module CO4_DATATYPES is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type BaseId is range 0..6 of Nat with ==, <>, < end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Id is First, Next (precedent: Id) with ==, <> end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Atom is white, black, square with ==, <>, < end type function comp (a1, a2: Atom): Bool is case a1, a2 in black, white -> return false | white, black -> return false | any, any -> return true end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Knowledge is set of Atom with ==, <>, remove, member end type function IsIn (a: Atom, K: Knowledge): Bool is return member (a, K) end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Change is Assert (a: Atom), Retract (a: Atom) with ==, <>, get end type function atom (c: Change): Atom is return c.a end function function + (k: Knowledge, c: Change): Knowledge is case c var a: Atom in Assert (a) -> return Insert (a, k) | Retract (a) -> return Remove (a, k) end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Proposal is list of Change with ==, <>, append, union end type function + (p: Proposal, c: Change): Proposal is return append (c, p) end function function * (p1, p2: Proposal): Proposal is return union (p1, p2) end function function + (k: Knowledge, p: Proposal): Knowledge is case p var p1: Proposal, c: Change in nil -> return k | cons (c, p1) -> return (k + c) + p1 end case end function function query (k: Knowledge, a: Atom): Bool is case k var a1: Atom, k1: Knowledge in nil -> return true | cons (a1, k1) -> return comp (a1, a) and query (k1, a) end case end function function isconsistent (k: Knowledge): Bool is case k var a: Atom, k1: Knowledge in nil -> return true | cons (a, k1) -> return query (k1, a) and isconsistent (k1) end case end function function query (k: Knowledge, p: Proposal): Bool is return isconsistent (k + p) end function function Assert (k: Knowledge): Proposal is case k var a: Atom, k1: Knowledge in nil -> return nil | cons (a, k1) -> return cons (Assert (a), Assert (remove (a, k1))) end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Request is reqregister (b: BaseId), reqevaluate (p: Proposal), reqachieve (p: Proposal), reqforward (r: Request), reqchallenge (p: Proposal), reqtell (p: Proposal) with ==, <>, get end type function Is_reqregister (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqregister (any BaseId) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reqevaluate (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqevaluate (any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reqachieve (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqachieve (any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reqforward (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqforward (any Request) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reqchallenge (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqchallenge (any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reqtell (r: Request): Bool is case r in reqtell (any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function content (r: Request): BaseId is return r.b -- i.e., if r is reqregister (b) then return b else raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (r: Request): Proposal is return r.p -- i.e., if r is reqevaluate (p) or reqachieve (p) or reqchallenge (p) or -- reqtell (p) then return p else raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (r: Request): Request is return r.r -- i.e., if r is reqforward (r) then return r else raise UNEXPECTED end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Answer is acceptx, -- "acceptx" rather than "accept", which was a LOTOS keyword reject, challenge (id: Id, p: Proposal) with ==, <>, get end type function Is_acceptx (a: Answer): Bool is return a == acceptx end function function Is_reject (a: Answer): Bool is return a == reject end function function Is_challenge (a: Answer): Bool is case a in challenge (any Id, any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function replywith (a: Answer): Id is return -- i.e., if a is challenge (id, p) then return id else raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (a: Answer): Proposal is return a.p -- i.e., if a is challenge (id, p) then return p else raise UNEXPECTED end function function answer (b: Bool): Answer is if b then return acceptx else return reject end if end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type message is register (id: Id, b: BaseId), evaluate (id: Id, p: Proposal), achieve (id: Id, p: Proposal), forward (id: Id, r: Request), deny (id: Id), reply (id: Id, a: Answer), askall (id: Id, r: Request), error (id: Id), notify (id: Id, a: Answer), poolnotify (id: Id, a: Answer), pooldeny (id: Id), tell (p: Proposal) with ==, <>, get end type function Is_register (m: Message): Bool is case m in register (any Id, any BaseId) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_evaluate (m: Message): Bool is case m in evaluate (any Id, any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_achieve (m: Message): Bool is case m in achieve (any Id, any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_forward (m: Message): Bool is case m in forward (any Id, any Request) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_deny (m: Message): Bool is case m in deny (any Id) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_reply (m: Message): Bool is case m in reply (any Id, any Answer) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_askall (m: Message): Bool is case m in askall (any Id, any