2025-02-07 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 18 |
2025-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2025-a "Montreal" (change list) |
2024-12-27 |
New version 3.16 of the TRAIAN compiler |
2024-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-l "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-12-10 |
[demo] translated demo_40 (Web services) to LNT |
2024-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-k "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-j "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-10-03 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel's lecture at TU Eindhoven |
2024-10-03 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel's lecture at OPCT 2023 |
2024-09-29 |
New version 3.15 of the TRAIAN compiler |
2024-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-i "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-08-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-h "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-g "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-07-11 |
[demo] new demo_10: Mutual exclusion protocols for shared memory |
2024-07-09 |
Added new manual page: TRAIAN |
2024-07-08 |
[demo] new demo_15: Erlangen mainframe multiprocessor system |
2024-07-05 |
[pres.] slides of W. Serwe's award lecture at ETAPS 2023 |
2024-07-04 |
[publ.] Testing Resource Isolation for System-on-Chip Architectures |
2024-06-30 |
New version 3.14 of the TRAIAN compiler |
2024-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-f "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-e "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-04-18 |
[appl.] Identifying Timing Interferences on Multicore Processors |
2024-04-16 |
[publ.] Four Formal Models of IEEE 1394 Link Layer |
2024-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-d "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-03-30 |
New version 3.13 of the TRAIAN compiler |
2024-03-19 |
[soft.] UML Model Checker |
2024-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-c "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-03-05 |
[publ.] Verification of Priority Systems Using Sharp Bisimulation |
2024-03-01 |
[publ.] Equivalence Checking 40 Years After: A Review of Bisimulation Tools |
2024-02-21 |
[appl.] Verification of Circuits for Systolic Array Parallel Computation |
2024-02-21 |
[appl.] Verification of UML Statecharts using Process Algebra |
2024-02-21 |
[appl.] Vulnerability Identification of Operational Technology Protocols |
2024-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-b "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-02-12 |
[soft.] Probabilistic Analysis of Industrial IoT Applications |
2024-02-12 |
[soft.] Probabilistic Model Checking of BPMN Processes at Runtime |
2024-02-09 |
[appl.] Formal Modelling and Analysis of the 4SECURail Case Study |
2024-02-09 |
[appl.] Object-oriented Design Integrating Ubiquitous Specifications |
2024-02-09 |
[appl.] Generation of Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles |
2024-02-04 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 17 |
2024-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2024-a "Eindhoven" (change list) |
2024-01-09 |
[demo] translated demo_23 (IEEE 1394 "FireWare") to LNT |
2023-12-29 |
New version 3.12 of the TRAIAN compiler |
2023-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-l "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-k "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-11-08 |
[demo] translated demo_25 (Cluster File System) to LNT |
2023-10-31 |
[demo] translated demo_24 (Distributed knowledge base) to LNT |
2023-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-j "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-10-11 |
Updated list of university courses that use CADP |
2023-09-29 |
New version 3.11 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2023-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-i "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2023-h "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-07-26 |
Released CADP version 2023-g "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-07-24 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 16 |
2023-06-30 |
New version 3.10 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2023-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-f "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-e "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-04-26 |
CADP receives the first ETAPS Test-of-Time Tool Award |
2023-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-d "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-c "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-02-28 |
New version 3.9 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2023-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-b "Aachen" (change list) |
2023-01-27 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 15 |
2023-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2023-a "Aachen" (change list) |
2022-12-29 |
[demo] translated demo_33 (Randomized distributed consensus) to LNT |
2022-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-l "Kista" (change list) |
2022-12-05 |
[publ.] Compositional Verification by Combining Bisimulations |
2022-12-05 |
[publ.] Verifying Temporal Properties of Stigmergic Collective Systems |
2022-12-05 |
[publ.] Combining SLiVER with CADP to Analyze Multi-agent Systems |
2022-11-30 |
[publ.] Identification of Timing Interferences on Multicore Processors |
2022-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-k "Kista" (change list) |
2022-11-07 |
[demo] translated demo_27 (HAVi leader election) to LNT |
2022-10-29 |
New version 3.8 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2022-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-j "Kista" (change list) |
2022-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-i "Kista" (change list) |
2022-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2022-h "Kista" (change list) |
2022-08-22 |
[demo] translated demo_26 (invoicing case study) to LNT |
2022-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-g "Kista" (change list) |
2022-06-30 |
New version 3.7 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2022-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-f "Kista" (change list) |
2022-05-26 |
Released CADP version 2022-e "Kista" (change list) |
2022-05-02 |
[demo] translated demo_04 (systolic arrays) to LNT |
2022-04-14 |
[pres.] slides of H. Evrard's invited talk at MARS 2022 |
2022-04-14 |
[pres.] slides of Wendelin Serwe's talk at MARS 2022 |
2022-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-d "Kista" (change list) |
2022-04-13 |
Added new CADP tool: LNT_MERGE |
2022-04-01 |
[appl.] Radiomic Features for Prostate Cancer Grade Detection |
2022-04-01 |
[appl.] Specifying and Testing GPU Workgroup Progress Models |
2022-04-01 |
[soft.] Enhanced Computation of Dead and Concurrent Places |
2022-03-25 |
[soft.] Quantifying the Similarity of Non-bisimilar LTSs |
2022-03-25 |
[soft.] Explaining Safety Violations in Real-Time Systems |
2022-03-25 |
[soft.] Debugging/Verification Tools for Lingua Franca in Gemoc Studio |
2022-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-c "Kista" (change list) |
2022-03-03 |
[publ.] Is CADP an Applicable Formal Method? |
2022-02-28 |
New version 3.6 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2022-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-b "Kista" (change list) |
2022-02-11 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 14 |
2022-02-08 |
[soft.] Verification of Formal Requirements for ISO-26262 |
2022-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2022-a "Kista" (change list) |
2021-12-20 |
[demo] translated demo_08+demo_20 (REL/rel atomic multicast) to LNT |
2021-12-15 |
[publ.] The VLSAT-3 Benchmark Suite |
2021-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-l "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-12-03 |
[demo] translated demo_39 (Turntable system) to LNT |
2021-12-02 |
[demo] translated demo_37 (Open Distributed Processing trader) to LNT |
2021-12-01 |
[demo] translated demo_34 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) to LNT |
2021-11-30 |
[demo] translated demo_09 (INRES service and protocol) to LNT |
2021-11-29 |
[demo] translated demo_07 (car overtaking protocol) to LNT |
2021-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-k "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-10-29 |
New version 3.5 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2021-10-26 |
Released CADP version 2021-j "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-10-19 |
[publ.] The VLSAT-2 Benchmark Suite |
2021-09-20 |
[appl.] Modeling and Validation of ReDy Architecture for IoT Applications |
2021-09-20 |
[appl.] Detection of Android Malware using Model Checking and ML |
