF "$CC" $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY > /dev/null 2>&1 test "`$TEMPORARY 2> /dev/null`" = "1" RESULT=$? rm $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Your version of the icc compiler is obsolete (bug #1)" echo " The CADP software will not function properly on this system" echo "==> Upgrade icc to version 9.0.031 or later" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_1 () { # fonction appelee uniquement sur architectures Linux (iX86, x64, ia64) # determine la version de la GNU libc en consultant le repertoire /lib # ou /lib32 ou /lib64 (ls /lib/libc-*.so 2>/dev/null || ls /lib32/libc-*.so 2>/dev/null || ls /lib64/libc-*.so 2>/dev/null || echo "") | sed -e 's+^/lib[3264]*/libc-++g' | sed -e 's+\.so++g' } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_2 () { # fonction appelee uniquement sur architectures Linux (iX86, x64, ia64) # determine la version de la GNU libc en generant et compilant un # programme C qui appelle la fonction gnu_get_libc_version() TEMPORARY="$TEMP/test_$$" cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include #include int main (void) { puts (gnu_get_libc_version ()); return 0; } EOF (cd "$TEMP" ; $CC $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY && $TEMPORARY) 2> /dev/null # le changement de repertoire est prevu pour le cas ou $CC pointerait # vers un compilateur Sun (voir remarque ci-dessus a ce sujet) rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_3 () { # fonction appelee uniquement sur architectures Linux (iX86, x64, ia64) # determine la version de la GNU libc en executant la bibliotheque # libc.so.* ; pour trouver son chemin, on recherche les dependances # (au sens de ldd) d'un binaire quelconque lie' dynamiquement # (ici /bin/sh) ; selon la distribution de Linux, la libc ainsi # trouvee n'est pas necessairement executable ; on la fait donc # executer par "ld-linux", dont on trouve egalement le chemin dans # les dependances de tout binaire lie' dynamiquement LD_LINUX=`ldd /bin/sh 2> /dev/null | grep ld-linux | sed -n -e 's/.* => \(.*\) (.*)/\1/p'` if test -x "$LD_LINUX" then LIBC=`ldd /bin/sh 2> /dev/null | grep 'libc\.' | sed -n -e 's/.* => \(.*\) (.*)/\1/p'` VERSION=`"$LD_LINUX" "$LIBC" 2> /dev/null | head -n 1 | sed -n -e 's/.* version \([^ ,]*\).*/\1/p'` fi case "$VERSION" in [0-9]*.* ) echo "$VERSION" ;; * ) echo "" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_4 () { # fonction appelee uniquement sur architectures Linux (iX86, x64, ia64) # determine la version de la GNU libc en appellant "ldd --version" VERSION=`ldd --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/ldd ([^)]*) //'` case "$VERSION" in [0-9]*.* ) echo "$VERSION" ;; * ) echo "" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_GLIBC_VERSION () { # fonction appelee uniquement sur architectures Linux (iX86, x64, ia64) GLIBC_VERSION=`GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_1` if [ "$GLIBC_VERSION" = "*" -o "$GLIBC_VERSION" = "" ] then GLIBC_VERSION=`GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_2` if [ "$GLIBC_VERSION" = "" ] then GLIBC_VERSION=`GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_3` if [ "$GLIBC_VERSION" = "" ] then GLIBC_VERSION=`GLIBC_VERSION_METHOD_4` if [ "$GLIBC_VERSION" = "" ] then GLIBC_VERSION="(unknown)" fi fi fi fi echo '' echo "Current glibc version is \`\`$GLIBC_VERSION''" case "$GLIBC_VERSION" in 1.* | 2.[0-9] | 2.[0-9].* | 2.10 | 2.10.* ) # detection des versions de glibc anterieures a 2.11 # pour lesquelles CADP risque de ne pas fonctionner echo '' echo "*** Your glibc library might be outdated" echo "==> If you notice something wrong (especially 'undefined symbols' problems)" echo " try to upgrade your glibc to version 2.11 or higher" ;; esac # verification specifique aux machines AMD64 et Intel EM64T if [ $DETAILED_ARCH = iX86-64 -a \ -d "/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu" -a ! -f "/usr/include/gnu/stubs-32.h" ] then echo '' echo "*** The 32-bit development library seems to be missing" echo "==> Install an i386 version of the \`\`glibc-devel'' library" echo " (e.g., CentOS package \`\`glibc-devel.i386'')" echo " (e.g., Debian/Ubuntu package \`\`libc6-dev-i386'')" echo " (e.g., Fedora package \`\`glibc-devel-i586'')" echo " (e.g., RedHat package \`\`glibc-devel-2.*.*-*.i386'')" echo " (e.g., Suse/OpenSuse package \`\`glibc-devel-32bit'')" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CYGWIN_PIPES () { # verification du comportement des tubes Cygwin vis-a-vis des # caracteres \r ; ce comportement a change en fevrier 2017 pour # les commandes awk, grep et sed N=`printf "a\r\n" | sed -e 's/a//' | wc -c | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'` case "$N" in 1 ) echo '' echo "Cygwin pipes operate in text mode (erasing CR characters)" ;; 2 ) echo '' echo "Cygwin pipes operate in binary mode (preserving CR characters)" ;; * ) echo '' echo "*** Unexpected value \`\`$N'' while testing Cygwin pipes" echo "==> Please report the problem to cadp@inria.fr" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CYGWIN_MOUNT () { # verification que les systemes de fichiers Cygwin sont montes en # mode binaire (ce qui est la situation par defaut depuis la fin # des annees 200x) et non pas en mode texte (ce qui etait le cas # auparavant) LIST=`mount | grep -v '\'` if [ "$LIST" = "" ] then echo '' echo "All the Cygwin filesystems are mounted in binary mode" else echo '' echo "*** Some Cygwin filesystems are mounted in text mode" mount fi # recherche du repertoire d'installation de Cygwin CYGWIN_DIR=`mount | grep ' / ' 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/[ ].*//'` # on verifie que "mount" a rendu le resultat attendu, c'est-a-dire que # $CYGWIN_DIR ne contient qu'une seule ligne et que cette ligne a la # forme d'un chemin Windows (par exemple, "C:\") if [ "`echo $CYGWIN_DIR | wc -l`" -ne 1 -o \ "`echo $CYGWIN_DIR | sed -e 's/^[A-Z]:.*/OK/'`" != "OK" ] then # comportement inattendu: on affiche le point de montage du # repertoire '/' en utilisant notre propre version de "mount" TEMPORARY="$TEMP/test_$$" cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include #include #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct mntent *ent; char *path = NULL; if (argc == 2) { path = argv[1]; /* le seul chemin a afficher */ } else if (argc > 2) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [posix-path]\n", argv[0]); return 1; /* mauvais appel */ } while ((ent = getmntent (NULL))) { if (path) { if (strcmp (path, ent->mnt_dir) == 0) printf ("%s\n", ent->mnt_fsname); } else { printf ("%s\t%s\n", ent->mnt_dir, ent->mnt_fsname); } } return 0; } EOF CC=`COMPUTE_CC` $CC $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY.exe CYGWIN_DIR=`$TEMPORARY.exe /` rm -f "$TEMPORARY.c" "$TEMPORARY.exe" fi LOCATION=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -cygwin` # exemples de ce qu'on peut avoir : # - $CYGWIN_DIR = "C:/Cygwin" et $LOCATION = "C:/Cygwin" # - $CYGWIN_DIR = "C:" et $LOCATION = "C:/" if [ "$CYGWIN_DIR" != "$LOCATION" -a "$CYGWIN_DIR/" != "$LOCATION" ] then echo '' echo "*** Your Cygwin mount point \`\`$CYGWIN_DIR'' for the root directory \`\`/''" echo " does not coincide with the directory \`\`$LOCATION'' where Cygwin" echo " is installed" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPAND_VM_TYPE () { case "$1" in none ) ;; acrn ) echo "ACRN hypervisor" ;; bhyve ) echo "FreeBSD hypervisor bhyve" ;; bochs ) echo "Bochs Emulator" ;; docker ) echo "Docker container manager" ;; kvm ) echo "Linux KVM kernel virtual machine" ;; lxc ) echo "Linux container implementation by LXC" ;; lxc-libvirt ) echo "Linux container implementation by libvirt" ;; microsoft ) echo "Hyper-V Windows server virtualization" ;; openvz ) echo "OpenVZ/Virtuozzo" ;; oracle ) echo "Oracle VM VirtualBox" ;; parallels ) echo "Parallels Desktop or Server" ;; podman ) echo "Podman container manager" ;; pouch ) echo "Pouch container engine" ;; powervm ) echo "IBM PowerVM hypervisor" ;; proot ) echo "Proot userspace emulator" ;; qemu ) echo "QEMU software virtualization" ;; qnx ) echo "QNX hypervisor" ;; rkt ) echo "rkt app container runtime" ;; systemd-nspawn ) echo "systemd-nspawn" ;; uml ) echo "User-mode Linux" ;; vmware ) echo "VMWare" ;; wsl ) echo "Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL1 or WSL2)" ;; xen ) echo "Xen Hypervisor" ;; zvm ) echo "s390 z/VM" ;; * ) echo "unknown" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY_VIRTUAL_MACHINE () { VM_TYPE="" case $ARCH in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 | macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) # on omet la possibilite que ces architectures fonctionnent # dans une machine virtuelle ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) # sous Linux, il existe plusieurs moyens de detecter si on # est dans une machine virtuelle if [ -x /usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt ] then RESULT=`/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt` if [ "$RESULT" = "microsoft" -a "$WSL_DISTRO_NAME" != "" ] then # systemd-detect-virt (version 245) ne # detecte pas toujours WSL, car il recherche # uniquement les chaines "Microsoft" ou "WSL" # dans /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease, alors que # ce fichier peut aussi contenir la chaine # "microsoft" ; on corrige cette erreur RESULT="wsl" fi VM_TYPE=`EXPAND_VM_TYPE "$RESULT"` DIAGNOSTIC="/usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt says \`\`$RESULT''" elif [ -x /usr/bin/hostnamectl ] then RESULT=`( /usr/bin/hostnamectl 2> /dev/null ) | grep '^[ ]*Virtualization:' | sed -e 's/[ ]*Virtualization:[ ]*//'` VM_TYPE=`EXPAND_VM_TYPE "$RESULT"` DIAGNOSTIC="/usr/bin/hostnamectl says \`\`$RESULT''" elif [ -r /proc/cpuinfo ] then grep '^flags.