XTL-LANG manual page
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xtl - language for value-based temporal logic formulas


XTL (eXecutable Temporal Language) is a functional programming language interpreted over LTSs (Labelled Transition Systems) encoded in the BCG (Binary Coded Graph) file format. XTL can typically be used for implementing temporal logic operators, by describing their fixed point semantics as iterative or recursive computations over sets of states. More generally, XTL enables one to perform any computation on a BCG graph: for instance, it can compute the branching factor of a graph, print its list of labels, etc. XTL programs are compiled and evaluated on BCG graphs by using the xtl model checker.

LTS Model

An XTL program is evaluated over an LTS model generated from a source program to be verified. This LTS, encoded in a BCG file, contains the following elements:

Syntax and Semantics of XTL

The syntax of each XTL construct is defined by a BNF grammar and the semantics is described informally. Terminal symbols are enclosed in double quotes. Optional elements are enclosed in square brackets. Suspension points are used to denote zero or more repetitions of an element. The meaning of grammar symbols is given in the table below. The axiom of the grammar is the non-terminal symbol PG.
         | Symbol |          Description          |
         |   K    | constant                      |
         |   x    | variable                      |
         |   T    | simple type                   |
         |   G    | gate                          |
         |   F    | function                      |
         |   M    | macro                         |
         |   P    | macro parameter               |
         |   E    | expression                    |
         |   O    | offer                         |
         |   D    | variable declaration          |
         |   RT   | result type                   |
         |   OP   | operator                      |
         |   FD   | function definition           |
         |   MD   | macro definition              |
         |   LI   | library inclusion             |
         |   ETD  | external type declaration     |
         |   EFD  | external function declaration |
         |   EID  | external include directive    |
         |   ELD  | external compile directive    |
         |   PG   | program                       |

Lexical Elements

The lexical units of XTL are: keywords, identifiers and separators. The keywords, listed below, must be written in lower-case letters.


The identifiers are grouped into two classes:

The separators are sequences containing space, tab, and newline characters, as well as comments, which can be either single-line, beginning with --, or multi-line, enclosed between (* and *).

Internal and External Types

XTL is a strongly-typed language: every object used in an XTL program must have a unique type, which is statically determined. XTL does not provide a mechanism for type definition, although anonymous tuple types (see below) can be implicitly created. The types allowed in XTL fall into the following classes:

Internal and External Functions

The functions (also called operators) that can be used in an XTL program fall into the following classes:

In XTL, functions can be overloaded, i.e., have the same identifier but different types for their arguments and/or result. The XTL compiler resolves overloading statically (i.e., at compile-time) or issues an error message if the context does not permit to resolve overloading (in such case, the "of" operator can be used to supply typing information).

In XTL, a function F can be either prefixed, i.e., its calls are written "F (E1, ..., En)", or infixed, i.e., F has two arguments and its calls are written "E1 F E2".

Most predefined functions are infixed, except "extract" and "replace". For user-defined functions, the prefix or infix nature is specified when the function is declared.

Also, unary minus operators must be written in functional notation, i.e., -(1) instead of -1, -(X) instead of -X, etc.

Boolean Type and Functions

The Boolean type is named boolean. The Boolean constants true and false are defined as 0-ary functions. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| true, false : -> boolean               | boolean constants        |
| not : boolean -> boolean               | negation                 |
| or, and, implies,                      | connectors and           |
|   =, <> : boolean, boolean -> boolean  |   relational operators   |
| replace : boolean, boolean -> boolean  | replacement operator     |
The "replace" operator (which is overloaded for all types) takes two arguments of the same type and returns the second one. It is useful for use within the "for" expressions (see EXPRESSIONS below).