2021-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-i "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2020-09-02 |
Published the VLSAT-3 benchmark suite |
2020-09-02 |
Published the VLSAT-2 benchmark suite |
2021-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2021-h "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-08-23 |
[pres.] slides of F. Lang et al. at FM 2019 |
2021-07-26 |
Released CADP version 2021-g "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-07-13 |
[publ.] Efficient Algorithms for Three Reachability Problems... |
2021-07-12 |
[pres.] slides of P. Bouvier et al. at PETRI NETS 2021 |
2021-06-29 |
New version 3.4 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2021-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-f "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-e "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-d "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-c "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-02-28 |
New version 3.3 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2021-02-22 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 13 |
2021-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-b "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2021-a "Saarbruecken" (change list) |
2021-01-11 |
[pres.] slides of F. Lang et al. for the RERS'2020 parallel challenge |
2021-01-11 |
[pres.] slides of F. Lang et al. for the RERS'2019 parallel challenge |
2020-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-l "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-12-01 |
[soft.] SLiVER Tool for Modeling and Analyzing Multi-agent Systems |
2020-11-23 |
Published the VLSAT-1 benchmark suite |
2020-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-k "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-10-29 |
New version 3.2 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2020-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-j "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-09-26 |
Released CADP version 2020-i "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2020-h "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-07-27 |
[publ.] Automatic Decomposition of Petri Nets into Automata Networks |
2020-07-26 |
Released CADP version 2020-g "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-06-29 |
New version 3.1 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2020-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-f "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-06-05 |
[soft.] MOZART Tool for Designing and Deploying IoT Applications |
2020-05-25 |
[appl.] Asynchronous Circuit for Protection Against Physical Attacks |
2020-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-e "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-05-12 |
[publ.] Asynchronous Circuit for Protection Against Physical Attacks |
2020-05-12 |
[publ.] Sharp Congruences Adequate with Temporal Logics [...] |
2020-05-12 |
[publ.] Compositional Verification [...] by Combining Bisimulations |
2020-04-17 |
[soft.] IoT Composer Tool for Building and Designing IoT Applications |
2020-04-17 |
[appl.] Selection of Model Checking Strategies using Machine Learning |
2020-04-17 |
[appl.] Designing Safe Synchronous Reactive Systems |
2020-04-17 |
[appl.] Verifying Complex Software Control Systems from Test Objectives |
2020-04-17 |
[appl.] Finding Conservative Schema Evolutions by Analysing API Changes |
2020-04-17 |
[appl.] Model Checking Based Approach for Compliance Checking |
2020-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-d "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-c "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-03-10 |
[appl.] Collision Risk Estimation for Autonomous Driving |
2020-03-10 |
[appl.] Autonomic Resilience of IoT Applications in the Fog |
2020-02-29 |
New version 3.0 of the TRAIAN compiler used to build many CADP tools |
2020-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-b "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2020-a "Aalborg" (change list) |
2020-01-09 |
World map of CADP users in 2019 |
2019-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-l "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-12-05 |
[publ.] Reflections on B. Steffen's Physics of Software Tools |
2019-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-k "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-j "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-09-16 |
[pres.] slides of R. Mateescu at SPIN 2016 |
2019-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-i "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2019-h "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-08-22 |
[soft.] LFD-MPI Tool for Formal Development of MPI Applications |
2019-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-g "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-07-08 |
[pres.] slides of F. Lang: Compositional Verification in Action |
2019-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-f "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-05-19 |
[publ.] The Rewrite Engines Competitions: A RECtrospective |
2019-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-e "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-05-02 |
[appl.] Formal Modeling and Analysis of the TLS Handshake Model |
2019-05-02 |
[appl.] Model-Based Diagnosis using LNT |
2019-05-02 |
[publ.] Using LNT Formal Descriptions for Model-Based Diagnosis |
2019-04-24 |
[soft.] The RichTest Tool for Message-Passing Concurrent Programs |
2019-04-24 |
[soft.] Meta-Modeling Tool [εm] for Analysis of Process Models |
2019-04-18 |
[publ.] On-the-Fly Model Checking for Action-Based Probabilistic Operators |
2019-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-d "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-04-10 |
Added new EVALUATOR 5 manual page |
2019-04-10 |
Added new MCL version 5 manual page |
2019-04-10 |
F. Lang and F. Mazzanti Have Won the RERS 2019 Parallel Challenges |
2019-04-03 |
[soft.] The RichTest Tool for Message-Passing Concurrent Programs |
2019-04-03 |
[soft.] Debugging of Concurrent Systems using Counterexample Analysis |
2019-04-03 |
[soft.] Formal Analysis of Distributed Reactive Applications |
2019-04-02 |
[soft.] The aZiZa Tool for Heterogeneous Behavioural Models |
2019-04-02 |
[soft.] The Papyrus-RT Tool for Model-driven Engineering with UML-RT |
2019-04-02 |
[soft.] Adaptive Service Composition based on Runtime Verification |
2019-04-02 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel: Managing Large Collections of Benchmarks |
2019-04-01 |
[publ.] Nested-Unit Petri Nets |
2019-03-17 |
In March 2019, the 15,000-th license of CADP was granted |
2019-03-15 |
[soft.] Analysis of Security Guidelines for Program Certification |
2019-03-15 |
[soft.] FTRES (Fault Tree Rare Event Simulator) |
2019-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-c "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-02-15 |
[appl.] Analysis of Compositional State Space Generation |
2019-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-b "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-02-12 |
[appl.] Detection of Data Breaches in Banking Transaction Processes
2019-02-12 |
[appl.] Modeling and Verification of a Train Supervision System
2019-01-24 |
[soft.] Product-Line Approach for Families of Program Translators
2019-01-24 |
[appl.] Asynchronous Circuit Implementing a Memory Protection Unit
2019-01-17 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 11 |
2019-01-16 |
[appl.] Validation of the xSTream Data-Flow Architecture
2019-01-14 |
[appl.] Compositional Model Checking of Liveness Properties
2019-01-14 |
[appl.] Verification of Visibility-Based Properties on Multiple Moving Robots
2019-01-14 |
[appl.] Daily-Living Activity Recognition using Model Checking
2019-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2019-a "Pisa" (change list) |
2019-01-10 |
Added new BES manual page |
2019-01-09 |
Added new SEQ manual page |
2019-01-08 |
[publ.] The 7th Model Checking Contest |
2018-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-l "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-12-09 |
Added support for CADP on SunOS 5.11 (OpenIndiana "Hipster") |
2018-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-k "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-j "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-10-11 |
Added support for CADP on macOS 10.14 "Mojave" |
2018-10-08 |
[publ.] Compositional Verification in Action |
2018-09-27 |
[publ.] Benchmarking Implementations of Term Rewriting... |
2018-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-i "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2018-h "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-08-23 |
[demo] new demo_11 (dynamic task dispatcher) |
2018-08-22 |
