CADP Usage Statistics
Installations of CADP in the world between years 2019 and 2022

This page gives figures about the dissemination of CADP around the world.

Please note that these figures do not correspond to downloads but to full CADP installations, completed from end to end. Installations of CADP performed by the members of the VASY and CONVECS teams are not counted in these figures. Also, multiple and/or successive installations of CADP on the same machine (e.g., different releases, 32- and 64-bit versions, etc.) count for only one each year.

Earlier Usage Statistics

In December 2011, the CADP software had been licensed to 441 sites (companies, research centers, universities, etc.), who signed the CADP License Agreement.

This statistics is no longer maintained since members of academic institutions (namely, universities and public research centers) no longer have to sign a License Agreement to obtain CADP (see the CADP Online Request Form for details).

Version 1.339 last updated on 2025/03/17 14:07:50

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