-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Thu May 16 17:35:17 CEST 2024] This directory contains an example for BCG_CMP, BCG_MIN, CAESAR.ADT, CAESAR, LNT2LOTOS, and SVL. Four systolic arrays computing the convolution product are described (both in LNT and LOTOS). The four schemes B1, F, W1 and W2 proposed by Kung are tackled. This example is presented in appendix D of: Hubert Garavel. Compilation et ve'rification de programmes LOTOS. These de Doctorat, Universite' Joseph-Fourier (Grenoble), Nov 89 See http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Garavel-89-b-CD.html and http://cadp.inria.fr/case-studies/89-b-systol.html These examples are interesting, since an asynchronous language (LNT or LOTOS) is used to descrive systolic arrays, which are typically synchronous. Another interesting point is the use of symbolic expressions: the values labelling the edges of the graphs are algebraic terms containg free variables. This is achieved by providing appropriate "symbolic" implementations for the data types (see file EXP.tnt for the LNT specifications, and files EXP.t and EXP.f for the LOTOS specifications). The file "demo.svl" implements the generation and reduction for branching equivalence of the four graphs systol_B1, systol_F, systol_W1, and systol_W2. It also checks that the graphs generated from LNT and LOTOS are pairwise strongly bisimilar. The whole verification scenario is described and commented in the file "demo.svl". It can be executed by typing: $ svl demo or even simply $ svl After execution of the SVL scenario, all generated files can be removed by typing $ svl -clean demo or even simply $ svl -clean ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note about performance enhancements of CAESAR on this demo during the 1990s: Benchmarks for CAESAR 3.2 for CAESAR 4.3 for CAESAR 5.2 systol B1 systol B1 systol B1 cells: 3 (idem) (idem) length: 8 (idem) (idem) states: 37986 states: 133 states: 133 edges: 54312 edges: 216 edges: 216 time: 3:14 time: 0:25 time: 0:06 systol F systol F systol F cells: 7 (idem) (idem) length: 19 (idem) (idem) states: 438 states: 438 states: 438 edges: 669 edges: 669 edges: 669 time: 3:16 time: 0:42 time: 0:08 systol W1 systol W1 systol W1 cells: 3 (idem) (idem) length: 6 (idem) (idem) states: 64004 states: 113 states: 113 edges: 87596 edges: 181 edges: 181 time: 5:01 time: 0:27 time: 0:06 systol W2 systol W2 systol W2 cells: 7 (idem) (idem) length: 26 (idem) (idem) states: 447 states: 447 states: 447 edges: 575 edges: 575 edges: 575 time: 3:39 time: 0:46 time: 0:08