Integer Type and Functions

The signed integer type is named integer. Integer constants are noted with a C-like syntax and should be preceded of a sign "+" or "-", e.g., -123, +123, +0, etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| -, +    : integer, integer -> integer  | binary minus, plus       |
| -       : integer -> integer           | unary minus              |
| *, div  : integer, integer -> integer  | multiplication, division |
| mod     : integer, integer -> integer  | modulo                   |
| **      : integer, integer -> integer  | power                    |
| integer : real -> integer              | real to integer          |
| integer : character -> integer         | character to integer     |
| <, <=, >, >=, =, <> :                  | relational operators     |
|     integer, integer -> boolean        |                          |
| replace : integer, integer -> integer  | replacement operator     |

Natural Type and Functions

The unsigned integer type is named natural. Natural constants are noted with a C-like syntax and should never be preceded of a sign, e.g., 123, 0, etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| -, +    : natural, natural -> natural  | binary minus, plus       |
| *, div  : natural, natural -> natural  | multiplication, division |
| mod     : natural, natural -> natural  | modulo                   |
| **      : natural, natural -> natural  | power                    |
| natural : real -> natural              | real to integer          |
| natural : character -> natural         | character to natural     |
| <, <=, >, >=, =, <> :                  | relational operators     |
|     natural, natural -> boolean        |                          |
| replace : natural, natural -> natural  | replacement operator     |

By default, an unsigned number 123 denotes either a value of type natural or a value of type integer. Such overloading can be resolved explicitly by the user (using an "of" operator) or implicitly by the context (for instance, in (X + 123), the type of X will determine the type of 123). If the context does not permit to resolve overloading, then the constant will ultimately be given the type Natural. To summarize:
- +123 has the integer type.
- -123 has the integer type.
- 123 of integer has the integer type.
- 123 of natural has the natural type.
- 123 has either the natural or integer type (with a final priority for natural).

Real Type and Functions

The floating-point number type is named real. Real constants are noted with a C-like syntax, e.g., 3.1416, -9.98E-6, etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| -, + : real, real -> real              | binary minus, plus       |
| -    : real -> real                    | unary minus              |
| *, / : real, real -> real              | multiplication, division |
| **   : real, real -> real              | power                    |
| real : integer -> real                 | integer to real          |
| <, <=, >, >=, =, <> :                  | relational operators     |
|     real, real -> boolean              |                          |
| replace : real, real -> real           | replacement operator     |

Character Type and Functions

The character type is named character. Character constants are noted with a C-like syntax, e.g., 'a', '\n', '\012', '\x1A', etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| -, + : character, integer -> character | subtract, add integer    |
| character : integer -> character       | integer to character     |
| <, <=, >, >=, =, <> :                  | relational operators     |
|     character, character -> boolean    |                          |
| replace :                              |                          |
|     character, character -> character  | replacement operator     |

String Type and Functions

The character-string type is named string. String constants are noted with a C-like syntax, e.g., "abc", "123", "Hello\n", etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| null    : -> string                    | empty string             |
| length  : string -> integer            | string length            |
| extract : string, integer -> character | character extraction     |
| =, <>   : string, string -> boolean    | relational operators     |
| replace : string, string -> string     | replacement operator     |

Raw Type and Functions

The raw type represents a byte string that denotes a value of unknown type, i.e., whose type is not one of the other predefined types. Raw constants are noted with a C-like syntax but using backquotes rather than double quotes, e.g., `foo`, `CONS (0, NIL)`, or `{0, 1}`, etc. The table below gives the predefined functions for this type:
|                Operator                |         Meaning          |
| null    : -> raw                       | empty raw data           |
| length  : raw -> integer               | raw data length          |
| extract : raw, integer -> character    | character extraction     |
| =, <>   : raw, raw -> boolean          | relational operators     |
| replace : raw, raw -> raw              | replacement operator     |

By default, the string notation "..." denotes either a value of type string or a value of type raw. Such overloading can be resolved explicitly by the user (using an "of" operator) or implicitly by the context (for instance, in (X = "foo"), the type of X will determine the type of "abc"). If the context does not permit to resolve overloading, then the constant will ultimately be given the type String. To summarize:
- `foo` has the raw type.
- "foo" of string has the string type.
- "foo" of raw has the raw type.
- "foo" has either the string or raw type (with a final priority for string).

