where each action in the list action1 action2 ... is either a "hiding action", defined as:
action ::= -hide [ -total | -partial | -gate ] hiding_filename
or a "renaming action", defined as:
action ::= -rename [ -total | -single | -multiple | -gate ] renaming_filename
or a "scrambling action", defined as:
action ::= -scramble pattern
There can be as many actions as needed (possibly none) on the command line except in the latter case, where the list action1 action2 ... should contain only one element, meaning that a scrambling action may not be combined with any other action.
This command applies to the labels of input.bcg, the hiding, renaming and/or scrambling operations specified by the list of actions given on the command line.
These operations are performed in the same order as the actions occur on the command line (the leftmost actions being applied first, and the rightmost ones being applied last). For instance, if bcg_labels is called with arguments -rename file1 -hide file2, renaming will be applied before hiding.
A dynamic library corresponding to input.bcg may be generated if necessary.
The -total, -partial, and -gate options specify the "total matching", "partial matching", and "gate matching" semantics, respectively. See the caesar_hide_1 manual page for more details about these semantics. Option -total is the default.
The -total, -single, -multiple, and -gate options specify the "total matching", "single partial matching", "multiple partial matching", and "gate matching" semantics, respectively. See the caesar_rename_1 manual page for more details about these semantics. Option -total is the default.
The pattern is a character string to be used as the format argument of the C function printf(). It should contain exactly one occurrence of "%d". The scrambling action renames each label string into pattern, the "%d" of which being replaced by the unique integer that identifies the label. The pattern should not contain other %-arguments than "%d", such as "%c", "%f", etc. If needed, the "%" character can be specified as "%%".
See the bcg manual page for a description of the other files.
Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at http://cadp.inria.fr
Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.
Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.