[demo] translated demo_17 (distributed leader election protocols) to LNT |
2018-08-21 |
[publ.] Formal TLS Handshake Model in LNT |
2018-08-21 |
[pres.] slides of J. Bozic and L. Marsso at MARS 2018 |
2018-08-21 |
[publ.] TESTOR: A Modular Tool for [...] Test Case Generation |
2018-08-21 |
[pres.] slides of L. Marsso at TACAS 2018 |
2018-07-20 |
The CADP web site now supports HTTPS (Secure HTTP) navigation |
2018-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-g "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-07-09 |
Added new CADP tool: SCRUTATOR |
2018-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-f "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-06-12 |
[demo] new demo_06: Transport Layer Security 1.3 handshake protocol |
2018-05-26 |
Released CADP version 2018-e "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-05-18 |
Added new overarching MCL manual page |
2018-05-17 |
Added new overarching EVALUATOR manual page |
2018-05-15 |
[pres.] slides of A. Bouzafour at ASYNC 2018 |
2018-05-07 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel's invited lecture at WRLA 2018 |
2018-04-26 |
Released CADP version 2018-d "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-04-25 |
[publ.] Comparative Study of Eight Formal Specifications [...] |
2018-04-23 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel: Concurrency Theory meets IoT |
2018-03-21 |
[appl.] Coordination of Autonomic Managers in the Cloud
2018-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-c "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-b "Uppsala" (change list) |
2018-01-19 |
A Catalog of Tools for the Quantitative Zoo |
2018-01-19 |
World map of CADP users in 2017 |
2018-01-18 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 10 |
2018-01-17 |
[soft.] Availability Analysis of Software Architecture Decompositions
2018-01-17 |
[soft.] RTCP-nets Modeling and Verification
2018-01-17 |
[soft.] Formal Specification of Web Services Composition
2018-01-17 |
[appl.] Heuristic Search for Equivalence Checking
2018-01-17 |
[appl.] Proving Linearizability via Branching Bisimulation
2018-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2018-a "Uppsala" (change list) |
2017-12-19 |
[publ.] On the Most Suitable Axiomatization of Signed Integers |
2017-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-l "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-k "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-11-10 |
Added support for CADP on macOS 10.13 "High Sierra" |
2017-10-26 |
[appl.] Verification of TCP extended with the Window Scale Option
2017-10-26 |
[appl.] Proving Linearizability via Branching Bisimulation
2017-10-23 |
[publ.] From LOTOS to LNT |
2017-10-23 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel presented at Ed Brinksma's Festschrift |
2017-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-j "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-10-03 |
Our Web and FTP servers are back on-line after 2.5 days of disruption |
2017-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-i "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-09-12 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel at OPCT'17 |
2017-09-11 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel and L. Marsso at MARS'17 |
2017-09-10 |
[pres.] slides of H. Garavel and W. Serwe at MARS'17 |
2017-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2017-h "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-07-26 |
Released CADP version 2017-g "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-06-30 |
[soft.] The MIstRAL Tool for Middleware Reconfiguration |
2017-06-30 |
[soft.] The GROOVE Tool for Verification with Graph Rewriting |
2017-06-30 |
[appl.] Action-based Verification of a Fire Alarm System |
2017-06-20 |
[appl.] Modeling, Verification, and Testing for the EnergyBus |
2017-06-19 |
[appl.] Distributed Controller for the Production Cell Benchmark |
2017-06-19 |
[publ.] Automatic Distributed Code Generation from Formal Models... |
2017-06-19 |
[soft.] VBPMN Tool for Checking Business Process Evolution |
2017-06-19 |
[appl.] Performance Evaluation of Concurrent Data Structures |
2017-06-19 |
[appl.] Formal Specification of the Raft Consensus Algorithm |
2017-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-f "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-e "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-04-26 |
Released CADP version 2017-d "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-04-21 |
[publ.] The Unheralded Value of the Multiway Rendezvous |
2017-04-20 |
[publ.] A Large Term Rewrite System Modelling a [...] Cryptographic Algorithm |
2017-03-26 |
Released CADP version 2017-c "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-b "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2016-01-19 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 9 |
2017-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2017-a "Sophia Antipolis" (change list) |
2017-01-05 |
World map of CADP users in 2016 |
2016-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-l "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-11-16 |
[publ.] Checking Business Process Evolution |
2016-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-k "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-11-12 |
Added support for CADP on Windows when Cygwin is not installed in C:/ |
2016-11-09 |
Added support for CADP on macOS 10.12 "Sierra" |
2016-11-08 |
[publ.] Improved Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Network-on-Chip |
2016-11-02 |
[publ.] Modeling and Verification of GALS Systems using GRL and CADP |
2016-10-28 |
[publ.] CAESAR.BDD and NUPNs in back of the Model Checking Contest |
2016-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-j "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-09-27 |
[appl.] Fully Asynchronous Model of the Data Encryption Standard |
2016-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-i "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-09-12 |
[soft.] Ocarina Tool for Analysing AADL Descriptions |
2016-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2016-h "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-g "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-06-21 |
[soft.] DLC Compiler from LNT to Distributed C Code |
2016-06-18 |
[soft.] GRL2LNT Tool for GALS Representation Language |
2016-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-f "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-06-13 |
Comprehensive list of CADP-related publications |
2016-06-12 |
[publ.] Revisiting Sequential Composition in Process Calculi |
2016-05-23 |
[publ.] GRL: A Specification Language for GALS Systems |
2016-05-23 |
[publ.] Verification of EB3 specifications using CADP |
2016-05-23 |
[publ.] Compiling a Concurrent Specif. to a Distributed Implem. |
2016-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-e "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-05-03 |
[publ.] Formal Verification of a Cache-Coherent System-on-Chip |
2016-05-03 |
[publ.] Asynchronous Implem. of the Data Encryption Standard |
2016-05-02 |
Added support for CADP on Windows using 64-bit Cygwin |
2016-04-22 |
Lecture of Gérard Berry on SPIN and CADP (video, in French) |
2016-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-d "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-04-08 |
Updated installation for OS X "Yosemite" and "El Capitan" |
2016-04-06 |
Provided a comprehensive LOTOS manual page |
2016-03-21 |
[soft.] PIC2LNT Translator from Applied Pi-Calculus to LNT |
2016-03-15 |
[appl.] Verification of Plastic User Interfaces Exploiting Domain Ontologies |
2016-03-15 |
[appl.] Testing Autonomous Systems Using Communicating Extended FSMs |
2016-03-15 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the MCL language |
2016-03-15 |
[appl.] Applying Automata Learning to Embedded Control Software |
2016-03-15 |
[appl.] Improving Design Pattern Finder Precision Using Model Checking |
2016-03-14 |
Provided support for running CADP on Windows 10 using Cygwin |
2016-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-c "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-03-08 |
[soft.] The FLAC Fiacre to LOTOS Compiler
2016-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-b "Oxford" (change list) |
2016-02-05 |
[appl.] Formal Description and Validation of Graphical User Interfaces |
2016-02-05 |
[soft.] ELOTON Eclipse-based Editor to Support LOTOS Newcomers
2016-02-04 |
[demo] translated demo_12 to LNT |
2016-02-04 |
[demo] translated demo_31 to LNT |
2016-02-01 |
[soft.] IMCReo tool for Reasoning about QoS in Stochastic Reo Connectors
2016-02-01 |
[appl.] Verification of Models Reverse Engineered from Smart-card Readers |
2016-01-17 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 8 |
2016-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2016-a "Oxford" (change list) |