* hypervisor ' /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then VM_TYPE="unknown" DIAGNOSTIC="/proc/cpuinfo contains the \`\`hypervisor'' flag" fi fi ;; win32 | win64 ) # sous Windows, on detecte l'execution dans une machine # virtuelle par une requete dans la base des registres # Note: il semble que cette la cle existe sous Windows 10 # mais pas sous Windows 7 reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run /v VBoxTray > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then VM_TYPE="Oracle VM VirtualBox" fi ;; esac case "$VM_TYPE" in "" ) # on n'a pas pu determiner si le systeme tourne dans une # machine virtuelle, on ne dit rien ;; "unknown" ) # le systeme tourne dans une machine virtuelle mais on n'a # pas su determiner de quel type echo '' echo "The system is running in an unrecognized virtual machine" echo "($DIAGNOSTIC)" ;; * ) # le systeme tourne dans une machine virtuelle dont on a # reussi a determiner le type echo '' echo "The system is running in \`\`$VM_TYPE''" ;; esac # verifications specifiques a WSL2 if [ "$RESULT" = "wsl" ] then # verification qu'on utilise bien CADP x64 if [ $ARCH != "x64" ] then echo '' echo "*** Only architecture x64 of CADP is supported on WSL (but not architecture $ARCH)" fi # verification qu'on utilise bien WSL2 if [ -b /dev/sda ] then # sous WSL2, ce fichier existe R1="1" else # sous WSL1, ce fichier n'existe pas R1="0" fi if [ -f /proc/config.gz ] then # sous WSL2, ce fichier existe R2="1" else # sous WSL1, ce fichier n'existe pas R2="0" fi if [ `cat /proc/interrupts | wc -c` != 0 ] then # sous WSL2, ce fichier est non vide # ne pas utiliser "test -s" car l'inode affiche une taille 0 R3="1" else # sous WSL1, ce fichier est vide R3="0" fi if [ -d /run/WSL ] then # sous WSL2, ce repertoire existe R4="1" else # sous WSL1, ce repertoire n'existe pas R4="0" fi case `tty` in /dev/pts/* ) # sous WSL2, le resultat a cette forme R5="1" ;; not?a?tty ) # cas de l'execution d'un sous-shell R5="1" ;; * ) R5="0" ;; esac R="$R1$R2$R3$R4$R5" if [ "$R" = "11111" ] then echo '' echo "Version 2 of WSL is used " else echo '' echo "*** Only WSL version 2 is supported by CADP (reason: $R)" fi # verification du point de montage if [ -d /mnt/c/Windows ] then echo '' echo "Windows is located in \`\`/mnt/c/Windows''" CMD="/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe" else MNT=`mount | grep "^C:" | cut -d' ' -f3` if [ -d "$MNT/Windows" ] then echo '' echo "Windows is located in \`\`$MNT/Windows''" CMD="$MNT/Windows/System32/cmd.exe" else echo '' echo "*** Cannot locate Windows in WSL mount point \`\`$MNT''" # en esperant que cmd.exe soit accessible via $PATH, # ce qui est le cas sous Debian/Ubuntu, mais pas Suse CMD="cmd.exe" fi fi # affichage de la version de Windows # ver.exe renvoie "Microsoft Windows [version 10.0.19042.804]" avec # des caracteres bizarres apres "]" qu'il faut eliminer par un "sed" WINDOWS_VERSION=`( $CMD /c ver 2>/dev/null ) | sed -e '1d' | sed -e 's/].*/]/'` echo '' echo "Host operating system is \`\`$WINDOWS_VERSION''" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPLAY_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION () { OS=`uname -sr` echo '' echo "Current operating system is \`\`$OS''" case $ARCH in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) if test -f "/etc/release" then SUNOS_DISTRIBUTION=`head -1 /etc/release | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//'` echo '' echo "Current SunOS distribution is \`\`$SUNOS_DISTRIBUTION''" fi ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) if test -f "/etc/gentoo-release" then # sous Gentoo, /etc/issue n'est pas utilisable, car il # contient juste une banniere parametree du style : # .\O (\s \m ) \t LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`cat /etc/gentoo-release` elif test -f "/etc/centos-release" then # sous CentOS, /etc/issue n'est pas utilisable, car il # contient seulement deux lignes # \S # et # Kernel \r on an \m LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`cat /etc/centos-release` elif test -f "/etc/redhat-release" then LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`cat /etc/redhat-release` elif test -f "/etc/system-release" then LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`cat /etc/system-release` elif test -f "/etc/os-release" then # ce fichier existe sous Debian, alors que les fichiers # ci-dessus n'existent pas LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`grep "^PRETTY_NAME=" /etc/os-release | sed -e 's/^PRETTY_NAME="//' | sed -e 's/"$//'` else # on utilise /etc/issue LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`cat /etc/issue | grep -v "^$" | head -1 | sed -e 's/\\\\[lnr]//g' | sed -e 's/^Welcome[ ]to[ ]//'` fi # pour une detection fine des multiples distributions Linux : # - http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Admin/release-files.html # - https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-check-redhat-version LINUX_DISTRIBUTION=`echo "$LINUX_DISTRIBUTION" | sed -e 's/[ ]*$//'` echo '' echo "Current Linux distribution is \`\`$LINUX_DISTRIBUTION''" # exemples de distributions ainsi affichees : # Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 # Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) # Ubuntu 8.04.1 # Mandriva Linux release 2007.1 (Official) for x86_64 # Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.2 (Tikanga) # SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (x86_64) etc. ;; win32 | win64 ) # rien a ajouter ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) echo '' PRODUCT=`sw_vers -productVersion` BUILD=`sw_vers -buildVersion` echo "Current macOS version is $PRODUCT (build $BUILD)" ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_CYGWIN_OPERATING_SYSTEM() { # fonction auxiliaire appelee par CHECK_OPERATING_SYSTEM() WINDOWS_ROOT=`cygpath -w -W` echo '' echo "Windows directory is \`\`$WINDOWS_ROOT''" CYGWIN_ROOT=`cygpath -w /` echo '' echo "Cygwin directory is \`\`$CYGWIN_ROOT''" CHECK_CYGWIN_INSTALLATION || exit 1 # verification du fichier startup: au printemps 2002, il y a eu un # changement dans le fichier "/etc/profile" qui fait que le fichier # ~/.bashrc n'est plus execute systematiquement au demarrage de "bash". # Ce changement est conforme au manuel de "bash" et coherent avec le # fait que d'autres shells que "bash" executent aussi le fichier # "/etc/profile". Neanmoins, il est incompatible avec les versions de # Cygwin plus anciennes et impose a l'utilisateur qu'il renomme son # fichier ".bashrc" en ".profile" grep -q ".bashrc\>" /etc/profile if [ $? -ne 0 ] then # le fichier /etc/profile ne contient pas le mot ".bashrc" # on a donc affaire a une version recente de Cygwin # (posterieure au printemps 2002) if [ -f $HOME/.bashrc -a ! -f $HOME/.profile ] then echo "*** Your startup file should be named \`\`$HOME/.profile''" echo " instead of \`\`$HOME/.bashrc'' (see problem 2001-d in" echo " http://cadp.inria.fr/legacy/patches2001.html)" echo "==> Please, rename your startup file by typing, in a Cygwin window" echo " mv \$HOME/.bashrc \$HOME/.profile" fi fi # recherche de la presence de liens symboliques eventuels dans $CADP if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then NB_LINKS=`find "$CADP/" -type l 2> /dev/null | wc -l` # le caractere "/" apres $CADP est indispensable sous Windows # car, dans ce cas, le repertoire $CADP lui-meme peut etre un # lien symbolique (et doit l'etre) quand Cygwin n'est pas # installe dans "C:/" ; l'ajout de "/" apres $CADP permet de # de suivre ce lien symbolique (eventuel) sans le compter dans # NB_LINKS, ce qui declencherait un message non pertinent if [ "$NB_LINKS" -gt 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Warning: some symbolic links still exist in the \$CADP directory" echo " Symbolic links are specific extensions of Cygwin and, as such, will not" echo " be recognized by pure Windows applications, such as CADP binary programs" echo "==> In order to eliminate these links, please run the following command:" echo " /bin/sh \"\$CADP\"/src/com/cadp_adjust -verbose" fi fi # detection de la bogue #1 de Cygwin : d'anciennes versions du shell # "sh" (egalement appele' "ash") refusaient d'executer les commandes # qui n'ont pas le suffixe ".exe" et dont le pathname contient au moins # un "/". On prend ici le cas d'un fichier ayant un suffixe ".x" comme # ceux produits par certains outils de CADP. Ce probleme semble # desormais resolu (Cygwin 1.5.4, novembre 2003). TEMPORARY="$TEMP/test_$$" cp /bin/echo.exe $TEMPORARY.x # avec Cygwin 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) sous Windows Vista, la commande "cp" ne # transfere pas a $TEMPORARY.x la permission "execute" que possede pour # "/bin/echo.exe" ; ceci est du a un probleme de Cygwin qui ne permet # une correspondance fidele entre les ACL Windows et les permissions # POSIX ; c'est pourquoi, par mesure de precaution, on doit rajouter # explicitement la permission "execute" au fichier copie (sinon, le # fichier ne serait pas executable et "tst" signalerait indument la # bogue #1) chmod a+rx $TEMPORARY.x $TEMPORARY.x > /dev/null 2> /dev/null RESULT=$? rm -f $TEMPORARY.x if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Your version of Cygwin is obsolete or badly installed (bug #1)" echo " The shell was found to exhibit the problem reported in" echo " https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2000-September/041196.html" echo " https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2000-September/041199.html" echo " The CADP software will not function properly on this system" echo "==> Reinstall your Cygwin software following the explanations in" echo " http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" fi # detection et verification du compilateur GCC CC=`COMPUTE_CC` ; export CC # detection de la bogue #2 de Cygwin : d'anciennes versions du shell # "bash" n'eliminaient pas le caractere '\r' en fin de ligne. Ce # probleme semble desormais resolu (Cygwin 1.5.4, novembre 2003). # En decembre 2006, ce probleme reapparait dans la version 3.2.9-10 # de "bash" (et les versions suivantes). cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include #include int main () { printf ("Hello\n"); exit (0); } EOF $CC $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY.exe > $TEMPORARY.log 2>&1 RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Your C compiler \`\`$CC'' does not work properly" cat $TEMPORARY.log rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY.exe $TEMPORARY.log return # le reste de cette fonction est exclusivement consacre a des # verifications portant sur le compilateur C ou necessitant # un compilateur C en etat de fonctionner fi /bin/test "`$TEMPORARY`" = "Hello" RESULT=$? rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY.exe $TEMPORARY.log if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then # verification de la version du shell de Cygwin MAJOR="`/bin/bash --version | head -1 | sed -e 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9.]