Meta-types and Functions

The types state, label, edge, stateset, labelset, and edgeset (also called meta-types because they refer to the LTS model rather than to the objects defined in the source program to be verified) denote the states, labels, edges, sets of states, sets of labels, and sets of edges of the LTS, respectively.

The table below gives the predefined operators over these types ("set" denoting either stateset, labelset, or edgeset). These operators allow to explore (forward and/or backward) the transition relation of the LTS, to combine sets of states, labels and edges, and also to obtain information about the LTS.

|             Operator              |         Meaning         |
| init   : -> state                 | initial state           |
| succ   : state -> stateset        | successor states        |
| pred   : state -> stateset        | predecessor states      |
| out    : state -> edgeset         | successor transitions   |
| in     : state -> edgeset         | predecessor transitions |
| =, <>  : state, state -> boolean  | comparison operators    |
| replace : state, state -> state   | replacement operator    |
| visible : label -> boolean        | visibility test         |
| string  : label -> string         | label to string         |
| =, <>   : label, label -> boolean | comparison operators    |
| replace : label, label -> label   | replacement operator    |
| source : edge -> state            | transition source state |
| target : edge -> state            | transition target state |
| label  : edge -> label            | transition label        |
| succ   : edge -> edgeset          | successor transitions   |
| pred   : edge -> edgeset          | predecessor transitions |
| =, <>  : edge, edge -> boolean    | comparison operators    |
| replace : edge, edge -> edge      | replacement operator    |
| empty, false : -> set             | empty set               |
| full, true   : -> set             | full set                |
| comp, not  : set -> set           | complementation         |
| union, or  : set, set -> set      | union                   |
| inter, and : set, set -> set      | intersection            |
| implies    : set, set -> set      | implication             |
| iff        : set, set -> set      | equivalence             |
| diff       : set, set -> set      | difference              |
| includes   : set, set -> boolean  | inclusion test          |
| insert, remove : set, elem -> set | insertion, removal      |
| among : elem, set -> boolean      | membership              |
| card  : set -> number             | cardinal                |
| =, <> : set, set -> boolean       | comparison operators    |
| replace : set, set -> set         | replacement operator    |
For convenience, some of the operators above are overloaded (see FUNCTIONS below). Also, some of the set operators have synonyms (e.g., union has the synonym or) allowing a more intuitive writing of boolean properties.

Number Type and Functions

The BCG file format associates a unique number to every state, label, and edge of the LTS. The XTL language provides the number type for the manipulation of state, label, and edge numbers. The table below gives the predefined operators of type number.
|             Operator               |       Meaning            |
| number_of_states : -> number       | number of states         |
| number_of_labels : -> number       | number of labels         |
| number_of_edges  : -> number       | number of edges          |
| number : state -> number           | state number             |
| number : label -> number           | label number             |
| number : edge -> number            | edge number              |
| -, +   : number, number -> number  | binary minus, plus       |
| *, div : number, number -> number  | multiplication, division |
| mod    : number, number -> number  | modulo                   |
| **     : number, number -> number  | power                    |
| number : character -> number       | conversion from/to       |
| character : number -> character    |   character              |
| number : integer -> number         | conversion from/to       |
| integer : number -> integer        |   integer                |
| number : real -> number            | conversion from/to       |
| real : number -> real              |   real                   |
| <, <=, >, >=, =, <> :              | relational operators     |
|     number, number -> boolean      |                          |
| replace : number, number -> number | replacement operator     |
All arithmetic operators (except unary minus) and relational operators of type integer are also available for type number. Moreover, the values belonging to these two types can be freely mixed within arithmetic and relational expressions. The main difference between these two types concerns the manipulation of large numbers: the maximum value of type integer is 2^31-1 = 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit machines and 2^63-1 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 on 64-bit machines, whereas the maximum value of type number is 2^32-1 = 4,294,967,295 on 32-bit machines and 2^64-1 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 on 64-bit machines. Therefore, for large LTSs, any information concerning the LTS structure (e.g., cardinality of state/edge/label subsets, depth/breadth of the LTS, number of breadth-first levels, etc.) should be manipulated using values of type number instead of type integer in order to avoid overflows.