2015-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-l "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-11-26 |
Provided standalone manual pages for the GCF and PBG formats |
2015-11-19 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the XTL language |
2015-11-16 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the RBC format |
2015-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-k "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-11-09 |
[demo] translated demo_36 to LNT |
2015-11-02 |
[demo] translated demo_21 and demo_22 to LNT |
2015-10-15 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the EXP language |
2015-10-15 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the SVL language |
2015-10-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-j "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-09-23 |
[publ.] Compositional Verification of Asynch. Systems using CADP |
2015-09-23 |
[publ.] Automatic Distributed Code Generation from Formal Models... |
2015-09-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-i "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-09-11 |
[demo] translated demo_38 to LNT |
2015-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2015-h "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-08-26 |
[demo] entirely redesigned demo_38 |
2015-07-21 |
Provided a standalone manual page for the NUPN format |
2015-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-g "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-07-06 |
[appl.] Model-based Development and Testing of a Software Bus |
2015-07-06 |
[soft.] Refiner Tool for Checking Model Refinements |
2015-06-29 |
[publ.] Nested-Unit Petri Nets: A Structural Means... |
2015-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-f "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-e "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-05-12 |
[demo] translated demo_16 to LNT |
2015-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2015-d "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-04-13 |
[demo] new demo_05 (Airplane-Ground Communication Protocol) |
2015-03-26 |
Released CADP version 2015-c "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-02-26 |
Released CADP version 2015-b "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2015-02-23 |
[appl.] Compatibility Checking for Asynchronous Communication |
2015-02-23 |
[appl.] Dynamic Management Protocol for Cloud Applications |
2015-01-29 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 7 |
2015-01-26 |
Released CADP version 2015-a "Stony Brook" (change list) |
2014-12-19 |
[soft.] Support for Interactive Probabilistic Chains |
2014-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-l "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-11-26 |
Released CADP version 2014-k "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-10-26 |
Released CADP version 2014-j "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-09-26 |
Released CADP version 2014-i "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-09-23 |
[appl.] Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for a Network-on-Chip |
2014-09-23 |
[appl.] Formal Analysis of the ACE Cache Coherency Protocol |
2014-09-23 |
[publ.] Large-scale Distributed Verification using CADP |
2014-09-23 |
[publ.] Formal Analysis of a Hardware Dynamic Task Dispatcher |
2014-09-23 |
[publ.] Mutual exclusion algorithms benchmarked using CADP |
2014-09-17 |
[publ.] Most recent overview publication about CADP |
2014-09-16 |
[soft.] TLM.open: A SystemC/TLM Front-End for CADP |
2014-09-16 |
[soft.] CHP2LOTOS Translator for CHP (Communicating Hardware Processes) |
2014-08-26 |
Released CADP version 2014-h "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-07-17 |
[appl.] Verification of Multiway Synchronization Protocols |
2014-07-17 |
[appl.] Composition and Abstraction of Logical Regulatory Modules |
2014-07-17 |
[soft.] Compositional Verification Using Partial Model Checking |
2014-07-17 |
[soft.] Translator from the EB3 Language to LNT |
2014-07-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-g "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-07-02 |
[demo] translated demo_14 to LNT |
2014-06-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-f "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-06-09 |
Enriched and structured on-line manual page |
2014-06-03 |
Updated tutorial page |
2014-05-30 |
[demo] translated demo_18 to LNT |
2014-05-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-e "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-04-16 |
[lect.] Walking Back and Forth in Labelled Transition Systems |
2014-04-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-d "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-04-03 |
[appl.] Assisting Refinement in System-on-Chip Design |
2014-03-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-c "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-02-18 |
[appl.] Hypermanager for Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems |
2014-02-18 |
[soft.] Modeling Robot Behavior with CCL |
2014-02-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-b "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-01-23 |
[soft.] IDCM Tool for Incremental Component-based Architectures |
2014-01-23 |
[soft.] DFTCalc Tool for Computing Failure Probability of Dynamic Fault Trees |
2014-01-13 |
Released CADP version 2014-a "Amsterdam" (change list) |
2014-01-13 |
[soft.] Reo Tool for Model-Checking Dataflow in Service Compositions |
2014-01-13 |
[soft.] Automata Learning through Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement |
2013-12-13 |
Released CADP version 2013-l "Zurich" (change list) |
2013-12-12 |
Added new CADP tool: BCG_CMP |
2013-11-29 |
[soft.] Formal Analysis of Choreography Specifications |
2013-11-29 |
[soft.] Synchronizability and Realizability of Asynchronous Systems |
2013-11-29 |
[soft.] Quantitative Timed Analysis of Interactive Markov Chains |
2013-11-29 |
[soft.] Design Tool for FPGA-based Image and Video Processing |
2013-11-13 |
Released CADP version 2013-k "Zurich" (change list) |
2013-11-13 |
Added support for Apple OS X 10.9 "Mavericks" and XCode 5 |
2013-11-06 |
Revised installation of CADP on Mac OS X |
2013-11-06 |
Entirely rewrote CADP status web page |
2013-10-28 |
[soft.] Formal Modeling and Validation of BPEL-based Web Service Composition |
2013-10-28 |
[soft.] SLCO Language Transformation Environment |
2013-10-28 |
[soft.] SCOOP Tool for Symbolic Optimizations of Probabilistic Processes |
2013-10-28 |
[soft.] DAMASCO Framework for Model-based Composition and Adaptation |
2013-10-28 |
[appl.] Formal Development of Control Software in the Medical Systems Domain |
2013-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-j (release candidate 50) |
2013-09-30 |
[demo] translated demo_19 to LNT and ported it to Windows |
2013-09-17 |
[demo] translated demo_30 to LNT |
2013-09-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-i (release candidate 49) |
2013-09-06 |
Brought support for the latest versions of Cygwin |
2013-08-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-h (release candidate 48) |
2013-08-25 |
Revised installation of CADP on Windows |
2013-07-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-g (release candidate 47) |
2013-06-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-f (release candidate 46) |
2013-05-16 |
[appl.] Model Checking of Scenario-Aware Dataflow |
2013-05-16 |
[appl.] Real-Time Parallel Kernel for Dependable Distributed Systems |
2013-05-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-e (release candidate 45) |
2013-04-19 |
[appl.] Learning and Testing the Bounded Retransmission Protocol |
2013-04-19 |
[appl.] Formal Analysis and Co-simulation of a Dynamic Task Dispatcher |
2013-04-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-d (release candidate 44) |
2013-04-12 |
Enhanced installation of CADP on MacOS X |
2013-04-03 |
Updated Web page for the VLTS benchmark suite |
2013-04-03 |
[appl.] Self-configuration Protocol for the Cloud |
2013-04-03 |
[appl.] SYNERGY Reconfiguration Protocol |
2013-04-03 |
[appl.] Rigorous Development of Prompting Dialogs |
2013-03-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-c (release candidate 43) |
2013-02-20 |
[appl.] Atomicity Maintenance in EPCReport of ALE |
2013-02-20 |
[appl.] Semantics Tuning of UML/SysML |
2013-02-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-b (release candidate 42) |
2013-02-04 |
[appl.] Verification of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
2013-02-04 |
[appl.] Safety Verification of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Components |
2013-02-04 |
[appl.] Behavior Analysis of Malware by Rewriting-Based Abstraction |
2013-02-04 |
[appl.] Scalably Verifiable Cache Coherence |
2013-02-04 |
[appl.] Verification of a Key Chain Based TTP Transparent CEM Protocol |
