% DEFAULT_PROCESS_FILE="summation.lnt" -- generation and minimisation of the state graph corresponding to the -- summation algorithm with 6 processes ; the result is a trace which is -- automatically converted into the SEQ format "summation.seq" = branching reduction of generation of hide all but REPORT in par START #2, ANSWER #2 in P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (0 of Identity) || P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (1 of Identity) || P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (2 of Identity) || P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (3 of Identity) || P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (4 of Identity) || P_INIT [START, ANSWER, REPORT] (5 of Identity) end par end hide; -- display of the result stored in "summation.seq": the sum of weights -- is the offer of the REPORT gate % SVL_SHOW_FILE "summation.seq" -- processing the contents of the LOTOS directory % (cd LOTOS ; echo "" ; svl) % diff "LOTOS/summation.seq" "summation.seq" % SVL_COMMAND_FOR_CLEAN "(cd LOTOS ; svl -clean)"