BCG_OPEN manual page
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bcg_open - OPEN/CAESAR connection for graphs encoded in the BCG format


bcg_open [bcg_options] filename[.bcg] [cc_options] prog[.a|.c|.o] [prog_options]


Taking as input a BCG graph and an OPEN/CAESAR program prog[.a|.c|.o], bcg_open generates an executable program prog performing appropriate calls to the BCG programs and the C compiler. Finally, prog is executed.

According to the principles of the OPEN/CAESAR architecture, prog is obtained by combining three different modules:

Processing of the Graph Module

A dynamic library corresponding to may be generated if necessary.

Processing of the Exploration Module

The exploration module prog[.a|.c|.o] is supposed to contain an OPEN/CAESAR application program, such as exhibitor, evaluator, terminator...

The exploration module can be supplied in three different forms. It can be either an archive file (with .a suffix), or a source C program (with .c suffix) or an object code file (with .o suffix).

If prog.a is not present in the current directory, bcg_open attempts to fetch it in the OPEN/CAESAR binary library $CADP/bin.`arch`.

If prog.c is not present in the current directory, bcg_open attempts to fetch it in the OPEN/CAESAR source library $CADP/src/open_caesar.

If prog.o is not present in the current directory, bcg_open attempts to fetch it in the OPEN/CAESAR binary library $CADP/bin.`arch`.

If no suffix (.a, .c, .o) is specified on the command line for the exploration module prog, bcg_open will make successive attempts to fetch this exploration module: first, as a source C program with .c suffix; then as an archive file with .a suffix; finally as an object code file with suffix .o.

Determination of Include or Link Mode

Only the ``link mode'' of OPEN/CAESAR is supported by bcg_open.

General Options

The following bcg_options are currently supported: -version, -create, -update, -remove, -cc, and -tmp. See the bcg manual page for a description of these options.

Particular Options

The cc_options, if any, are passed to the C compiler.

The prog_options, if any, are passed to prog.

Environment Variables

See the bcg manual page for a description of the environment variables used by all the BCG application tools.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.


Renaud Ruffiot and Hubert Garavel

BCG graph (input)

dynamic library (input or output)

exploration module (archive, input)

exploration module (source, input)

exploration module (object code, input)

executable program (output)


``bcg_open'' shell script

``bcg_open'' static library

OPEN/CAESAR interfaces


exploration modules (source)

exploration modules (archive)

exploration modules (object code)

See the bcg manual page bcg for a description of the other files).

See Also

bcg ,

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


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