Request) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_error (m: Message): Bool is case m in error (any Id) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_notify (m: Message): Bool is case m in notify (any Id, any Answer) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_poolnotify (m: Message): Bool is case m in poolnotify (any Id, any Answer) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_pooldeny (m: Message): Bool is case m in pooldeny (any Id) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function Is_tell (m: Message): Bool is case m in tell (any Proposal) -> return true | any -> return false end case end function function replywith (m: Message): Id is case m var id: Id in register (id, any BaseId) | evaluate (id, any Proposal) | achieve (id, any Proposal) | forward (id, any Request) | askall (id, any Request) -> return id | any -> raise UNEXPECTED end case end function function inreplyto (m: Message): Id is case m var id: Id in deny (id) | reply (id, any Answer) | error (id) | notify (id, any Answer) | poolnotify (id, any Answer) | pooldeny (id) -> return id | any -> raise UNEXPECTED end case end function function content (m: Message): BaseId is return m.b -- i.e., if m is register (id, b) then return b else raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (m: Message): Proposal is return m.p -- i.e., if m is evaluate (id, p) or achieve (id, p) or tell (p) then -- return p else raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (m: Message): Request is return m.r -- i.e., if m is forward (id, r) or askall (id, r) then return r else -- raise UNEXPECTED end function function content (m: Message): Answer is return m.a -- i.e., if m is reply (id, a) or notify (id, a) or poolnotify (id, a) -- then return a else raise UNEXPECTED end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type UserAction is doregister, doevaluate, doachieve, doforward, dodeny, doaccept, doreject, dochallenge with ==, <> end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SignalVal is sigregistered, sigstored, signotinA, signotinP, signotinC, signotconsistent with ==, <> end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SubmittedEntry is submitted (id: Id, r: Request) with ==, <>, get end type function id (s: SubmittedEntry): Id is return end function function req (s: SubmittedEntry): Request is return s.r end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SubmittedTbl is nil, cons (s: SubmittedEntry, t: SubmittedTbl) with ==, <> end type function Insert (s: SubmittedEntry, t: SubmittedTbl): SubmittedTbl is case t var s2: SubmittedEntry, t2: SubmittedTbl in nil -> return cons (s, nil) | cons (s2, t2) -> if id (s2) == id (s) then return cons (s, t2) else return cons (s2, Insert (s, t2)) end if end case end function function Remove (id: Id, t: SubmittedTbl): SubmittedTbl is case t var s: SubmittedEntry, t2: SubmittedTbl in nil -> return nil | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return t2 else return cons (s, Remove (id, t2)) end if end case end function function Get (id: Id, t: SubmittedTbl): SubmittedEntry is case t var s: SubmittedEntry, t2: SubmittedTbl in nil -> raise UNEXPECTED | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return s else return Get (id, t2) end if end case end function function IsIn (id: Id, t: SubmittedTbl): Bool is case t var s: SubmittedEntry, t2: SubmittedTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return true else return IsIn (id, t2) end if end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type GrpSubmittedEntry is submitted (id: Id, r: Request, b: BaseId, id2: Id) with ==, <>, get end type function id (s: GrpSubmittedEntry): Id is return end function function req (s: GrpSubmittedEntry): Request is return s.r end function function sender (s: GrpSubmittedEntry): BaseId is return s.b end function function senderid (s: GrpSubmittedEntry): Id is return s.id2 end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type GrpSubmittedTbl is nil, cons (s: GrpSubmittedEntry, t: GrpSubmittedTbl) with ==, <> end type function Insert (s: GrpSubmittedEntry, t: GrpSubmittedTbl): GrpSubmittedTbl is case t var s2: GrpSubmittedEntry, t2: GrpSubmittedTbl in nil -> return cons (s, nil) | cons (s2, t2) -> if id (s2) == id (s) then return cons (s,t2) else return cons (s2, Insert (s, t2)) end if end case end function function Remove (id: Id, t: GrpSubmittedTbl): GrpSubmittedTbl is case t var s: GrpSubmittedEntry, t2: GrpSubmittedTbl in nil -> return nil | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return t2 else return cons (s, Remove (id, t2)) end if end case end function function Get (id: Id, t: GrpSubmittedTbl): GrpSubmittedEntry is case t var s: GrpSubmittedEntry, t2: GrpSubmittedTbl in nil -> raise UNEXPECTED | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return s else return Get (id, t2) end if end case end function function IsIn (id: Id, t: GrpSubmittedTbl): Bool is case t var s: GrpSubmittedEntry, t2: GrpSubmittedTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return true else return IsIn (id, t2) end if end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Status is new, accepted, rejected, challenged with ==, <> end type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type PendingEntry is pending (id: Id, r: Request, s: Status) with ==, <>, get, set end type function id (s: PendingEntry): Id is return end function function req (s: PendingEntry): Request is return s.r end function function status (s: PendingEntry): Status is return s.s end function function Set_status (st: Status, s: PendingEntry): PendingEntry is return s.