
An overview of CADP 2001

Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Radu Mateescu

European Association for Software Science and Technology (EASST) Newsletter volume 4, pages 13-24, August 2002

Also available as INRIA Technical Report RT-254.


CADP is a toolbox for specifying and verifying asynchronous finite-state systems described using process algebraic languages. It offers a wide range of state-of-the-art functionalities assisting the user throughout the design process: compilation, rapid prototyping, interactive and guided simulation, verification by equivalence/preorder checking and temporal logic model-checking, and test generation. The languages, models, and verification techniques used in CADP have a broad application domain, allowing to deal with communication protocols, distributed systems, embedded software, mobile telephony, asynchronous hardware, cryptography, security, human-computer interaction, etc. CADP is currently used both in industrial companies and academic institutions for research and teaching purposes. During the last years, over 50 applications and case-studies performed using CADP have been reported.

15 pages


Cumulated slides of H. Garavel on CADP 2001