2013-01-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2013-a (release candidate 41) |
2012-12-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2012-b (release candidate 40) |
2012-11-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2012-a (release candidate 39) |
2012-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2011-c (release candidate 38) |
2012-08-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2011-b (release candidate 37) |
2012-07-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2011-a (release candidate 36) |
2012-06-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-m (release candidate 35) |
2012-05-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-l (release candidate 34) |
2012-04-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-k (release candidate 33) |
2012-04-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-j (release candidate 32) |
2012-03-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-i (release candidate 31) |
2012-01-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-h (release candidate 30) |
2011-12-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-g (release candidate 29) |
2011-11-21 |
Moving from http://www.inrialpes.fr/vasy/cadp to http://cadp.inria.fr |
2011-11-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-f (release candidate 28) |
2011-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-e (release candidate 27) |
2011-09-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-d (release candidate 26) |
2011-07-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-c (release candidate 25) |
2011-06-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-b (release candidate 24) |
2011-05-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2010-a (release candidate 23) |
2011-04-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-i (release candidate 22) |
2011-03-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-h (release candidate 21) |
2011-02-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-g (release candidate 20) |
2011-01-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-f (release candidate 19) |
2010-12-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-e (release candidate 18) |
2010-11-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-d (release candidate 17) |
2010-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-c (release candidate 16) |
2010-10-11 |
Already 1000 messages and 150 members in the CADP forum |
2010-09-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-b (release candidate 15) |
2010-07-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2009-a (release candidate 14) |
2010-06-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-k (release candidate 13) |
2010-04-06 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-j (release candidate 12) |
2010-03-05 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-i (release candidate 11) |
2010-01-21 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-h (release candidate 10) |
2010-01-19 |
Added new CADP tool: LNT.OPEN |
2010-01-19 |
Added new CADP tool: LNT2LOTOS |
2010-01-19 |
Added new CADP tool: LPP |
2009-12-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-g (release candidate 9) |
2009-10-29 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-f (release candidate 8) |
2009-07-31 |
Added new CADP tool: CONTRIBUTOR |
2009-07-29 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-e (release candidate 7) |
2009-07-23 |
Added new CADP tool: CUNCTATOR |
2009-07-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-d (release candidate 6) |
2009-07-10 |
Added new CADP tool: FSP.OPEN |
2009-06-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-c (release candidate 5) |
2009-05-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-b (release candidate 4) |
2009-04-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2008-a (release candidate 3) |
2009-03-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-r (release candidate 2) |
2009-02-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-q (release candidate 1) |
2009-01-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-p (feature complete) |
2008-12-17 |
Added new CADP tool: FSP2LOTOS |
2008-12-12 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-o |
2008-11-28 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-n |
2008-11-03 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-m |
2008-10-15 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-l |
2008-09-30 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-k |
2008-08-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-j |
2008-07-29 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-i |
2008-07-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-h |
2008-06-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-g |
2008-06-01 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-f |
2008-05-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-e |
2008-03-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-d |
2008-02-05 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-c |
2007-11-07 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-b |
2007-10-17 |
Released beta-version CADP 2007-a |
2007-09-24 |
Opened the CADP forum |
2007-07-26 |
Released CADP 2006-a "Edinburgh" = CADP 2006 + patches |
2007-07-22 |
slides of H. Garavel at CAV'2007 |
2007-07-21 |
Solved problem 2006-g [Ubuntu Linux] |
2007-07-10 |
Solved problem 2006-f [Windows/Cygwin] |
2007-04-19 |
Published the CADP Newsletter - Nr. 6 |
2007-04-12 |
Solved problem 2006-e [Windows/Cygwin after Dec.19, 2006] |
2007-04-10 |
Solved problem 2006-d [all architectures] |
2007-02-08 |
Solved problem 2006-c [Ubuntu Linux 6.10] |
2007-01-31 |
Published the VASY 2006 Activity Report |
2007-01-30 |
Solved problem 2006-b [EUCALYPTUS 2.6] |
2007-01-23 |
Solved problem 2006-a [Windows/Cygwin after Dec. 19, 2006] |
2006-12-12 |
Released CADP 2006 "Edinburgh" |
2006-12-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-k (release candidate 5) |
2006-12-10 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1160..#1166 |
2006-12-10 |
Fixed typo (extra ".lib" suffix) in demo_24/co4.lotos |
2006-12-01 |
Fixed typo (duplicated words) in CAESAR_RENAME_1 manual page |
2006-11-30 |
Corrected two mu-calculus formulas in demo_40 (Web services) |
2006-11-30 |
Ported to Linux distributions relying on /bin/dash (Ubuntu 6.10) |
2006-11-30 |
Corrected macOS case in src/com/cadp_which |
2006-11-30 |
Fixed bitfields in X_ACTION.h, X_BIT.h, and X_BOOLEAN.h |
2006-11-16 |
Added detection of Evince in BCG_DRAW and BCG_EDIT |
2006-11-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-j (release candidate 4) |
2006-10-30 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1158..#1159 |
2006-10-30 |
Added new shell-script $CADP/src/com/cadp_echo (for Solaris) |
2006-10-30 |
Fixed BCG_EDIT issue with arrow heads inclined at 45 degrees |
2006-10-30 |
Reduced height of EUCALYPTUS Reduce panel for 1024x768 screens |
2006-10-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-i (release candidate 3) |
2006-10-27 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1156..#1157 |
2006-10-27 |
Added -parse and -unparse options to BCG_LABELS |
2006-10-27 |
Fixed EUCALYPTUS issue related to label parsing with TGV |
2006-10-27 |
Added TST warning for missing 32-bit glibc-devel on Opteron |
2006-10-26 |
Erased extra '\r' characters in license files generated on Windows |
2006-10-26 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1147..#1155 |
2006-10-26 |
Fixed minor issue in SVL scripts running on Solaris |
2006-10-26 |
Enhanced TST to detect Cygwin-specific mount point in $CADP |
2006-10-26 |
Updated bibliography section in three CADP manual pages |
2006-10-25 |
Removed extra TST warnings in case of incomplete $PATH |
2006-10-25 |
Fixed $PATH export issue in 6 shell-scripts |
2006-10-25 |
Replaced "basename" with "cadp_basename" in 10 shell-scripts |
2006-10-23 |
Removed directives requiring to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Solaris |
2006-10-23 |
Updated the contents of file $CADP/USERS |
2006-10-23 |
Fixed issue in TST occuring on non-English versions of Solaris |
2006-10-20 |
Added new shell-script $CADP/src/com/cadp_basename |
2006-10-20 |
Added TST warning for missing Solaris /usr/{ucb,xpg4}/basename |
2006-10-20 |
Fixed a minor SVL bug (non-detection of *.err files) on Solaris |
2006-10-17 |
Added a new publication on refined compositional verification |
2006-10-17 |
Updated INSTALLATION_2 manual for Windows users |
2006-10-17 |
Fixed minor error in TST shell-script |
2006-10-17 |
Fixed truncated paragraph in DISTRIBUTOR manual page |
2006-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-h (release candidate 2) |
2006-10-12 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1140..#1146 |
2006-10-12 |
Fixed cover pages of all INRIA research reports in doc/pdf/* |