*\).*/\1/'`" case "$MAJOR" in [012].* ) echo '' echo "*** Your version of Cygwin is obsolete or badly installed (bug #2)" echo " The shell was found to exhibit the problem reported in" echo " https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2000-September/041200.html" echo " The CADP software will not function properly on this system" echo "==> Reinstall your Cygwin software following the explanations in" echo " http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" ;; *) echo '' echo "*** Your Cygwin shell does not treat carriage-returns like spaces" echo " although variable \$SHELLOPTS indeed contains \`\`igncr''" echo "==> This situation should not occur (please notify cadp@inria.fr)" ;; esac fi # detection de la bogue #3 de Cygwin : cpp ne traite pas correctement # le caractere \ en fin de ligne suivi de cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #define T \ 1 int main () { return 0; } EOF COUNT=`wc -c $TEMPORARY.c | sed -e "s+$TEMPORARY.c++"` if [ $COUNT = 40 ] then cat $TEMPORARY.c | sed -e "s+$+\r+" > $TEMPORARY.new mv $TEMPORARY.new $TEMPORARY.c fi $CC $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY.exe > /dev/null 2> /dev/null RESULT=$? rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY.exe if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then GCC_VERSION="`$CC -v 2>&1 | TAIL_LINE`" echo '' echo "*** Your version of Cygwin is obsolete (bug #3)" echo " The C compiler is $GCC_VERSION" echo " It was found to exhibit the problem reported in" echo " https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2000-May/035632.html" echo " The CADP software will not function properly on this system" echo "==> Upgrade your Cygwin software following the explanations in" echo " http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" fi # detection de la bogue #4 de Cygwin : certaines versions de gcc et # de mingw32 ne savent plus compiler fstat() et fileno() correctement # (probleme signale' par Greg Eakman) cat > $TEMPORARY.c << \EOF #include #include #include #include int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct stat B; FILE *F; if (argc <= 1) exit (1); /* bad invocation */ F = fopen (argv[1], "r"); if (F == NULL) exit (1); /* bad file */ if (fstat (fileno (F), &B) == 0) exit (0); /* fstat() successfully returned */ else exit (2); /* fstat() does not work properly */ } EOF if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_cc $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY.exe else # on emule le code de cadp_cc pour win32 $CC $TEMPORARY.c -o $TEMPORARY.exe -lmingw32 fi $TEMPORARY.exe $TEMPORARY.c RESULT=$? rm -f $TEMPORARY.c $TEMPORARY.exe if [ $RESULT -eq 2 ] then echo '' echo "*** Your versions of Cygwin and CADP are incompatible (bug #4)" echo " The C compiler '$CC' failed to compile functions" echo " fstat() and fileno() properly. The compiler version is:" echo " `$CC -v 2>&1 | TAIL_LINE`" echo "==> Upgrade your Cygwin software following the explanations in" echo " http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" echo "==> Then, upgrade your version CADP to beta-version 99-y or higher" fi # verification de la semantique des tubes Cygwin CHECK_CYGWIN_PIPES # verification des montages des systemes de fichiers (cette verification # peut necessiter l'emploi du compilateur C) CHECK_CYGWIN_MOUNT # verification de l'absence de la variable $MSYSTEM specifique a MSYS # qui est consultee par certains binaires de CADP if [ "$MSYSTEM" != "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The environment variable \`\`\$MSYSTEM'' should not be set" echo "==> This situation should not occur (please notify cadp@inria.fr)" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_MINGWIN_OPERATING_SYSTEM() { # fonction auxiliaire appelee par CHECK_OPERATING_SYSTEM() # verification de la presence de la variable $MSYSTEM specifique a MSYS # qui est consultee par certains binaires de CADP if [ "$MSYSTEM" = "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The environment variable \`\`\$MSYSTEM'' should be set" echo "==> This situation should not occur (please notify cadp@inria.fr)" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_OPERATING_SYSTEM () { case $ARCH in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) case `uname -r` in 5.[012345789] ) echo '' echo "*** The CADP software is intended for Solaris 10 (SunOS 5.10) or higher" echo "==> If you notice something wrong (including unexpected core dumps)," echo " try to upgrade your operating system to a more recent version" ;; esac ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) if [ -r /etc/debian_version ] then read DEBIAN_VERSION < /etc/debian_version # ici, la variable $DEBIAN_VERSION vaut soit un numero # de version (notamment si on est sur Debian), soit # un nom de version (notamment si on est sur Ubuntu) # (par exemple, "lenny/sid"). Voir la correspondance # dans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#Releases case "$DEBIAN_VERSION" in buzz* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=1.1 ;; rex* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=1.2 ;; bookworm* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=12 ;; # attention: "bookworm" doit preceder "bo" bo* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=1.3 ;; hamm* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=2.0 ;; slink* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=2.1 ;; potato* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=2.2 ;; woody* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=3.0 ;; sarge* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=3.1 ;; etch* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=4.0 ;; lenny* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=5.0 ;; squeeze* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=6.0 ;; wheezy* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=7 ;; jessie* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=8 ;; stretch* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=9 ;; buster* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=10 ;; bullseye* ) DEBIAN_VERSION=11 ;; * ) ;; esac case "$DEBIAN_VERSION" in 0* | 1.* | 2.0 ) echo '' echo "*** The CADP software might not work correctly on Debian $DEBIAN_VERSION" echo "==> Please upgrade to Debian 2.2 (potato) or higher" ;; 2.1 ) echo '' echo "*** The CADP software might not work correctly on Debian 2.1 (slink)" echo " In particular, \$CADP/tcl-tk/bin.$ARCH/wish will core dump" echo "==> Please upgrade to Debian 2.2 (potato) or higher" echo " or, at least, replace \CADP/tcl-tk/bin.$ARCH by a symbolic" echo " link to /usr/bin/wish" ;; *) ;; esac elif (rpm -q redhat-release > /dev/null 2> /dev/null) then REDHAT_VERSION="`rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' redhat-release`" case "$REDHAT_VERSION" in 5.1 ) echo '' echo "*** The CADP software might not work correctly on RedHat $REDHAT_VERSION" echo "==> Please upgrade to RedHat 6.0 or higher" ;; *) ;; esac elif (rpm -q fedora-release > /dev/null 2> /dev/null) then FEDORA_VERSION="`rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}' fedora-release`" case "$FEDORA_VERSION" in *) ;; esac fi # detection des noyaux implementant GR Security if [ -d /proc/sys/kernel/grsecurity ] then echo '' echo "*** Your Linux kernel is built with GR-Security extensions" echo " The CADP software might not function properly on this system" echo "==> If you notice something wrong, please try to rebuild your kernel" echo " by disabling GR-Security extensions" fi # detection des noyaux comportant le module de securite Yama YAMA_PTRACE_SCOPE=`/sbin/sysctl -n -e kernel.yama.ptrace_scope 2> /dev/null` # ou bien : YAMA_PTRACE_SCOPE=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope 2> /dev/null` if [ "$YAMA_PTRACE_SCOPE" != "" ] then echo '' echo "Security module Yama is present (ptrace_scope value is $YAMA_PTRACE_SCOPE)" fi # detection du compilateur GCC et de la bibliotheque Glibc CC=`COMPUTE_CC` ; export CC CHECK_GLIBC_VERSION # verification de l'installation de X11 sous WSL2 if [ "$ARCH" = "x64" -a -d "/run/WSL" ] then # on est sous WSL2 (pour le determiner, on ne pouvait # pas utiliser $DETAILED_ARCH, donc on a teste' plutot # la presence de /run/WSL) ; on va regarder si un # serveur X existe en reprenant une partie du code # de cadp_x11 (qui n'est pas forcement disponible ici) # et on ne verifie que la presence des executables, # sans chercher s'ils sont