Conversion operators between the number type and the types character, integer, and real are also provided. Constants of type number are written in decimal notation preceded by a '#' character (e.g., #4294967295). An alternative way of representing constants of type number that fit in the range of type integer is by means of the conversion operator from integer to number (e.g., the values number(2147483647) and #2147483647 are the same).

Action Type and Functions

The XTL language has an action type associated to XTL expressions that return no value but perform side effects. These are used to print data values on the POSIX standard output stream (stdout). The table below gives the predefined operators of type action (T may be any type).

The print and printf operators behave differently on strings: print prints the string enclosed between double quotes and converts unprintable characters and escape sequences to three-digit octal notation, whereas printf does not add double quotes and interprets execute sequences. For instance, print ("Hello!\n") displays "Hello!\012", whereas printf ("Hello!\n") displays Hello! followed by a line-feed. So, print should be used to display string values (e.g., label offers of the string type), whereas printf should be used to display messages.

|              Operator              |          Meaning          |
| nop : -> action                    | inaction                  |
| fby : action, action -> action     | sequential composition    |
| replace : action, action -> action | replacement operator      |
| print : T -> action                | value printing            |
| printf : string -> action          | string formatted printing |

Anonymous Tuple Types

These types denote structures containing fields of different types. The fields can be of any type (including anonymous tuples, which enables nesting of tuples). These types are noted "(" T0"," ..."," Tn ")" and are essentially used in situations when several values must be computed and returned simultaneously. The equivalence of tuple types is defined structurally. The tuple values are noted "(" E0"," ..."," En ")" (see EXPRESSIONS below).


The expressions allowed in XTL use the following auxiliary constructs.
An offer is a construct allowing to match a value contained in a transition label. The offers have the following syntax:
O       ::=  "?" x ":" T

         |   "!" E

         |   "_"
An offer "?" x ":" T matches a value v iff v has the type T; in case of matching, the variable x is also assigned the value v. An offer "!" E matches a value v iff the expression E evaluates to v. An offer "_" (wildcard) matches a value v of any type.

Result types
The result types denote either simple types, or anonymous tuple types. They have the following syntax:
RT      ::= T

         |  "(" RT0"," ..."," RTn ")"
These types may occur in variable declarations (see the next paragraph) as well as in function declarations (see FUNCTIONS below).

Variable declarations
The variable declarations have the following syntax:
D ::= x ":" RT

   |  "any" RT

   |  "(" D0"," ..."," Dn ")"
A declaration x ":" RT defines the variable x of type RT. A declaration "any" RT, which is meaningful only inside a declaration of anonymous tuple type, defines a placeholder of type RT standing for a field of the tuple. Declarations of the form "any" RT can occur only in the "let" expressions (see below). A declaration "(" D0"," ..."," Dn ")" defines a tuple whose fields are denoted by the variables and placeholders occurring inside D0, ..., Dn.

The operators occur in the "for" expressions (see below); they denote calls of binary functions on two arguments. They have the following syntax:
OP        ::= F

           |  "(" OP0"," ..."," OPn ")"
An F operator denotes a call of the binary function F. An "(" OP0"," ..."," OPn ")" operator denotes a call of a binary function on two arguments of tuple type; the result is a tuple whose fields are the results of the calls of OP0, ..., OPn on the corresponding fields of the arguments. There is a static semantics constraint on the operators OP: their left arguments must have the same types as their results.