2006-10-11 |
Enabled fetching "gs" and "mozilla" in /usr/sfw/bin on Solaris 10 |
2006-10-11 |
Added two new publications on EVALUATOR 3.0 |
2006-10-10 |
2006-10-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-g (release candidate 1) |
2006-10-09 |
Fixed issue (spurious error message) in BCG_OPEN script |
2006-10-04 |
Fixed intermittent blocking of cadp_hostinfo on Linux clusters |
2006-09-29 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1128..#1139 |
2006-09-25 |
Handled disconnected Macs with fixed IP addresses (no DHCP) |
2006-09-22 |
Improved the translation of ACTL formulas into mu-calculus |
2006-09-22 |
Removed need for having /usr/ucb in the $PATH for Solaris users |
2006-09-21 |
Added support for Cygwin users with home directories not on C:\ |
2006-09-21 |
Added TST warning for the absence of "ulimit -s" on Cygwin |
2006-09-20 |
Fixed Installator issue on Windows with long mount point names |
2006-09-19 |
Fixed Windows portability issue in EVALUATOR -block" |
2006-09-18 |
Fixed an incorrect error message in EVALUATOR" |
2006-09-08 |
Improved TST message when "indent" is missing on Solaris |
2006-09-08 |
Modified TST to avoid a useless warning on Solaris 10 |
2006-07-28 |
Improved BISIMULATOR manual page (branching diagnostics) |
2006-07-28 |
Updated screen pictures on the INSTALLATOR manual page |
2006-07-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-f |
2006-07-25 |
Adapted OPEN/CAESAR scripts towards white spaces in $CADP |
2006-07-24 |
Fixed semantic bug in BISIMULATOR -branching -diag |
2006-07-24 |
Changed OPEN/CAESAR binaries to allow spaces in $CADP |
2006-07-24 |
Avoided link edition warning for Projector on MacOS X |
2006-07-21 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1116..#1127 |
2006-07-21 |
Fixed SVL issue with Projector's ".sync" files on Windows |
2006-07-20 |
Fixed minor issue in EUCALYPTUS Tcl/Tk script |
2006-07-20 |
Updated several pages of the CADP Web site |
2006-07-19 |
Added overview paper on CAESAR_SOLVE (39 pages) |
2006-07-17 |
Updated the contents of file $CADP/USERS |
2006-07-11 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-e |
2006-07-11 |
Made EUCALYPTUS more robust against empty option strings |
2006-07-10 |
Interfaced EXP.OPEN 2.0 with the TINA verification tool |
2006-07-10 |
Updated "=READ_ME.txt" demo files according to CAESAR.NEW |
2006-07-07 |
2006-07-07 |
Enhanced "cadp_indent" to cope with Linux "core.pid" files |
2006-07-05 |
Changed "caesar_graph.h" declarations to avoid lint warnings |
2006-07-05 |
Fixed subtle bug in "-unit" option of CAESAR.BDD |
2006-07-04 |
Enhanced variable declaration formatting in CAESAR.INDENT |
2006-07-03 |
Enabled GNU indent to be used by "cadp_indent" on Solaris |
2006-07-03 |
Handled SIGPIPE signals gracefully in "src/com/cadp_tail" |
2006-07-03 |
Fixed TST issue for Linux processes with unlimited stack size |
2006-06-28 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-d |
2006-06-27 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1112..#1115 |
2006-06-26 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1102..#1111 |
2006-06-26 |
Improved dependency check for CAESAR[.ADT,.NEW] -external |
2006-06-26 |
Brought various enhancements to EUCALYPTUS user interface |
2006-06-26 |
Suppressed spurious error message emitted by TST on Windows |
2006-06-07 |
Enhanced INSTALLATOR with symbolic link capability checking |
2006-06-07 |
Added installation directives for FAT and NTFS file systems |
2006-06-06 |
Fixed license reminder issue for INSTALLATOR on Windows |
2006-06-06 |
Improved warning messages sent before license expiration |
2006-06-06 |
Added options "-v" and "-t" to RFL |
2006-05-24 |
Changed EUCALYPTUS to support BCG_MIN new options |
2006-05-23 |
Improved the pretty-printing rules of CAESAR.INDENT |
2006-05-19 |
Made all C files within $CADP/ compliant with SunStudio 11 lint |
2006-05-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-c |
2006-05-17 |
Finished adding SPARC binaries compiled with SunStudio 11 |
2006-05-16 |
Started adding SPARC binaries compiled with SunStudio 11 |
2006-05-12 |
Improved the manual page for CAESAR_SOLVE_1 |
2006-05-05 |
Improved EUCALYPTUS support for EVALUATOR 3.5 |
2006-05-05 |
Improved EUCALYPTUS support for EXP.OPEN 2.0 |
2006-05-04 |
Added "-external" option to CAESAR and CAESAR.NEW |
2006-05-04 |
Added "-indent, -oldstyle, -newstyle" options to CAESAR[.NEW] |
2006-05-03 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-b |
2006-05-03 |
Made "incl/X_STRING.h" compatible with CAESAR.NEW |
2006-05-02 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1096..#1101 |
2006-05-02 |
Fixed bug in BISIMULATOR -branching -diag |
2006-04-26 |
Fixed EUCALYPTUS issue when $CYGWIN contains "tty" |
2006-04-26 |
Fixed INSTALLATOR issue when $CYGWIN contains "tty" |
2006-04-24 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1081..#1095 |
2006-04-18 |
Fixed remaining issue in CAESAR_TEST_REGEXP() |
2006-04-12 |
Enhanced BISIMULATOR's -bes option with gzip compression |
2006-04-07 |
Fixed segmentation fault in CAESAR_TEST_REGEXP() |
2006-04-07 |
Redesigned entirely the CADP Publication Page |
2006-04-07 |
Released beta-version CADP 2005-a |
2006-04-06 |
Fixed link edition bug in OCIS |
2006-04-06 |
Modified EUCALYPTUS to support useful options of EXP.OPEN V2.0 |
2006-04-06 |
Modified EUCALYPTUS to support all BISIMULATOR/EVALUATOR options |
2006-04-06 |
Fixed EUCALYPTUS bug when comparing a ".bcg" to an ".aut" file |
2006-03-31 |
Modified EUCALYPTUS to give access to REDUCTOR V5 |
2006-03-30 |
Added -format option to BCG_IO for generating ETMCC format |
2006-03-30 |
Fixed errors in EXEC/CAESAR's C code for `empty' LOTOS specs |
2006-03-30 |
Declared EXEC/CAESAR's gate functions to avoid compiler warnings |
2006-03-28 |
Fixed SVL issue with gate names not starting with a letter |
2006-03-28 |
Renamed EXEC/CAESAR's CAESAR_EXIT() function into EXIT() |
2006-03-27 |
Added demo_40 (stock management and auction web services) |
2006-03-24 |
Enhanced EVALUATOR's -bes option with gzip compression |
2006-03-24 |
Added -format option to DETERMINATOR and BCG_MIN |
2006-03-22 |
Simplified EUCALYPTUS with respect to ALDEBARAN |
2006-03-22 |
Fixed ".exp" conversion bug in EUCALYPTUS |
2006-03-16 |
Fixed bug in REDUCTOR -total -safety |
2006-03-16 |
Fixed minor bug in SVL "verify" and "comparison" diagnostics |
2006-03-15 |
Added "Evaluate performance" menu to EUCALYPTUS |
2006-03-15 |
More enhancements in TST to support Intel's ICC compiler |
2006-03-14 |
More enhancements in INSTALLATION_2 and CAESAR[.NEW] |
2006-03-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-k |
2006-03-10 |
Adapted SVL to REDUCTOR V5 |
2006-03-10 |
Added -trace and -weaktrace options to REDUCTOR |
2006-03-10 |
Replaced REDUCTOR's -minimal option with -total/-partial |
2006-03-09 |
Wrote the REDUCTOR 5.0 manual page |
2006-03-07 |
Removed "-normal" and "-tauclosure" options of DETERMINATOR |
2006-03-07 |
Enhanced "tst" to recognize and check Intel's ICC compiler |
2006-03-06 |
Added "bfs" and "dfs" attributes to "compare" in SVL |
2006-03-06 |
Added "bfs", "dfs", and "acyclic" attributes to "verify" in SVL |
2006-03-06 |
Wrote HISTORY entries #1040..#1080 |
2006-03-03 |
Fixed core dump issue with "label par" in EXP.OPEN 2.0 |
2006-03-02 |
Fixed bug in REDUCTOR -taucompression -divergence |
2006-02-24 |
Rewrote HISTORY entries #984 and #996 |
2006-02-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-j |
2006-02-23 |
Changed API of function CAESAR_READ_SOLVE_1() |
2006-02-23 |
Changed API of function CAESAR_WRITE_SOLVE_1() |
2006-02-22 |
Enhanced CAESAR to avoid Intel compiler ICC 9.0 warnings |
2006-02-22 |
Enhanced BCG tools to avoid Intel compiler ICC 9.0 warnings |
2006-02-21 |
Enhanced CAESAR.ADT to avoid Intel compiler ICC 9.0 warnings |
2006-02-21 |
Enhanced EXP.OPEN to avoid Intel compiler ICC 9.0 warnings |
2006-02-21 |
Allowed for Solaris C compiler not located in /opt/SUNWspro/bin |
2006-02-21 |
2006-02-17 |
Renamed into CAESAR_EXIT() the gate function for LOTOS gate "exit" |
2006-02-16 |
Enhanced demo_19 and demo_38 with gate function logging |
2006-02-15 |
Rewrote HISTORY entries #994 and #1011 |
2006-02-06 |
Improved compatibility between ALDEBARAN and ALDEBARAN.OLD |
2006-02-03 |
Fixed XTL bug on Linux and Windows |
2006-02-01 |
Added -tauconfluence option to BISIMULATOR |
2006-01-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-i |
2006-01-26 |
Fixed table overflow issue in EXP.OPEN 2.0 |
2006-01-25 |
Fixed an error in the manual page of EXHIBITOR |
2006-01-24 |
Renamed REDUCTOR's "-keeplock" option into "-divergence" |
2006-01-20 |
Published the VASY 2005 Activity Report |
2006-01-09 |
Fixed an error in the manual page of EVALUATOR 3.5 |
2006-01-09 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-h |
2006-01-09 |
Adapted Installator to MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger" |