lances et accessibles echo '' if [ -r /mnt/*/Program\ Files/VcXsrv/vcxsrv.exe ] then echo "X11 server (VcXsrv) is present" elif [ -x "/bin/kex" -a -d "/usr/lib/win-kex" ] then echo "X11 server (KeX) is present" else echo "*** No X11 server found" echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" fi fi ;; win32 | win64 ) echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$HOMEDRIVE'' is set to \`\`$HOMEDRIVE''" echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$SYSTEMDRIVE'' is set to \`\`$SYSTEMDRIVE''" echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$SYSTEMROOT'' is set to \`\`$SYSTEMROOT''" if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then # on dispose de la commande "cadp_path" LOCATION=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -mingwin` if [ "$LOCATION" != "" ] then echo '' echo "The Mingw/MSYS tools are installed in \`\`$LOCATION''" fi LOCATION=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -gnuwin32` if [ "$LOCATION" != "" ] then echo '' echo "The GnuWin32 tools are installed in \`\`$LOCATION''" fi LOCATION=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -cygwin` if [ "$LOCATION" != "" ] then echo '' echo "The Cygwin tools are installed in \`\`$LOCATION''" fi fi case "$DETAILED_ARCH" in "win32-cygnus" | "win64-cygnus" ) CHECK_CYGWIN_OPERATING_SYSTEM ;; "win32-msys" ) CHECK_MINGWIN_OPERATING_SYSTEM ;; esac ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) OS=`uname -sr` case "$OS" in Darwin?9.[01234].* ) MINOR=`echo $OS | sed -e 's/Darwin[ ]9[.]\([0-9]*\)[.].*/\1/'` # Darwin 9.$MINOR.x correspond a MacOS X 10.5.$MINOR echo '' echo "*** The CADP software is intended for MacOS X version 10.5.5" echo " (i.e. Darwin 9.5.x) or higher. It will not work on MacOS X" echo " version 10.5.$MINOR (i.e. $OS)" echo "==> Please, upgrade your operating system to a more recent version" ;; esac # verification de l'installation de X11 sous MacOS echo '' if [ -f /private/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc -a -d /usr/X11R6/include/X11 ] then # cas de MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger" echo "X11 seems to be installed" elif [ -f /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc -a -d /usr/X11R6/include/X11 ] then # cas de MacOS X 10.5 "Leopard" et plus recent (y compris # macOS 10.12 Sierra) - fonctionne avec XQuartz 2.7.11 echo "X11 seems to be installed" elif [ -f /opt/X11/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc -a -d /usr/X11R6/include/X11 ] then # cas de MacOS X 11 "Big Sur" et plus recent - fonctionne avec # XQuartz 2.8.1 et plus recent (au moins 2.8.5) XQUARTZ_VERSION="" XQUARTZ_INFO="/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/Info.plist" if [ -r "$XQUARTZ_INFO" ] then XQUARTZ_VERSION=`cat "$XQUARTZ_INFO" | awk '/CFBundleShortVersionString/ { getline ; sub ("", "", $1) ; sub ("", "", $1) ; print $1 }'` fi if [ "$XQUARTZ_VERSION" = "" ] then echo "X11 seems to be installed (unknown XQuartz version)" else echo "X11 seems to be installed (XQuartz version $XQUARTZ_VERSION)" fi else # il y a un probleme ; on essaie d'aider l'utilisateur if [ ! -d /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app ] then echo "*** XQuartz does not seem do be installed" echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" elif [ -d /opt/X11 -a ! -d /usr/X11R6 ] then echo "*** XQuartz is installed in /opt/X11 but not in /usr/X11R6" echo "==> Please, run x11-select as explained in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" else # cas inconnu pour l'instant echo "*** X11 does not seem do be properly installed" echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" fi fi ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_POSIX_COMMANDS () { # verification que diverses commandes Unix sont bien disponibles CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC awk "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" case "$ARCH" in mac86 | mac64 ) if [ ! -x /opt/local/bin/gawk -a \ ! -x /usr/local/bin/gawk -a \ ! -x /opt/homebrew/bin/gawk ] then echo "*** but the \`\`gawk'' command is missing" echo " (not found in /opt/local/bin/gawk, /usr/local/bin/gawk" echo " nor /opt/homebrew/bin/gawk)" echo "==> See explanations given in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" echo "" fi ;; esac CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC basename "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) # sous Solaris, il y a un probleme avec "/bin/basename" qui interprete # son second argument comme une expression reguliere, ce qui peut # donner un resultat different de celui qu'on obtient sous toutes # les autres architectures ; c'est pourquoi il faut plutot utiliser # "/usr/xpg4/bin/basename" qui a un comportement conforme aux autres # architectures ; le script "cadp_basename" fait cela ; on verifie ici # que "/usr/xpg4/bin/basename" existe bien if test ! -x /usr/xpg4/bin/basename then echo "*** /usr/xpg4/bin/basename is not available" echo "==> Make sure the \`\`basename'' command accessible in your \`\`\$PATH''" echo " interprets its second argument as a string, not a regular expression" echo "" fi esac # pour info : CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC bunzip2 "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT bunzip2 if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> You might wish to install the \`\`bunzip2'' command" echo "==> (otherwise some CADP tools will not support compressed .bz2 files)" echo "" fi # pour info : CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC bzip2 "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT bzip2 if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> You might wish to install the \`\`bzip2'' command" echo "==> (otherwise some CADP tools will not support compressed .bz2 files)" echo "" fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC cat "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC cmp "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC cp "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" if [ "$ARCH" = win32 -o "$ARCH" = win64 ] then CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC cmd "-" "-" "-" "/WINDOWS/system32" "-" # "cadp_more" utilise implicitement la commande "less" sous Windows # lorsque la variable d'environnement $PAGER n'est pas definie CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC less "-" "-" "-" "/bin" "-" fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC cut "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC date "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC df "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC digest "-" "/bin" "-" "-" "-" esac CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC dirname "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC echo "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC egrep "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC expand "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC fgrep "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC file "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC fold "-" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) if [ $CHECK_CADP = 1 ] then DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_fold -default` cmp -s $DEFAULT /bin/fold if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "==> But using /bin/fold may cause problems when compiling LNT specifications" echo "==> If you notice something wrong, install the GNU coreutils package" echo " which provides a correct implementation of the \`\`fold'' command" echo "" fi fi ;; esac CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC grep "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT gnuplot if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> You might wish to install the \`\`gnuplot'' software" echo " (otherwise you will not be able to run some demo examples)" case "$ARCH" in win32 | win64 ) echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/windows.html" ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) echo "==> See explanations in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" ;; esac echo "" fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC gunzip "/usr/bin or /usr/local" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" # voir gzip CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC gzip "/usr/bin or /usr/local" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" # gzip est desormais appele' par Bisimulator/Evaluator pour produire des # fichiers compresses ".bes.gz". Sous Solaris 7-8, gzip est un composant # optionnel, alors sous Solaris 9-10, gzip est installe' dans /usr/bin/gzip CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC head "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC hostname "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" ( PATH="$PATH:/opt/SUNWspro/bin" ; CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC indent "/bin" "/opt/SUNWspro/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" ) # pour eviter un warning inutile sous Solaris, on ajoute /opt/SUNWspro/bin # au $PATH, car la commande "cadp_indent" sait trouver automatiquement # /opt/SUNWspro/bin/indent lorsque le compilateur Sun/Oracle est installe INDENT_RESULT=$? if [ $INDENT_RESULT = 1 ] then case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) echo " To address this issue, we recommend that you install the Oracle" echo " Developer Studio tool suite following the indications given in" echo " file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" echo "" esac fi if [ $INDENT_RESULT = 0 -a "$ARCH" = mac86 ] then MAC86_VERSION="`/usr/bin/uname -r`" case "$MAC86_VERSION" in 10.