module handshake (handshake_interactions) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process ClientHello [clienth: CH] (is_hello_retry_request: bool, in out CH_p: ClientHello, HRR_p: HelloRetryRequest, out alert: AlertType) is if is_hello_retry_request then -- Hello retry request sent by the server if (CH_p.legacy_version == HRR_p.protocol_version) and (CH_p.cipher_suite == HRR_p.cipher_suite) and (CH_p.extensions == HRR_p.extensions) then -- The request would not result in any change in the ClientHello alert := illegal_parameter else if is_extension (early_data, CH_p.extensions) then CH_p := CH_p.{extensions -> remove_type_extension (early_data, CH_p.extensions)} end if; alert := undefined end if else -- First ClientHello message -- initialisation with standard arguments CH_p := CH_p.{legacy_version -> TLS12, random -> 28byteRand, legacy_session_id -> T_NULL, -- AED algo/HKDF hash pairs supported by the Client cipher_suite -> {}, legacy_compression_methods -> T_NULL, extensions -> {Extension (supported_versions, SupportedVersions ({TLS13}))}}; alt -- desire the server to authenticate via a certificate var sas: SignatureSchemeList in sas := random_signature_algorithms; CH_p := CH_p.{extensions -> add_extension (Extension (signature_algorithms, SignatureSchemeList (sas)), CH_p.extensions)} end var [] -- client MAY send the "certificate_authorities" var cr: CertificateAuthoritiesExtension in cr := random_certificate_authorites; CH_p := CH_p.{extensions -> add_extension (Extension (certificate_authorities, CertificateAuthoritiesExtension (cr)), CH_p.extensions)} end var [] CH_p := CH_p.{cipher_suite -> random_select_ciphers} end alt; alert := undefined end if; clienth (ClientHello (CH_p.legacy_version, CH_p.random, CH_p.legacy_session_id, CH_p.cipher_suite, CH_p.legacy_compression_methods, CH_p.extensions)) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process EncryptedExtensions [encryptede: EE] is var v_extensions: Extensions in alt v_extensions := {} [] -- forbidden extensions v_extensions := {Extension (certificate_authorities, CertificateAuthoritiesExtension ({x00, xFF}))} end alt; encryptede (EncryptedExtensions (v_extensions)) end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process CertificateRequest [certificater: CR] is var v_certificate_context: CertificateRequestContext, v_extensions: Extensions in v_certificate_context := {}; v_extensions := {Extension (void_filters, OIDFilterExtension ({peer ({x00}, {x00})}))}; alt null [] -- Server MAY send the "certificate_authorities" var cr: CertificateAuthoritiesExtension in cr := random_certificate_authorites; v_extensions := add_extension (Extension (certificate_authorities, CertificateAuthoritiesExtension (cr)), v_extensions) end var end alt; v_extensions := add_extension (Extension (signature_algorithms, SignatureSchemeList ({rsa_pkcs1_sha256})), v_extensions); certificater (CertificateRequest (v_certificate_context, v_extensions)) end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process Certificate_S [certificate: C] (in out C_p: Certificate, CH_p: ClientHello, CR_p: CertificateRequest) is var ed: ExtensionData in C_p := C_p.{crc -> CR_p.certificate_context}; if is_extension (server_certificate_type, CH_p.extensions) then var ex: Extension in ex := cp_extension (server_certificate_type, CH_p.extensions); ed := ex.extension_data; if ed.ct != RawPublicKey then -- X509 ed := CertificateType (x509) end if end var else -- X509 ed := CertificateType (x509) end if; C_p := C_p.{certificate_list -> cons (add_Entry (ed.ct, CH_p), C_p.certificate_list)}; certificate (Certificate (C_p.crc, C_p.certificate_list)) end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process Certificate_C [certificate: C, certificatev: CV] (in out C_p: Certificate, CH_p: ClientHello, CR_p: CertificateRequest) is -- Certificate available if is_extension (client_certificate_type, CH_p.extensions) then -- Response to a CertificateRequest C_p := C_p.{crc -> CR_p.certificate_context}; var ex: Extension, ed: ExtensionData in ex := cp_extension (client_certificate_type, CH_p.extensions); ed := ex.extension_data; if ed.ct != RawPublicKey then -- X509 ed := CertificateType (x509) end if; C_p := C_p.