2006-01-09 |
Updated installation directives for MacOS X 10.4 "Tiger" |
2006-01-06 |
Improved branching/observational equivalences in BISIMULATOR |
2006-01-04 |
Fixed diagnostic bug of branching equivalence in BISIMULATOR |
2005-12-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-g |
2005-12-22 |
Added -keeplock option to REDUCTOR |
2005-12-22 |
Fixed branching equivalence bug in BISIMULATOR |
2005-12-20 |
Improved diagnostics for livelocks in demo 10, 11, 14, 37 |
2005-12-20 |
Modified SVL to erase ALDEBARAN diagnostic files |
2005-12-20 |
Renamed ALDEBARAN diagnostic file into "aldebaran.bcg" |
2005-12-19 |
Added logging macros in "incl/caesar_kernel.h" |
2005-12-16 |
Fixed one remaining bug in CAESAR.INDENT |
2005-12-16 |
Fixed mistake in file "$CADP/demos/demo_04/EXP.t" |
2005-12-16 |
Added -deadpreserving and -weaktrace options to EXP.OPEN |
2005-12-16 |
Updated PROJECTOR and REDUCTOR manual pages |
2005-11-29 |
Fixed 2 bugs and brought 2 improvements in CAESAR.INDENT |
2005-11-22 |
Improved -tauconfluence/-taucompression in BISIMULATOR |
2005-11-21 |
Improved -tauconfluence/-taucompression in DISTRIBUTOR |
2005-11-21 |
Added -tauconfluence/-taucompression options to REDUCTOR |
2005-11-02 |
More changes to avoid warnings from Sun compiler 5.7 |
2005-10-28 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-f |
2005-10-28 |
Improved counterexamples generated by BISIMULATOR |
2005-10-27 |
Replaced ALDEBARAN by a shell wrapper (this fixes 24 bugs) |
2005-10-19 |
Avoided warnings from Sun compiler 5.7 (Sun Studio 10) |
2005-10-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-e |
2005-10-13 |
Further reduced internal memory cost of table_1 |
2005-10-10 |
Renamed ALDEBARAN binary into ALDEBARAN.OLD |
2005-10-10 |
Installed new version 4.0 of the REDUCTOR tool |
2005-10-10 |
Fixed cleanup errors in SVL scripts of demos 24, 31, and 39 |
2005-10-07 |
Added new properties and Markov delays to demo_39 |
2005-09-29 |
Added -unparse option in EXP.OPEN |
2005-09-28 |
Allowed special characters in EXP.OPEN labels |
2005-09-23 |
Fixed issue in CAESAR_SOLVE_1 diagnostic generation |
2005-09-22 |
Enhanced the API of library CAESAR_SOLVE_1 |
2005-09-21 |
Added 5th resolution algorithm (named A5) in CAESAR_SOLVE |
2005-09-19 |
Fixed bug in EXP.OPEN -mcrl and -interface options |
2005-09-19 |
Reduced internal memory cost of table_1 |
2005-09-13 |
Fixed spurious warning from "tst" on recent RedHat OS'es |
2005-09-12 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-d |
2005-09-12 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #1034...#1039 |
2005-09-12 |
Added demo_39 (turntable system for drilling products) |
2005-09-09 |
Added demo_38 (asynchronous DES implementation) |
2005-09-09 |
Added assertion macros in "incl/caesar_kernel.h" |
2005-09-09 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #1016...#1033 |
2005-09-06 |
Simplified auxiliary files for demo_19 |
2005-09-06 |
Improved "src/exec_caesar/main.c" (EXEC/CAESAR's entry point) |
2005-09-05 |
Added demo_37 (ODP trader) |
2005-09-02 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #1002...#1015 |
2005-09-02 |
Fixed spurious "out of date" warnings in CAESAR and CAESAR.ADT |
2005-08-29 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #998...#1001 |
2005-08-22 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #970...#997 |
2005-07-25 |
Simplified demo_15/demo.svl and demo_34/demo.svl |
2005-07-18 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #962...#969 |
2005-07-15 |
Wrote HISTORY file entry #903 (CAESAR.ADT's new-style iterators) |
2005-06-28 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-c |
2005-06-24 |
Fixed DISTRIBUTOR issue with Windows' "Services for Unix" |
2005-06-24 |
Made PROJECTOR 2.0 faster (up to 7 times on some examples) |
2005-06-24 |
Avoided useless CAESAR{,.ADT,.NEW} recomputations on win32 |
2005-06-13 |
Made the C code generated by CAESAR acceptable by Protoize |
2005-05-17 |
Improved demo_35 (distributed summation algorithm) |
2005-04-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-b |
2005-04-25 |
Fixed a few residual problems observed on Windows |
2005-04-17 |
Fixed bug when calling BCG_TRANSIENT with several "time instants" |
2005-04-15 |
Allowed DISTRIBUTOR's -monitor option to work on Windows |
2005-04-13 |
Changed C code produced by CAESAR[.ADT] to avoid GCC warnings |
2005-04-08 |
Released beta-version CADP 2004-a |
2005-04-07 |
Added CAESAR.NEW tool (preview version of CAESAR 7.0) |
2005-04-05 |
Cleared semantic issue in CAESAR's optimization U2 |
2005-04-05 |
Fixed BCG_EDIT problem when $PRINTER contains spaces |
2005-04-01 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-z |
2005-04-01 |
Enlarged table_1 capacity from (2^24)-1 up to 2^29 elements |
2005-03-30 |
Migrated win32 binaries of CADP from CRTDLL to MSVCRT |
2005-03-29 |
Made the C code generated by EXP2C faster by 25-35% |
2005-03-29 |
Changed value of CAESAR_NULL_INDEX_TABLE_1 to -1 => recompile! |
2005-03-24 |
Fixed occasional deadlocks in INSTALLATOR after FTP transfers |
2005-03-24 |
Added new demo_36 (distributed Erathostenes sieve) |
2005-03-24 |
Added new demo_35 (distributed summation algorithm) |
2005-03-24 |
Added "-info" option to EXP.OPEN V2 |
2005-03-23 |
Upgraded win32 binaries to mingw-runtime-3.7 and w32api-3.2 |
2005-03-23 |
Fixed immobile progress bars in DISTRIBUTOR's MONITOR |
2005-03-23 |
Fixed "infinite loop" error message in DISTRIBUTOR's MONITOR |
2005-03-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-y |
2005-03-18 |
Enabled OCIS to load arbitrary scenarios stored in BCG files |
2005-03-15 |
Fixed various portability issues arising on Windows XP |
2005-03-14 |
Allowed 8-bit chars in EXP2C, MCL_EXPAND, SVL, and XTL |
2005-03-14 |
Allowed 8-bit chars in CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, and CAESAR.INDENT |
2005-03-14 |
Fixed BISIMULATOR bug on Windows |
2005-03-11 |
Fixed constant order issue in C code generated by CAESAR.ADT |
2005-03-10 |
Added support for partial order reduction in SVL |
2005-03-03 |
Updated the help menu of the EUCALYPTUS user interface |
2005-03-03 |
Integrated the revised E7 option of CAESAR in EUCALYPTUS |
2005-03-03 |
Integrated BISIMULATOR in the EUCALYPTUS user interface |
2005-03-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-x |
2005-03-02 |
Added new hash function CAESAR_7_HASH() |
2005-03-01 |
Redesigned hash function CAESAR_6_HASH() entirely |
2005-02-28 |
Updated demos to use BISIMULATOR instead of ALDEBARAN |
2005-02-28 |
Added trace and weak trace equivalences to SVL |
2005-02-25 |
Solved license issues for disconnected Linux laptops |
2005-02-25 |
Fixed pointer alignment issues in CAESAR_i_HASH(), i = 1, 2, 6 |
2005-02-24 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-w |
2005-02-24 |
Ported the OCIS graphical simulator to Mac OS X |
2005-02-23 |
Fixed several issues in the OCIS graphical simulator |
2005-02-22 |
Fixed "BCG_INFO -nondeterministic" bug on large graphs |
2005-02-18 |
Added new demo_34 (computer integrated manufacturing) |
2005-02-18 |
Finalized demo_31 (SCSI-2 bus arbitration protocol) |
2005-02-16 |
Improved TST to detect Linux kernels with GR security enabled |
2005-02-11 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-v |
2005-02-10 |
Ported CADP to Linux Fedora Core 3 |
2005-02-10 |
Added "refined abstraction" operator to the SVL language |
2005-02-10 |
Added "-labels" option to EXP.OPEN V2 |
2005-02-08 |
Fixed buffer overflow in CADP_LIB |
2005-02-03 |
Improved counterexample graphs generated by BISIMULATOR |
2005-02-03 |
Fixed porting issue of BISIMULATOR on Mac OS X |
2005-02-03 |
Installed new version 3.5 of the EVALUATOR model checker |
2005-02-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-u |
2005-02-02 |
Fixed subtle bug in CAESAR_SOLVE's BFS algorithm |
2005-01-28 |
Updated manual page for EVALUATOR 3.5 |
2005-01-27 |
Wrote DISTRIBUTOR manual page |
2005-01-27 |
Fixed various issues in DISTRIBUTOR and BCG_MERGE |
2005-01-27 |
Removed -merge option from DISTRIBUTOR |
2005-01-27 |
Added -clean option to BCG_MERGE |
2005-01-24 |
Added DISTRIBUTOR and BCG_MERGE binaries to CADP |
2005-01-21 |
Published the VASY 2004 Activity Report |
2005-01-17 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-t |
2005-01-17 |
Fixed (only potential) bug in CAESAR_SOLVE_1 |
2005-01-17 |
Fixed various typos in the CAESAR_SOLVE_1 manual page |
2005-01-17 |
Suppressed spurious TST warning "No license exists for host ..." |
2005-01-13 |
Added trace and weak-trace equivalences in BISIMULATOR |
2005-01-11 |
Fixed a minor bug in EXP.OPEN V2 code generation |
2005-01-11 |
Fixed three minor bugs in SVL |
2005-01-07 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-s |
2005-01-07 |
Updated BISIMULATOR manual page |
2005-01-07 |
Wrote the CAESAR_SOLVE_1 manual page (23 pages) |
2005-01-06 |
Fixed a problem with "leaf reduction" in SVL |
2005-01-06 |
Fixed a table overflow bug in EXP.OPEN V2 |