* ) # sous Snow Leopard (uname -r = 10.0.0 ; sw_vers = 10.6 et # 10.6.1) la commande /usr/bin/indent fait segmentation fault # On ne sait pas quand cette erreur sera corrigee echo " the program \`\`/usr/bin/indent'' has bugs on this version of macOS" echo " (it may corrupt C code instead of formatting it properly)" echo " the CADP tools will never invoke it to format the C code they generate" echo "" ;; esac fi case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 | win32 | win64 ) # aucune verification a faire ;; * ) CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC lpr "/bin" "-" "/usr/bin" "-" "/usr/bin" esac CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC make "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC man "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" if [ "$ARCH" = macOS -o "$ARCH" = mac86 -o "$ARCH" = mac64 ] then CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC md5 "-" "-" "-" "-" "/sbin" fi case "$ARCH" in iX86 | x64 | ia64 | win32 | win64 ) CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC md5sum "-" "-" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "-" esac CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC mkdir "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC more "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC mv "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC nroff "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC ps "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC rm "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC rmdir "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT sed if [ $? = 1 ] then DIAGNOSTIC "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" fi # sous Solaris, il faut eviter /usr/ucb/sed qui a des fonctionnalites limitees CHECK_LOCATION "sed" "/bin /usr/bin" "/bin /usr/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC sh "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC sort "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC -n strings "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" if [ $? = 1 ] then case "$ARCH" in iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) echo "==> This package is named \`\`binutils'' on most Linux distributions" echo "" esac fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC tail "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC tar "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC tbl "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC tee "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT test if [ $? = 1 ] then DIAGNOSTIC "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/bin" fi # sous Solaris, il faut eviter /usr/ucb/test qui a des fonctionnalites limitees CHECK_LOCATION "test" "/bin /usr/bin" "/bin /usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC tr "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC true "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC uname "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" # pour info : CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC unzip "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT unzip if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> You might wish to install the \`\`unzip'' command" echo "==> (otherwise some CADP tools will not support compressed .zip files)" echo "" fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC -n uudecode "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" if [ $? = 1 ] then case "$ARCH" in iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) echo "==> This package is named \`\`sharutils'' on most Linux distributions" echo "" esac fi CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC wc "/usr/ucb" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC wget "-" "/usr/sfw/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/opt/local/bin" # sous win32-msys, wget est dans C:/gnuwin32/bin/wget.exe # sous mac86 et mac64, wget est installe par MacPorts dans /opt/local/bin/wget CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC xargs "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" if [ "$DETAILED_ARCH" = "x64-wsl" ] then CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC xauth "-" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/opt/X11/bin" fi case "$ARCH" in iX86 | x64 | win32 | win64 | macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) # aucune verification a faire ;; * ) CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC xterm "/usr/openwin/bin" "/usr/openwin/bin" "/usr/bin" "-" "-" esac # pour info : CHECK_PRESENT_WITH_DIAGNOSTIC zip "/bin" "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" CHECK_PRESENT zip if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> You might wish to install the \`\`zip'' command" echo "==> (otherwise some CADP tools will not support compressed .zip files)" echo "" fi # on verifie que "ls -l" renvoie bien un resultat 8 ou 9 colonnes ; # dans le cas particulier de Windows avec Cygwin (mais pas avec Mingw/MSYS), # le repertoire / appartient a un utilisateur et un groupe appeles chacun # "NT SERVICE+TrustedInstaller" : on doit normalise ces deux noms qui faussent # le calcul NB_COLUMNS=`ls -ld / | sed -e 's/NT SERVICE+TrustedInstaller/root/g' | wc -w` if [ "$NB_COLUMNS" -ne 8 -a "$NB_COLUMNS" -ne 9 ] then echo "*** Command "ls -l" displays results on $NB_COLUMNS columns" echo "==> This situation should not occur (please notify cadp@inria.fr)" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_UMASK () { UMASK=`umask` case "$UMASK" in 0?? | 00?? ) echo "Umask value \`\`$UMASK'' is ok" ;; * ) echo "*** Incorrect umask value \`\`$UMASK''" echo "==> Set your umask to a recommended value such as 022, 027, or 077" esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_FILENAME () { if [ `echo $1 | wc -w` -gt 1 ] then echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`$2'' should not contain spaces nor word separators" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_HOME () { if [ "$HOME" = "" ] then echo "*** Variable \`\`\$HOME'' (home directory) is not set" else echo "Variable \`\`\$HOME'' (home directory) is set to \`\`$HOME''" fi CHECK_FILENAME "$HOME" '$HOME' } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_SHELL () { if [ "$SHELL" = "" ] then echo "*** Variable \`\`\$SHELL'' (login shell) is not set" else echo "Variable \`\`\$SHELL'' (login shell) is set to \`\`$SHELL''" # verification que le fichier de demarrage fait pas d'ecriture # sur stdout et s'execute sans anicroche if [ "$ARCH" = "macOS" -o "$ARCH" = "mac86" -o "$ARCH" = "mac64" ] then OUTPUT=`$SHELL -c /usr/bin/true` RESULT=$? else OUTPUT=`$SHELL -c /bin/true` RESULT=$? fi if [ "$OUTPUT" != "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The startup file for your shell should not write the string" echo " \`\`$OUTPUT'' to the standard output" echo " This will make shell commands such as \`\`rsh'' and \`\`which'' to fail" echo "==> Remove the cause of output from your shell startup file" echo " (in particular, your startup file should not invoke \`\`echo'' nor \`\`stty'')" fi if [ $RESULT != 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** The startup file for your shell does not execute correctly" echo " It returns the error code $RESULT" echo "==> Correct your login shell startup file" fi # verification que l'utilisateur n'ecrase pas sa variable # $PATH dans son fichier de demarrage PATH_MARKER="inria-vasy-cadp-tst" export PATH_MARKER RESULT=`( PATH="$PATH_MARKER:$PATH" ; export PATH ; $SHELL -c "/bin/echo \\\$PATH") | grep "$PATH_MARKER"` if [ "$RESULT" = "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The startup file for your shell overwrites the value of variable \`\`\$PATH''" echo " This is not a recommended practice on Unix systems" echo " This might prevent the Eucalyptus interface from working properly" echo "==> Modify your startup file not to erase the value of your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo " (instead, extend it by concatenating new directories to be searched in)" fi fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_ULIMIT () { if [ "$ARCH" = "win32" -o "$ARCH" = "win64" ] then # sous Windows, la taille maximale de la pile depend de # chaque binaire individuellement et non d'un parametre # que l'on regle globalement ; la commande "ulimit -s" de # Cygwin ne permet d'ailleurs pas de modifier cette taille return fi if [ "$ARCH" = "mac64" ] then # sur mac64-arm, on observe que la taille de pile est parfois # de 8176 au lieu de 8192 ; on abaisse donc le seuil pour ne # pas emettre de message intempestif STACK_MIN=8176 else STACK_MIN=8192 fi # verification de la taille de la pile d'execution STACK_LIMIT=`ulimit -s` # $STACK_LIMIT est soit une valeur numerique, soit une chaine de # caracteres ("unlimited" en anglais, "sans limite" en francais, etc.) # indiquant que la taille de la pile n'est pas bornee case "$STACK_LIMIT" in [0-9]* ) # cas d'une valeur numerique if [ "$STACK_LIMIT" -lt "$STACK_MIN" ] then echo '' echo "*** The maximal stack size for executing your programs is currently" echo " limited to $STACK_LIMIT kbytes (see the \`\`ulimit -s'' command)" echo " This size should be unlimited or, at least, larger than $STACK_MIN kbytes" echo " (otherwise, some CADP tools may abort in an unexpected way)" echo "==> Please modify the startup file of your shell to change this limit" fi ;; esac } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_STATIC_HOSTNAME () { if [ "$CHECK_CADP" = 0 ] then # le script cadp_hostname n'est pas disponible return fi STATIC="`$CADP/src/com/cadp_hostname -static`" if [ "$STATIC" != 0 ] then # cas ou MacOS X definit dynamiquement la valeur de hostname echo '' echo "*** The hostname of this machine is defined dynamically and