{certificate_list -> cons (add_Entry (ed.ct, CH_p), C_p.certificate_list)} end var; CertificateVerify_C [certificatev] else -- No suitable certificate is available -- Client MUST send a Certificate message containing no certificates C_p := C_p.{certificate_list -> {}, crc -> {}} end if; certificate (Certificate (C_p.crc, C_p.certificate_list)) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process CertificateVerify_C [certificatev: CV] is certificatev (CertificateVerify ({rsa_pkcs1_sha256}, {})) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process EndOfEarlyData [endOEdata: EOED] is endOEdata (EndOfEarlyData (true)) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process Client [clientHello_c: CH, serverHello_c: SH, helloRetryRequest_c: HRR, encryptedExtensions_c: EE, certificateRequest_c: CR, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c: C, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c: CV, finished_c_c, finished_s_c: F, endOfEarlyData_c: EOED, alert_client, alert_server: A] is var alert: AlertType, CH_p: CLientHello, C_C_p: Certificate, CR_p: CertificateRequest, HRR_p: HelloRetryRequest, is_earlyData, is_helloRequest, is_PSK: bool in -- Initialisation of variables CH_p := ClientHello (T_NULL, undefined, T_NULL, {}, T_NULL, {}); HRR_p := HelloRetryRequest (T_NULL, {}, {}); CR_p := CertificateRequest ({}, {}); C_C_p := Certificate ({}, {}); is_earlyData := false; is_helloRequest := false; is_PSK := false; -- START state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] disrupt loop L in -- client key exchange [K_send = early data] ClientHello [clientHello_c] (is_helloRequest, !?CH_p, HRR_p, ?alert); if alert != undefined then -- abort the handshake with an alert alert_client (alert) else -- WAIT_SH state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] alt helloRetryRequest_c (?HRR_p); is_helloRequest := true [] serverHello_c (?any ServerHello); break L [] -- protocol messages sent in the wrong order alt encryptedExtensions_c (?any EncryptedExtensions) [] certificateRequest_c (?any CertificateRequest) [] certificate_s_c (?any Certificate) [] certificateVerify_s_c (?any CertificateVerify) [] finished_s_c (?any Finished) end alt; alert := unexpected_message; -- abort the handshake with an "unexpected_message" alert alert_client (alert) end alt end if end loop; if alert == undefined then -- K_recv = handshake -- WAIT_EE state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] disrupt -- Recv EncryptedExtensions encryptedExtensions_c (?any EncryptedExtensions); alt -- Using certificate -- WAIT_CERT_CR state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] alt -- Recv CertificateRequest certificateRequest_c (?CR_p); -- WAIT_CERT state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] certificate_s_c (?any Certificate) [] certificate_s_c (?any Certificate) end alt; -- WAIT_CV state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] certificateVerify_s_c (?any CertificateVerify) [] -- using PSK is_PSK := true end alt; -- WAIT_FINISHED state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] finished_s_c (?any Finished); if is_earlyData then -- [Send EndOfEarlyData] EndOfEarlyData [endOfEarlyData_c] end if; -- K_send = handshake -- [Send Certificate [+ CertificateVerify]] if is_PSK != true then -- client authentification Certificate_C [certificate_c_c, certificateVerify_c_c] (!?C_C_p, CH_p, CR_p); use C_C_p end if; -- Send finished Finished_C [finished_c_c] -- K_send = K_recv = application -- CONNECTED state in Appendix A.1 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] by -- renegociation of the client ClientHello [clientHello_c] (is_helloRequest, !?CH_p, HRR_p, ?alert); use CH_p; use alert end disrupt end if by alert_server (?any AlertType); stop end disrupt end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process Server [clientHello_c: CH, serverHello_c: SH, helloRetryRequest_c: HRR, encryptedExtensions_c: EE, certificateRequest_c: CR, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c: C, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c: CV, finished_c_c, finished_s_c: F, endOfEarlyData_c: EOED, alert_server, alert_client: A] is var CH_p: CLientHello, C_S_p, C_C_p: Certificate, CR_p: CertificateRequest, HRR_p: HelloRetryRequest, is_earlyData, is_PSK: bool in -- Initialisation of variables HRR_p := HelloRetryRequest (T_NULL, {}, {}); CR_p := CertificateRequest ({}, {}); C_S_p := Certificate ({}, {}); is_earlyData := false; is_PSK := false; disrupt -- START state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] loop L in -- Rec ClientHello -- RECVD_CH state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] clientHello_c (?CH_p); alt -- right parameters received break L [] -- protocol messages sent in the right order with incorrect key shared HelloRetryRequest [helloRetryRequest_c] (!?HRR_p) end alt end loop; disrupt -- Select parameters -- NEGOTIATED state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] -- Send ServerHello ServerHello [serverHello_c]; -- K_send = handshake -- Send EncryptedExtensions EncryptedExtensions [encryptedExtensions_c]; if is_PSK != true then -- [Send CertificateRequest] CertificateRequest [certificateRequest_c]; -- [Send Certificate + CertificateVerify] Certificate_S [certificate_s_c] (!?C_S_p, CH_p, CR_p); use C_S_p; CertificateVerify_S [certificateVerify_s_c] end if; -- Send finished Finished_S [finished_s_c]; -- K_send = application if is_earlyData then -- 0 - RTT -- K_recv = early data loop L3 in -- WAIT_EOED state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] alt -- Recv early data is_earlyData := true; use is_earlyData [] -- Recv EndOfEarlyData endOfEarlyData_c (?any EndOfEarlyData); -- K_recv = handshake break L3 end alt end loop end if; -- WAIT_FLIGHT2 state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] if is_PSK == false then -- Client auth -- WAIT_CERT + WAIT_CV states in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] alt -- WAIT_CV state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] -- Recv CertificateRecv + CertificateVerify -- client authentification certificate_c_c (?any Certificate); certificateVerify_c_c (?any CertificateVerify) [] -- Recv empty certificate certificate_c_c (?C_C_p) where (C_C_p == Certificate ({}, {})) end alt end if; -- WAIT_FINISHED state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] -- Recv finished finished_c_c (?any Finished) -- K_rev = application -- CONNECTED state in Appendix A.2 of [draft-ietf-tls-tls13-24] by -- TLS 1.3 refuses renegociation without a Hello Retry Request clientHello_c (?any ClientHello); -- abort the handshake with an "unexpected_message" alert alert_server (unexpected_message) end disrupt by alert_client (?any AlertType); stop end disrupt end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process MAIN [clientHello_c: CH, serverHello_c: SH, helloRetryRequest_c: HRR, encryptedExtensions_c: EE, certificateRequest_c: CR, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c: C, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c: CV, finished_c_c, finished_s_c: F, endOfEarlyData_c: EOED, alert_server_c, alert_client_c: A] is par clientHello_c, serverHello_c, helloRetryRequest_c, encryptedExtensions_c, certificateRequest_c, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c, finished_c_c, finished_s_c, endOfEarlyData_c, alert_client_c, alert_server_c -> Client [clientHello_c, serverHello_c, helloRetryRequest_c, encryptedExtensions_c, certificateRequest_c, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c, finished_c_c, finished_s_c, endOfEarlyData_c, alert_client_c, alert_server_c] || clientHello_c, serverHello_c, helloRetryRequest_c, encryptedExtensions_c, certificateRequest_c, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c, finished_c_c, finished_s_c, endOfEarlyData_c, alert_server_c, alert_client_c -> Server [clientHello_c, serverHello_c, helloRetryRequest_c, encryptedExtensions_c, certificateRequest_c, certificate_c_c, certificate_s_c, certificateVerify_c_c, certificateVerify_s_c, finished_c_c, finished_s_c, endOfEarlyData_c, alert_client_c, alert_server_c] end par end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module