# This file was modified by Hubert Garavel - Wed Sep 25 10:11:54 CEST 2013

# Set variable wishpath to the pathname that leads to wish
# set wishpath /usr/local/bin/wish
# set wishpath [subst $env(CADP)/tcl-tk/bin.$env(CADP_ARCH)/wish]
# set wishpath "$env(WISHDIR)/wish"
set wishpath [subst $env(CADP)/tcl-tk/com/wish]

# Delete the window of the current application

wm withdraw .

# Set the default value for DEBUG
set DEBUG 0
if {[lsearch $argv -dbg] != -1} {set DEBUG 1}

# Propagate $DEBUG to the feedback pipe
if { $DEBUG } {
   set pipe_arguments "-dbg"
} else {
   set pipe_arguments ""

# Locate path of the simulation

set path_name [file dirname [info script] ]/
set path_pipe_name $path_name

# Set here the name of the simulation and of the feedbackpipe
# and of the panel
set simulation tksim_9
set pipe feedback_pipe 
set panel panel

# Set the Default Controller
set controller panel

# Get Position of Controlprogramoption in the command string
set position_of_con [lsearch $argv -con]

set arguments $argv

# If other controller than the panel is required 
# get the controller name and set arguments variable
if {$position_of_con != -1} {
   set controller file
   set position_of_filename [expr $position_of_con+1]
   if {$position_of_filename >= $argc} {
      puts stderr "ERROR: filename is missing"
      destroy .
   set name_controller [lindex $arguments $position_of_filename]
   set arguments [lreplace $arguments $position_of_con $position_of_filename]

# If other than feedback_pipe is required
# set variable pipe accordingly
set position_of_pipe [lsearch $argv -pip]
if {$position_of_pipe != -1} {
   set position_of_pipename [expr $position_of_pipe+1]
   if {$position_of_pipename >= $argc} {
      puts stderr "ERROR: pipename is missing"
      destroy .
   set pipe [lindex $argv $position_of_pipename]
   set path_pipe_name ""

# Call the simulation and the feedback pipe 
# and the corresponding controller

set command1 "$wishpath -f $path_name$simulation $arguments"
if ($DEBUG) {
   puts stderr "command1 = $command1"

set command2 "$wishpath -f $path_name$panel $arguments"
if ($DEBUG) {
   puts stderr "command2 = $command2"

set command3 "$wishpath -f $path_pipe_name$pipe $pipe_arguments"
if ($DEBUG) {
   puts stderr "command3 = $command3"

case $controller in {

   {panel} {
      if {$DEBUG} {
         puts stderr "#1: exec sh -c {$command1} &"
         puts stderr "#2: exec sh -c {$command2} | sh -c {$command3} &"
      eval "exec sh -c {$command1} &"
      eval "exec sh -c {$command2} | sh -c {$command3} &" 

   {file}  {
      if {$DEBUG} {
         puts stderr "#3: exec sh -c {$command1} | $name_controller | sh -c {$command3} &"
         # Invoke controller with log traces emitted on stderr
	 eval "exec sh -c {$command1} | $name_controller - | sh -c {$command3} &"
      } else {
	 eval "exec sh -c {$command1} | $name_controller | sh -c {$command3} &"


destroy .