might vary " echo " in function of the current IP address (reason $STATIC)" echo "==> To use CADP, assign a static hostname to this machine according to" echo " the explanations given in http://cadp.inria.fr/macOS.html" fi } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK_LICENSE_FILE () { echo '' # verification que le fichier LICENSE n'est pas un repertoire if [ -d "$CADP"/LICENSE ] then echo "*** \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE'' should be a file, not a directory" echo "==> Remove this directory and read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3" echo " to apply the RFL procedure" return fi # verification de l'existence du fichier LICENSE if [ ! -f "$CADP"/LICENSE ] then echo "*** License file \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE'' does not exist" if [ -f "$CADP"/LICENSE.bin ] then # certains clients de messagerie sauvegardent le fichier # licence sous le nom "LICENSE.bin" au lieu de "LICENSE" echo " but another file named \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE.bin'' is present" echo "==> Consider renaming file \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE.bin'' to \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE''" echo " Otherwise, read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" elif [ -f "$CADP"/LICENSE.txt ] then # certains clients de messagerie sauvegardent le fichier # licence sous le nom "LICENSE.txt" au lieu de "LICENSE" echo " but another file named \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE.txt'' is present" echo "==> Consider renaming file \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE.txt'' to \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE''" echo " Otherwise, read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" else echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" fi return fi # verification de la presence d'un fichier LICENSE prototype grep "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "*** File \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE'' exists, but is just a prototype license file" echo " (not a valid license file)" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" return fi echo "License file \`\`\$CADP/LICENSE'' exists" if [ ! -r "$CADP"/LICENSE ] then echo "*** License file is not readable" echo "==> Check the owner of this file and add read permission" return fi # presence de la chaine $VERSION dans le fichier LICENSE grep "$VERSION" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then # recherche d'une chaine speciale ecrite par RFL grep "This is a privileged license" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "*** License file is not valid for CADP $VERSION" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" return fi fi # presence de la chaine $HOSTINFO complete dans le fichier LICENSE if [ "$HOSTINFO" != "" ] then grep "$HOSTINFO" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "Host \`\`$HOSTNAME'' seems to have a valid license" return fi fi # presence de la chaine $HOSTINFO partielle dans le fichier LICENSE if [ "$HOSTINFO" != "" ] then HOSTINFO=`echo $HOSTINFO | cut -d' ' -f 1,2,3,4` grep "$HOSTINFO" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "Host \`\`$HOSTNAME'' might have a valid license" return fi fi # la chaine $HOSTINFO (complete ou partielle) n'a pas ete trouvee # on recherche si le nom de la machine (c'est-a-dire $HOSTNAME) est present # l'option -i sert pour Windows/Cygwin ou les noms de machines # renvoyes par cadp_hostinfo sont en majuscules grep -i "^#.license entries for host \"$HOSTNAME\"" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "*** Host \`\`$HOSTNAME'' seems to have invalid license entries" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" return fi # on teste le cas ou $HOSTNAME est un nom de machine suffixe' # par son domaine (ex.: "dome.inrialpes.fr") alors que dans le # fichier license, le nom de domaine est absent (ex.: "dome") # l'option -i sert pour Windows/Cygwin (cf ci-dessus) SHORT_HOSTNAME=`echo $HOSTNAME | sed -e 's/[.].*//'` grep -i "^#.license entries for host \"$SHORT_HOSTNAME\"" "$CADP"/LICENSE > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "*** Host \`\`$SHORT_HOSTNAME ($HOSTNAME)'' seems to have invalid license entries" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" return fi echo "*** No license exists for host \`\`$HOSTNAME''" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_3 to apply the RFL procedure" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo '' echo "$TST_BANNER" # positionnement de $HOSTNAME # (a ce point, on ne peut pas utiliser $CADP/src/com/cadp_hostname puisque l'on # n'est pas certain que la variable d'environnement $CADP soit disponible) HOSTNAME=`hostname` echo '' echo "Current host is \`\`$HOSTNAME''" # positionnement de $ARCH if [ "$CHECK_CADP" = 0 ] then ARCH="$1" DETAILED_ARCH="$1" elif [ "$CADP" = "" ] then echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' is not defined in the environment" echo " It should point to the directory where CADP is installed" echo " or the architecture should be specified by a command-line argument" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" echo '' exit 1 else echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP'' is set to \`\`$CADP''" # verification que le repertoire $CADP existe CHECK_FILENAME "$CADP" '$CADP' # verification que $CADP designe bien un repertoire if [ ! -d "$CADP" ] then echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' does not point to a directory" exit 1 fi # verification que le repertoire $CADP contient une distribution CADP if [ `"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -check_release "$CADP"` = 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' does not point to the directory where CADP is installed" exit 1 fi # verification que $CADP commence par un "/" if [ `"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -relative "$CADP"` = 1 ] then echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' should be an absolute pathname, meaning that" echo " its value should always start with a '/' character" exit 1 fi # verification que $CADP ne finit pas par un "/" case "$CADP" in */ ) echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' contains a trailing '/' that" echo " might create problems and should be removed" ;; esac # ici $CADP devrait etre correctement positionnee ARCH=`"$CADP"/com/arch` DETAILED_ARCH=`"$CADP"/com/arch -detailed` if [ "$ARCH" = "win32" -o "$ARCH" = "win64" ] then # verification que, sous Windows, la variable $CADP est # correctement positionnee case "$CADP" in [A-Za-z]:* ) # ici, $CADP est un chemin Windows echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' should not be set to a Windows path with a drive letter" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" ;; /cygdrive/* ) # ici, $CADP est un chemin specifique a Cygwin echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP'' should not be set to a Cygwin path starting with /cygdrive" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" ;; esac # verification que le lien symbolique Cygwin vers $CADP existe # et est bien positionne lorsque sa presence est necessaire "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -check_cygwin_link # verification que le repertoire courant se trouve bien sur # le meme lecteur Windows que Cygwin WORKING_DIR=`pwd` WORKING_DRIVE=`cygpath -w "$WORKING_DIR" | sed -e 's/:.*//'` CYGWIN_DRIVE=`cygpath -w "/" | sed -e 's/:.*//'` if [ "$WORKING_DRIVE" != "$CYGWIN_DRIVE" ] then echo '' echo "*** The working directory for using CADP is currently on drive \`\`$WORKING_DRIVE:''" echo "whereas it should be located on the same drive \`\`$CYGWIN_DRIVE:'' as Cygwin" fi fi fi if [ "$ARCH" = "$DETAILED_ARCH" ] then DETAIL="" else DETAIL=" ($DETAILED_ARCH)" fi if [ "$CHECK_CADP" = 0 ] then PRECISION=" (specified on the command line)" else PRECISION="" fi echo '' echo "Current architecture$PRECISION is \`\`$ARCH$DETAIL''" # verification de la compatibilite entre $CADP_BITS et $ARCH echo '' case $CADP_BITS in "" ) echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is not set" ;; 32 ) echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is set to \`\`$CADP_BITS''" if [ "$ARCH" = "ia64" -o "$ARCH" = "mac64" ] then echo "*** Value of \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is not compatible with the architecture" echo "==> \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' will not be taken into account" fi ;; 64 ) echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is set to \`\`$CADP_BITS''" if [ "$ARCH" = "iX86" -o "$ARCH" = "win32" -o "$ARCH" = "macOS" -o "$ARCH" = "mac86" ] then echo "*** Value of \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is not compatible with the architecture" echo "==> \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' will not be taken into account" fi ;; * ) echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' is set to \`\`$CADP_BITS''" echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' contains an unknown value" echo "==> \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' will not be taken into account" ;; esac # Dans "arch", on a suppose que tous les Sparc avec Solaris pouvaient executer # des programmes 64 bits. On verifie ici que c'est bien le cas. if [ $ARCH = "sun64" -o $ARCH = "sol64" ] then if [ `isainfo -b` = "32" ] then echo '' echo "*** Your Solaris machine does not support 64-bit programs" echo "==> Set \`\`\$CADP_BITS'' to 32 to use CADP in 32 bit mode" fi fi # positionnement eventuel de la variable $TEMP vers un repertoire temporaire case "$ARCH" in win32 | win64 ) # normalement $TEMP doit contenir un chemin defini par Windows # tel que /DOCUME~1/%USER%/LOCALS~1/Temp if [ "$TEMP" = "" ] then # on cherche une valeur de substitution pour $TEMP # en utilisant des regles empiriques if [ -d "/tmp" ] then # cette branche couvre aussi le cas ou /tmp # est un lien symbolique vers C:/Cygwin/tmp # ou vers C:/Cygwin64/tmp TEMP="/tmp" elif [ -d "c:/WINDOWS/Temp" ] then TEMP="c:/WINDOWS/Temp" else TEMP="$HOME" fi fi ;; * ) TEMP=/tmp ;; esac export TEMP # verification si on est sur une machine virtuelle DISPLAY_VIRTUAL_MACHINE # verification du systeme d'exploitation DISPLAY_OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION case "$ARCH" in win32 | win64 | macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) SHELL_VERSION=" - `( /bin/sh --version 2> /dev/null ) | head -1`" # note : la ligne ci-dessus est valable pour sh et bash # sous Cygwin, ni ash ni dash n'acceptent --version ;; * ) # sous Solaris, /bin/sh n'accepte pas --version # sous Linux, /bib/sh -> dash n'accepte pas --version SHELL_VERSION="" ;; esac echo '' echo "System shell is \`\`"`ls -l /bin/sh | sed -e 's+[^/]*++'`"''$SHELL_VERSION" CHECK_OPERATING_SYSTEM echo '' CHECK_POSIX_COMMANDS echo '' CHECK_UMASK echo '' CHECK_HOME echo '' CHECK_SHELL CHECK_ULIMIT CHECK_STATIC_HOSTNAME # terminaison si l'argument $1 est non vide if [ "$CHECK_CADP" = 0 ] then echo '' exit 0 fi # affichage de la memoire physique disponible echo '' RAM=`(unset CADP_MEMORY ; "$CADP"/bin.