{s -> st} end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type PendingTbl is nil, cons (s: PendingEntry, t: PendingTbl) with ==, <> end type function Insert (s: PendingEntry, t: PendingTbl): PendingTbl is case t var s2: PendingEntry, t2: PendingTbl in nil -> return cons (s, nil) | cons (s2, t2) -> if id (s2) == id (s) then return cons (s,t2) else return cons (s2, Insert (s, t2)) end if end case end function function Remove (id: Id, t: PendingTbl): PendingTbl is case t var s: PendingEntry, t2: PendingTbl in nil -> return nil | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return t2 else return cons (s, Remove (id, t2)) end if end case end function function Get (id: Id, t: PendingTbl): PendingEntry is case t var s: PendingEntry, t2: PendingTbl in nil -> raise UNEXPECTED | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return s else return Get (id, t2) end if end case end function function IsIn (id: Id, t: PendingTbl): Bool is case t var s: PendingEntry, t2: PendingTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s, t2) -> if id (s) == id then return true else return IsIn (id, t2) end if end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type SubscriberSet is set of BaseId with ==, <>, remove, member, card, head, subset end type function IsIn (a: BaseId, K: SubscriberSet): Bool is return member (a, K) end function function Includes (K1,K2: SubscriberSet): Bool is return subset (K2, K1) end function function pick (K: SubscriberSet): BaseId is return head (K) -- raises UNEXPECTED if K == {} end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type CfcEntry is cfc (id: Id, b: BaseId, id2: Id, req: Request, val: Nat) with ==, <>, get, set end type function id (c: CfcEntry): Id is return end function function sender (c: CfcEntry): BaseId is return c.b end function function senderid (c: CfcEntry): Id is return c.id2 end function function req (c: CfcEntry): Request is return c.req end function function count (c: CfcEntry): Nat is return c.val end function function Set_count (count: Nat, c: CfcEntry): CfcEntry is return c.{val -> count} end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type CfcTbl is nil, cons (s: CfcEntry, t: CfcTbl) with ==, <>, get end type function Insert (s: CfcEntry, t: CfcTbl): CfcTbl is case t var s2: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return cons (s, nil) | cons (s2, t2) -> if id (s2) == id (s) then return cons (s,t2) else return cons (s2, Insert (s, t2)) end if end case end function function Remove (id: Id, t: CfcTbl): CfcTbl is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return nil | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return t2 else return cons (s, Remove (id, t2)) end if end case end function function Get (id: Id, t: CfcTbl): CfcEntry is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> raise UNEXPECTED | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return s else return Get (id, t2) end if end case end function function IsIn (id: Id, t: CfcTbl): Bool is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s, t2) -> if id == id (s) then return true else return IsIn (id, t2) end if end case end function function Test (s: CfcEntry, t: CfcTbl): Bool is case t var s2: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s2, t2) -> if s2 == s then return true elsif id (s) == id (s2) then return false else return Test (s, t2) end if end case end function function Includes (t1, t2: CfcTbl): Bool is case t2 var s: CfcEntry, t3: CfcTbl in nil -> return true | cons (s, t3) -> return Test (s, t1) and Includes (t1, t3) end case end function function pick (t: CfcTbl): CfcEntry is return t.s -- raises UNEXPECTED if t == {} end function function searchrequest (b: BaseId, id: Id, t: CfcTbl): Bool is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return false | cons (s, t2) -> if (sender (s) == b) and (senderid (s) == id) then return true else return searchrequest (b, id, t2) end if end case end function function getrequest (b: BaseId, id: Id, t: CfcTbl): CfcEntry is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> raise UNEXPECTED | cons (s, t2) -> if (sender (s) == b) and (senderid (s) == id) then return s else return getrequest (b, id, t2) end if end case end function function incallcount (t: CfcTbl): CfcTbl is case t var s: CfcEntry, t2: CfcTbl in nil -> return nil | cons (s, t2) -> return insert (set_count (succ (count (s)), s), incallcount (t2)) end case end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type ParentBase is Some (b: BaseId), None with ==, <>, get end type function isSome (p: ParentBase): Bool is return p <> None end function function isNone (p: ParentBase): Bool is return p == None end function function the (p: ParentBase): BaseId is return p.b -- raises UNEXPECTED if p == {} end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Packet is packet (b1: BaseId, b2: BaseId, m: Message) with ==, <>, get end type function sender (p: Packet): BaseId is return p.b1 end function function receiver (p: Packet): BaseId is return p.b2 end function function message (p: Packet): Message is return p.m end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type PacketQueue is list of Packet with ==, <>, append, head, tail end type function + (q: PacketQueue, p: Packet): PacketQueue is return append (p, q) end function function First (q: PacketQueue): Packet is return head (q) -- raises UNEXPECTED if q == {} end function function ButFirst (q: PacketQueue): PacketQueue is return tail (q) -- raises UNEXPECTED if q == {} end function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module