2004-12-23 |
Wrote BCG_MERGE manual page |
2004-12-21 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-r |
2004-12-21 |
Finalized demo_30 (Hubble space telescope lifetime) |
2004-12-20 |
Fixed two bugs in the forthcoming BCG_MERGE tool |
2004-12-17 |
Updated SVL to support BISIMULATOR and PROJECTOR 2.0 |
2004-12-17 |
Added new BISIMULATOR tool |
2004-12-17 |
Added DETERMINATOR binaries to CADP |
2004-12-17 |
Added CAESAR_SOLVE_1 library for boolean equation systems |
2004-12-17 |
Added version 2 of PROJECTOR |
2004-12-16 |
Simplified "raw" matrix in BCG_STEADY/BCG_TRANSIENT |
2004-12-16 |
Fixed TGV abort problem on Windows |
2004-12-16 |
Ported TGV to Mac OS X |
2004-12-15 |
Wrote DETERMINATOR manual page |
2004-12-15 |
Added "impossible synchronization" warnings in Exp.Open |
2004-12-15 |
Fixed Exp.Open bug with labels containing special characters |
2004-12-15 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-q |
2004-12-14 |
Fixed minor bug in Exp2Fc2 that impacted SVL |
2004-12-14 |
Fixed bug in "-append" option of BCG_STEADY and BCG_TRANSIENT |
2004-12-13 |
Renamed "caesar_block_1" library into "caesar_area_1" |
2004-12-13 |
Updated "upc" to warn about CAESAR_CREATE_TABLE_1() |
2004-12-13 |
Added automatic padding around mark field in "caesar_table_1" |
2004-12-13 |
Added new function CAESAR_HASH_STRING_BLOCK_1() |
2004-12-13 |
Improved dispersion of CAESAR_STRING_0_HASH() |
2004-12-10 |
Wrote BCG_TRANSIENT manual page |
2004-12-09 |
Wrote BCG_STEADY manual page |
2004-12-07 |
Simplified CAESAR_CREATE_TABLE_1() profile further |
2004-12-03 |
Improved -thr option of BCG_STEADY and BCG_TRANSIENT |
2004-12-03 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-p |
2004-12-02 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #904...#961 |
2004-12-01 |
Allowed NULL comment in BCG_IO_WRITE_BCG_BEGIN() |
2004-12-01 |
Fixed subtle bug in the cache table of "caesar_mask_1" |
2004-11-30 |
Fixed problem in documentation of CAESAR_APPLY_MASK_1() |
2004-11-29 |
Improved semantics of CAESAR_PRINT in CAESAR_CREATE_TABLE_1() |
2004-11-29 |
Fixed 3 bugs with string blocks in "caesar_block_1" |
2004-11-25 |
Put the BCG_STEADY and BCG_TRANSIENT binaries in CADP |
2004-11-25 |
Modified "tst" to check the stack size `ulimit' |
2004-11-17 |
Used "block_1" type in CAESAR_CREATE_TABLE_1() profile |
2004-11-16 |
Enhanced "caesar_block_1" with the notion of empty block |
2004-11-15 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-o |
2004-11-15 |
2004-11-15 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #895...#902 |
2004-11-10 |
2004-11-08 |
Added 19 new subjects to the CADP FAQ page |
2004-11-03 |
Added -hide and -rename options to Generator and Reductor |
2004-11-03 |
Added BCG general options to Generator and Reductor |
2004-11-03 |
Added new OPEN/CAESAR library named "caesar_mask_1" |
2004-11-02 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #878...#894 |
2004-10-25 |
Added new OPEN/CAESAR library named "caesar_block_1" |
2004-10-21 |
Added CAESAR_LABEL_i_HASH() (i = 1..6) in "caesar_hash" |
2004-10-20 |
Added CAESAR_FUNCTION_NAME() in "caesar_standard" |
2004-10-19 |
Improved BCG_INFO, BCG_LABELS, and BCG_MIN man pages |
2004-10-19 |
Corrected typos in OPEN/CAESAR Reference Manual |
2004-10-19 |
Added CAESAR_STRING_0_HASH() in "caesar_hash" library |
2004-10-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-n |
2004-10-18 |
Added "-interface" option to EXP.OPEN V2 |
2004-10-18 |
Fixed core dump in BCG_MIN strong stochastic minimization |
2004-10-15 |
Updated CADP usage statistics |
2004-10-12 |
Fixed "uudecode -s" issue for Installator on Mac OS X 10.3 |
2004-10-12 |
Added choice between rsh, ssh, and krsh in Installator |
2004-10-11 |
Added option "-p" to RFL for choosing remote access protocol |
2004-10-08 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-m |
2004-10-08 |
Fixed semantic bug in stochastic/probabilistic BCG_MIN |
2004-10-08 |
2004-10-04 |
Improved TST detection of the Glibc version on Linux |
2004-10-04 |
Fixed minor RFL problem caused by "/usr/bin/tr" on Solaris |
2004-10-01 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-l |
2004-10-01 |
Changed Installator to circumvent Windows file locks |
2004-09-30 |
Added new shell-script named "src/com/install_lock" |
2004-09-29 |
Added new shell-script named "src/com/install_clone" |
2004-09-27 |
Fixed bug in SVL related to "-case" option |
2004-09-27 |
Ported CADP_MEMORY to Mac OS X |
2004-09-24 |
Allowed license requests by FTP from machines without e-mail |
2004-09-24 |
Fixed Installator problem on Linux caused by GNU-tar 1.14 |
2004-09-21 |
Fixed minor bug in EXP.OPEN V2 shell script |
2004-09-17 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-k |
2004-09-17 |
Installed e-mail reminder (before licence expires) service |
2004-09-16 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #848...#877 |
2004-09-15 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-j |
2004-09-14 |
Wrote HISTORY file entries #790...#847 |
2004-09-13 |
Fixed minor bug in SVL error messages |
2004-09-13 |
Fixed segmentation fault bug in BCG_IO_WRITE_BCG_END() |
2004-09-13 |
Changed demo_26 to avoid a "macro redefined" warning |
2004-09-09 |
Improved integration between CAESAR and CAESAR.BDD |
2004-09-07 |
Fixed double-click bug in BCG_EDIT's file selection window |
2004-09-07 |
Avoided multiple recompilations by CAESAR[.ADT] on Mac OS X |
2004-09-06 |
Adapted "-map" option of CAESAR[.ADT] to new-style iterators |
2004-09-02 |
Refined error codes returned by CAESAR.BDD on exit |
2004-09-01 |
Ported XSIMULATOR to Mac OS X |
2004-08-31 |
Changed Installator to adjust CR/LF and symlinks on Windows |
2004-08-27 |
Improved many details of Mac OS X port |
2004-08-24 |
Replaced EXP2FC2 binaries with a simple shell-script |
2004-08-24 |
Added version 2 of EXP.OPEN |
2004-07-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-i |
2004-07-27 |
Ported XTL 1.2 to Mac OS X |
2004-07-26 |
Ported ALDEBARAN to Mac OS X |
2004-07-23 |
Allowed multiple LICENSE files for clusters and large networks |
2004-07-21 |
Enabled 8-bit characters in LICENSE files |
2004-07-20 |
Added support for Linux 2.6 systems (e.g., Mandrake 10) |
2004-07-13 |
Ported CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, and BCG to Mac OS X |
2004-07-13 |
Added new version of CAESAR optimization E7 based on BDDs |
2004-07-13 |
Added new CADP tool: CAESAR.BDD |
2004-07-13 |
Provided backward compatibility with glibc 2.2.5 |
2004-07-08 |
Added CAESAR_TEMPORARY_FILE() in "caesar_standard" |
2004-07-06 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-h |
2004-07-02 |
Added support for AMD Opteron running in 32-bit mode |
2004-06-20 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-g |
2004-06-14 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-f |
2004-06-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-e |
2004-05-06 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-d |
2004-04-28 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-c |
2004-04-08 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-b |
2004-03-25 |
Released beta-version CADP 2003-a |
2004-03-08 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-z |
2004-02-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-y |
2004-02-10 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-x |
2003-12-18 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-w |
2003-12-01 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-v |
2003-11-21 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-u |
2003-11-17 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-t |
2003-10-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-s |
2003-10-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-r |
2003-10-16 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-q |
2003-09-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-p |
2003-07-25 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-o |
2003-06-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-n |
2003-06-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-m |
2003-06-17 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-l |
2003-05-21 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-k |
2003-05-06 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-j |
2003-03-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-i |
2003-02-21 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-h |
2002-12-13 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-g |
2002-11-26 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-f |
2002-11-19 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-e |
2002-10-04 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-d |
2002-09-27 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-c |
2002-08-23 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-b |
2002-07-02 |
Released beta-version CADP 2002-a |
2001-07-13 |
Released CADP 2001 "Ottawa" |