$ARCH/cadp_memory -physical)` if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "*** Execution of cadp_memory failed" elif [ "$RAM" = "" ] then echo "*** Execution of cadp_memory returned an empty result" else echo "Current amount of RAM is $RAM bytes" fi echo '' if [ "$CADP_MEMORY" = "" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_MEMORY'' is not set" else echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_MEMORY'' is set to $CADP_MEMORY bytes" fi # determination du numero de version de CADP VERSION=`"$CADP"/bin.$ARCH/cadp_lib -1` echo '' echo "Current version of CADP is $VERSION" if [ "$WSL_DISTRO_NAME" != "" -a "$DETAILED_ARCH" != "x64-wsl" ] then # la premiere condition indique qu'on est sous WSL1 ou WSL2 # la seconde condition indique que l'on n'est pas sous WSL2 # on arrete ici si on est sous WSL1 car cadp_hostinfo risque de # se bloquer exit 0 fi # verification de la commande cadp_hostinfo HOSTINFO=`"$CADP"/bin.$ARCH/cadp_hostinfo 2>&1` if [ $? = 0 ] then echo '' echo "Current platform is \`\`$HOSTINFO''" else echo '' echo "*** Execution of cadp_hostinfo failed" if [ "$HOSTINFO" != "" ] then echo "$HOSTINFO" fi echo "==> Please, report the problem to cadp@inria.fr" HOSTINFO="" fi # verification du fichier LICENSE CHECK_LICENSE_FILE # verification de la variable $PATH : repertoire $CADP/com CHECK_ACCESS "$PATH" "$CADP/com" "\$CADP/com" "\$PATH" # verification specifique sur la commande "arch" echo '' CHECK_PRESENT -s arch if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "Command \`\`arch'' does not exist" else DEFAULT_ARCH=`arch` if [ "$DEFAULT_ARCH" != "$ARCH" ] then WHICH_ARCH=`WHICH arch` echo "(\`\`$WHICH_ARCH/arch'' returns \`\`$DEFAULT_ARCH'' and \`\`\$CADP/com/arch'' returns \`\`$ARCH'')" fi fi # verification que les commandes de CADP appelees sont dans $CADP/com # (on exclut "arch" car elle a deja ete verifiee) for TOOL in `ls "$CADP"/com | grep -v READ_ME | grep -v '\'` do WHICH_DIRECTORY=`( cd / ; WHICH $TOOL )` if [ "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" != "$CADP/com" -a "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" != "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The tool \`\`$TOOL'' is not searched in \`\`\$CADP/com''" echo " but in \`\`$WHICH_DIRECTORY'' instead" echo " You might have two versions of CADP installed" echo "==> Reorder your \`\`\$PATH'' variable to have \`\`\$CADP/com'' first" echo " and remove all obsolete versions of CADP, if any" fi done # verification de la variable $PATH : repertoire $CADP/bin.$ARCH CHECK_ACCESS "$PATH" "$CADP/bin.$ARCH" "\$CADP/bin.\`\$CADP/com/arch\`" "\$PATH" # verification que les binaires de CADP appeles sont dans $CADP/bin.$ARCH # on exclut les fichiers *.a et READ_ME for TOOL in `ls "$CADP"/bin.$ARCH | grep -v READ_ME | grep -v "\.a$"` do WHICH_DIRECTORY=`( cd / ; WHICH $TOOL )` if [ "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" != "$CADP/bin.$ARCH" -a "$WHICH_DIRECTORY" != "" ] then echo '' echo "*** The tool \`\`$TOOL'' is not searched in \`\`\$CADP/bin.$ARCH''" echo " but in \`\`$WHICH_DIRECTORY'' instead" echo " You might have two versions of CADP installed" echo "==> Reorder your \`\`\$PATH'' variable to have \`\`\$CADP/bin.$ARCH'' first" echo " and remove all obsolete versions of CADP, if any" fi done # appel de cadp_lib -tst sur les fichiers bin.*/*.a echo '' for LIB in `ls "$CADP"/bin.$ARCH/*.a` do "$CADP"/bin.$ARCH/cadp_lib -tst $LIB done # verification de la variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH case "$ARCH" in sun4 | sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 | iX86 | x64 | ia64 | win32 | win64 | macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) if [ "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "" ] then echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' is not set" else echo '' echo "Variable \`\`\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'' is set to \`\`$LD_LIBRARY_PATH''" CC=`COMPUTE_CC` if [ \( "$ARCH" = "iX86" -o "$ARCH" = "x64" -o "$ARCH" = "ia64" \) -a "`CHECK_CC`" = "icc" ] then # cas du compilateur icc pour Linux pour lequel # $LD_LIBRARY_PATH doit etre positionnee afin # d'executer les binaires produits par icc avec # edition dynamique de liens : on retire de # $LD_LIBRARY_PATH les choses specifiques a icc ICC_PATH="`echo $CC | sed -e 's+/bin/icc$+/lib+'`" REDUCED_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | sed -e "s+$ICC_PATH/++" | sed -e "s+$ICC_PATH++"` else REDUCED_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi case "$REDUCED_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in "" | ":" | "::" ) # rien a dire ;; * ) echo "==> Setting this variable is not recommended (at least, not needed for CADP)" ;; esac fi ;; * ) echo "==> Unknown architecture \`\`$ARCH''" ;; esac # verification de la disponibilite des manuels et de la variable $MANPATH case "$ARCH" in sun4 | sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) MAN_AVAILABLE=`/bin/man -l caesar_graph 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$CADP"` # ici $MAN_AVAILABLE vaut 1 ssi la page man de "caesar_graph" # est accessible (la commande /bin/man -l devant renvoyer une # chaine de la forme "caesar_graph (l) -M $CADP" if [ $MAN_AVAILABLE -eq 0 ] then # on verifie que $MANPATH contient "$CADP/man" CHECK_ACCESS "$MANPATH" "$CADP/man" "\$CADP/man" "\$MANPATH" fi ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) MAN_AVAILABLE=`man -w caesar_graph 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$CADP"` # ici $MAN_AVAILABLE vaut 1 ssi la page man de "caesar_graph" # est accessible (la commande man -w devant renvoyer une # chaine de la forme "$CADP/man/manl/caesar_graph.l" if [ $MAN_AVAILABLE -eq 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** The CADP manual pages are not reachable by the \`\`man'' command" if [ "@$MANPATH" = "@" ] then echo " Variable \`\`\$MANPATH'' is not set" else echo " Variable \`\`\$MANPATH'' is equal to \`\`$MANPATH''" fi # A priori, les manuels ne sont pas accessibles car # l'utilisateur a positionne $MANPATH en lui donnant # comme valeur une liste non-vide de repertoires # separes par ':' sans inclure le repertoire `chaine # vide' dans cette liste (ni en debut, ni au milieu, # ni en fin) EMPTY_PRESENT=`echo ":$MANPATH:" | grep -c "::"` # ici $EMPTY_PRESENT vaut 1 ssi $MANPATH est vide ou # contient le repertoire vide en debut, milieu ou fin if [ $EMPTY_PRESENT -eq 1 ] then # cas d'erreur incomprehensible echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" else echo " It should probably contain the empty directory as well" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2, and " echo "==> Add a colon \`:' character at the beginning of the value of \`\`\$MANPATH''" fi fi ;; win32 | win64 ) MAN_AVAILABLE=`man -w caesar_graph 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$CADP"` # ici $MAN_AVAILABLE vaut 1 ssi la page man de "caesar_graph" # est accessible (la commande man -w devant renvoyer une # chaine de la forme "$CADP/man/manl/caesar_graph.l" if [ $MAN_AVAILABLE -eq 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** The CADP manual pages are not reachable by the \`\`man'' command" case "`$CADP/src/com/cadp_man -check`" in "KO" ) # la recherche de pages man n'inclut pas les # pages de la section LOCAL ou se trouvent les # pages man de CADP echo "==> Set variable \`\`\$MANSECT'' as explained in file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" ;; "OK" ) # cas d'erreur incomprehensible echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" esac fi ;; macOS | mac86 | mac64 ) MAN_AVAILABLE=`man -w caesar_graph 2> /dev/null | grep -c "$CADP"` # ici $MAN_AVAILABLE vaut 1 ssi la page man de "caesar_graph" # est accessible (la commande man -w devant renvoyer une # chaine de la forme "$CADP/man/catl/caesar_graph.l.gz # (source: $CADP/man/manl/caesar_graph.l") if [ $MAN_AVAILABLE -eq 0 ] then # on verifie que $MANPATH contient "$CADP/man" CHECK_ACCESS "$MANPATH" "$CADP/man" "\$CADP/man" "\$MANPATH" fi ;; * ) echo "==> Unknown architecture \`\`$ARCH''" ;; esac # affichage de la variable $CADP_LANGUAGE echo '' if [ -n "$CADP_LANGUAGE" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_LANGUAGE'' is set to \`\`$CADP_LANGUAGE''" else echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_LANGUAGE'' is not