BCG_INFO manual page
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bcg_info - display information about graphs encoded in the BCG format


bcg_info [ bcg_options ] [ -branching ] [ -deadlock ] [ -format ] [ -hidden ] [ -labels ] [ -nondeterministic label_number ] [ -order ] [ -path state_number ] [ -profiles ] [ -size ] [ -unreachable ] [ -compact | -verbose | -line ] filename[.bcg]


This command takes as input the BCG graph and displays various information (number of states, number of transitions, number of labels, etc.) about this graph.

A dynamic library corresponding to may be generated if necessary.

General Options

The following bcg_options are currently supported: -version, -create, -update, -remove, -cc, and -tmp. See the bcg manual page for a description of these options.

Particular Options

The following options are also supported:
Display statistics about the branching factor, i.e., the average, minimal, and maximal number of transitions going out of the states.

Display the list of deadlock states. The output of this command can be controlled using the -compact, -verbose, and -line options (see below).

Display the BCG format version number (e.g., 1.0, 1.1) used for filename[.bcg]

Display the number of hidden (i.e., `tau') transitions.

Display the number of labels followed by the list of labels.

-nondeterministic label_string      
Display the list of states in which there is nondeterminism for label label_string, i.e., the states in which there are at least two outgoing transitions labelled by label_string. If label_string is equal to the special string `-', then nondeterministic states are searched for each label. The output of this command can be controlled using the -compact, -verbose, and -line options (see below).

Display information about the order in which transitions are sorted (depending on source states, destination states and label numbers)

-path state_number      
Display the shortest path from the initial state to the state given by state_number. The path is displayed using the simple SEQ format (see the seq man page for a description of this format).

Undocumented option.

Display the number of states and transitions on a single line.

Display the list of states that cannot be reached from the initial state of the graph (this list should be empty if the graph is connected). The output of this command can be controlled using the -compact, -verbose, and -line options (see below).

Display lists of states in a user-friendly, synthetic form. There are about ten state numbers per line and, whenever possible, a shorthand notation `M ... N' is used to indicate all state numbers in the range between M and N. Default option.

Similar to -compact option, except that the shorthand notation `...' is not used. Not a default option.

Display lists of states in a simple form, with only one state number per line. Not a default option.

Environment Variables

See the bcg manual page for a description of the environment variables used by all the BCG application tools.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.


Hubert Garavel, Bruno Ondet, and Damien Bergamini

BCG graph (input)

dynamic library (input or output)


``bcg_info'' shell script

``bcg_info'' static library

See the bcg manual page for a description of the other files.

See Also

bcg , bcg_read , seq

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


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