set (default value is \`\`english'')" fi # affichage et verification de la variable $CADP_TMP echo '' if [ -n "$CADP_TMP" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_TMP'' is set to \`\`$CADP_TMP''" "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -check_tmp else DEFAULT="/tmp" echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_TMP'' is not set (default value is \`\`$DEFAULT'')" "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_path -check_default_tmp "$DEFAULT" fi # determination si l'architecture courante est de celles pour lesquelles on # peut legitimement avoir besoin de positionner soi-meme la variable $CADP_CC # (voir $CADP/INSTALLATION_2) case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) # l'utilisateur peut vouloir utiliser le compilateur GCC EXPLICIT_CADP_CC=1 ;; iX86 | x64 | ia64 ) # l'utilisateur peut vouloir utiliser le compilateur ICC EXPLICIT_CADP_CC=1 ;; * ) EXPLICIT_CADP_CC=0 ;; esac # affichage de la variable $CADP_CC et verification de son contenu echo '' if [ -n "$CADP_CC" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_CC'' is set to \`\`$CADP_CC''" if [ $EXPLICIT_CADP_CC = 0 ] then # impression d'un message pour dissuader l'utilisateur de # positionner lui-meme $CADP_CC echo "==> On architecture $ARCH, it is not necessary to set the variable \`\`\$CADP_CC''" fi else DEFAULT=`COMPUTE_CC` echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_CC'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi CC=`COMPUTE_CC`; export CC CHECK_PRESENT "$CC" "CC" if [ $? = 1 ] then if [ $EXPLICIT_CADP_CC = 0 ] then echo "==> Do not set the variable \`\`\$CADP_CC'' yourself (recommended)" echo "==> or add directory containing \`\`$CC'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" else echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$CC'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> or set variable \`\`\$CADP_CC'' to use another C compiler (e.g., \`\`gcc'')" case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2 for a discussion on C compilers for Solaris" ;; esac fi else # compilation et execution d'un programme C minimal CHECK_C_COMPILER # verifications specifiques a Solaris case "$ARCH" in sun5 | sun64 | sol86 | sol64 ) # on verifie l'existence de /usr/include/stdio.h qui, sous # OpenIndiana, n'est pas installe par defaut (de meme que # d'autres fichiers includes) lorsque l'on installe "cc" if [ ! -f /usr/include/stdio.h ] then echo "" echo "*** Include file \`\`/usr/include/stdio.h'' does not exist" if [ "`uname -r`" = 5.11 ] then echo "==> Install the SunOS package \`\`system/header''" fi fi if [ "$CADP_CC" != "" ] then # l'utilisateur n'a pas choisi explicitement # de compilateur C ; on verifie l'existence et # le niveau de /opt/SUNWspro (cf. instructions # de INSTALLATION_2) CHECK_SOLARIS_COMPILER fi # on s'assure que le compilateur n'est pas /usr/ucb/cc if [ "`WHICH $CC`" = "/usr/ucb" ] then echo "" echo "*** Variable \`\`\$CADP_CC'' should never be set to \`\`/usr/ucb/cc''" echo "==> (this may create unexpected segmentation faults)" echo "==> Read file \$CADP/INSTALLATION_2" fi esac case "`CHECK_CC`" in cc ) CHECK_CC_VERSION CHECK_CC_ISSUES ;; clang ) CHECK_CC_VERSION ;; gcc ) CHECK_GCC_VERSION ;; icc ) CHECK_ICC_VERSION CHECK_ICC_ISSUES ;; esac fi # affichage de la variable $CADP_PS_VIEWER et verification de son contenu echo '' if [ -n "$CADP_PS_VIEWER" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_PS_VIEWER'' is set to \`\`$CADP_PS_VIEWER''" else DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_postscript -default` echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_PS_VIEWER'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi PS_VIEWER=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_postscript -default` CHECK_PRESENT "$PS_VIEWER" "PS_VIEWER" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$PS_VIEWER'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> (otherwise you will not be able to use \`\`bcg_draw'')" fi # affichage de la variable $CADP_PS_INTERPRETER et verification de son contenu echo '' if [ -n "$CADP_PS_INTERPRETER" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_PS_INTERPRETER'' is set to \`\`$CADP_PS_INTERPRETER''" else DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_psbox -default` echo "Variable \`\`\$CADP_PS_INTERPRETER'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi PS_INTERPRETER=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_psbox -default` CHECK_PRESENT "$PS_INTERPRETER" "PS_INTERPRETER" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$PS_INTERPRETER'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> (otherwise you will not be able to use \`\`bcg_draw -eps'')" fi # affichage de la variable $EDITOR et verification de son contenu echo '' if [ -n "$EDITOR" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$EDITOR'' is set to \`\`$EDITOR''" else DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_edit -default` echo "Variable \`\`\$EDITOR'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi EDITOR=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_edit -default` CHECK_PRESENT "$EDITOR" "EDITOR" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$EDITOR'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> (otherwise you will not be able to edit files within Eucalyptus)" fi # affichage de la variable $NAVIGATOR echo '' if [ -n "$NAVIGATOR" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$NAVIGATOR'' is set to \`\`$NAVIGATOR''" else DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_web -default` echo "Variable \`\`\$NAVIGATOR'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi NAVIGATOR=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_web -default` CHECK_PRESENT "$NAVIGATOR" "NAVIGATOR" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$NAVIGATOR'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> (otherwise you will not be able to consult Internet pages within Eucalyptus)" fi # affichage de la variable $PAGER echo '' if [ -n "$PAGER" ] then echo "Variable \`\`\$PAGER'' is set to \`\`$PAGER''" else DEFAULT=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_more -default` echo "Variable \`\`\$PAGER'' is not set (default value is '$DEFAULT')" fi # si $PAGER contient une commande suivie de parametres (comme "less -X -E"), # il ne faut conserver que la commande PAGER=`"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_more -default | cut -d' ' -f1` CHECK_PRESENT "$PAGER" "PAGER" if [ $? = 1 ] then echo "==> Add directory containing \`\`$PAGER'' to your \`\`\$PATH'' variable" echo "==> (otherwise Caesar/Caesar.adt will not be able to display error messages)" fi case `"$CADP"/src/com/cadp_basename "$PAGER"` in cadp_more ) echo "*** Variable \`\`\$PAGER'' should not be set to \`\`cadp_more''" echo " because this will cause infinite loops" echo "==> Unset \`\`\$PAGER'' or set it to a correct value" ;; more | more.exe ) # Sous Windows, il ne faut pas utiliser "/bin/more.exe" de # Cygwin car cette commande se bloque lorsqu'elle est invoquee # par "caesar" et "caesar.adt" (via own_system()). Il s'agit # du bug 0288 signale' en mai 2006 et toujours present en # juin 2009 sous XP et Vista if [ "$ARCH" = "win32" -o "$ARCH" = "win64" ] then echo "*** Variable \`\`\$PAGER'' should not be set to \`\`more'' on Windows" echo " because this will cause freezing" echo "==> Unset \`\`\$PAGER'' or set it to a correct value such as \`\`less -X -E''" fi ;; esac # test de la variable $EUCALYPTUS if [ -n "$EUCALYPTUS" ] then echo '' echo "*** Variable \`\`\$EUCALYPTUS'' should not be set" echo " This variable was formerly needed for versions 1.x of Eucalyptus," echo " but it is no longer useful for versions 2.x of Eucalyptus" echo "==> Remove this variable from your startup files (.cshrc or .profile)" if [ -f $EUCALYPTUS/src/eucalyptus.xtpanel ] then echo '==> Remove also the older version 1.x of Eucalyptus located in directory' echo " $EUCALYPTUS" fi fi # test du fichier .eucarc (pour Eucalyptus 1.0) if [ -f "$HOME/.eucarc" ] then echo '' echo "*** Startup file \`\`$HOME/.eucarc'' is obsolete" echo " This file was intended for versions 1.x of Eucalyptus" echo " and is no longer useful for versions 2.x of Eucalyptus" echo "==> Remove this file" fi # test de l'alias xeuca (pour Eucalyptus 1.0) for CSH_FILE in "$HOME/.cshrc" "$HOME/.tcshrc" do if [ -f "$CSH_FILE" ] then grep -s '\.*\' "$CSH_FILE" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ] then echo '' echo "*** File \`\`$CSH_FILE'' defines an \`\`xeuca'' alias" echo " This alias was intended for versions 1.x of Eucalyptus" echo " and will not work with versions 2.x of Eucalyptus" echo "==> Remove the alias \`\`xeuca'' from your \`\`$CSH_FILE'' file" fi fi done SETUP_UPGRADE_NEEDED=0 CONFIG_DIR=$HOME/.config/cadp # test du fichier xeucarc (pour Eucalyptus) if [ -f "$HOME/.xeucarc" ] then echo '' echo "Custom file \`\`$HOME/.xeucarc'' exists (obsolete location)" SETUP_UPGRADE_NEEDED=1 fi if [ -f "$CONFIG_DIR/xeucarc" ] then echo '' echo "Custom file \`\`$CONFIG_DIR/xeucarc'' exists" fi # test du fichier ocisrc (pour OCIS) if [ -f "$HOME/.ocisrc" ] then echo '' echo "Custom file \`\`$HOME/.ocisrc'' exists (obsolete location)" SETUP_UPGRADE_NEEDED=1 fi if [ -f "$CONFIG_DIR/ocisrc" ] then echo '' echo "Custom file \`\`$CONFIG_DIR/ocisrc'' exists" fi # test du repertoire contributor (pour CONTRIBUTOR) if [ -d "$HOME/.contributor" ] then echo '' echo "Custom directory \`\`$HOME/.contributor'' exists (obsolete location)" SETUP_UPGRADE_NEEDED=1 fi if [ -d "$CONFIG_DIR/contributor" ] then echo '' echo "Custom directory \`\`$CONFIG_DIR/contributor'' exists" fi echo '' if [ $SETUP_UPGRADE_NEEDED = 1 ] then "$CADP"/src/com/cadp_setup -upgrade fi exit 0