The syntax of expressions is given by the following grammar:

E ::=  K
   |   F "(" E0"," ..."," En ")"
   |   E0 "of" RT
   |   E0 "->" "[" O0 ... On [ "..." ] [ "where" E1 ] "]"
   |   "{" E0"," ..."," En "}"
   |   "(" E0"," ..."," En ")"
   |   "let" D0 "=" E0"," ..."," Dn "=" En "in"
   |   "if" E0 "then" E'0
           "else_if" E1 "then" E'1
           "else_if" En "then" E'n
           "else" E'n+1
   |   "assert" E0"," ..."," En "in"
   |   "use" x0"," ..."," xn "in"
   |   "for" [ x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
               xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ] ]
           [ "in" D ]
           [ "while" E'1 ]
           [ "where" E'2 ]
           "apply" OP
           "from" E'3
           "to" E'4
   |   "forall" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
                xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
   |   "exists" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
                xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
   |   "<|" OP "on" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
                    xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
            [ "where" E' ]
       "|>" En+1
   |   "{" x ":" T [ "among" E0 ] "where" E1 "}"
The semantics of expressions is described informally below.
is a literal constant of a predefined type (see TYPES, FUNCTIONS AND CONSTANTS above).

F "(" E0"," ..."," En ")"
denotes a call of the function F on the arguments E0, ..., En. The arguments must be compatible (in number and types) with the formal parameters given in the definition of F (see FUNCTIONS below).

E0 "of" RT
specifies that expression E0 has type RT. This mechanism allows to solve ambiguities that may be caused by function overloading (see FUNCTIONS below).

E0 "->" "[" O0 ... On [ "..." ] [ "where" E1 ] "]"
is an expression of type boolean, called matching expression. E0 must be of type label or edge. The construct between "[" and "]" is called an label pattern: it allows to match the content of the label denoted by E0 (if E0 is of type label) or by label (E0) (if E0 is of type edge), possibly extracting the values of its different fields. The optional construct "..." matches a sequence of zero or more values of any type.

For convenience, in the verification of LOTOS programs, the first offer O0 (intended to match a gate) can be simply written G (i.e., without the "!" sign).

The variables contained in O0, ..., On (if any) are visible in the optional expression E1, which must be of type boolean.

The XTL compiler examines the labels present in the BCG graph to check if there exist labels that correspond, in the number of fields and types of their fields, to the list of offers O0, ..., On. If no such label is found, then the compiler issues a warning message (this is a form of vacuity checking).

The compiler also uses the types of field labels to resolve overloading ambiguities (if any) in offers. For instance, the offer 1 in the label pattern "G !1" will be considered of integer if only integer values are passed on gate G in the BCG graph on which the XTL program is evaluated.

A matching expression matches a label G v1 ... vm iff: m = n if "..." is absent, or m >= n otherwise; O0 matches G; O1, ..., On match v1, ..., vn; E1, if present, evaluates to true in the context of the variables assigned in the offers. A matching expression evaluates to true in case of successful matching of a label (in this case, all the variables contained in the offers have been initialized) and to false otherwise.

"{" E0"," ..."," En "}"
denotes a value of type set defined explicitly (i.e., by enumerating all its elements). The expressions E0, ..., En must all be of type stateset, labelset, or edgeset.

"(" E0"," ..."," En ")"
denotes a value of type tuple, containing n fields whose values are given by E0, ..., En.

"let" D0 "=" E0"," ..."," Dn "=" En "in"
allows to declare and initialize variables. The types of the initialization expressions E0, ..., En must be compatible with the types corresponding to the declarations D0, ..., Dn. All the variables occurring in the declarations Di are initialized with the values of Ei, and are visible in the expression En+1. The "let" expression also allows to extract the fields of tuple values and to assign them to variables.

"if" E0 "then" E'0
    "else_if" E1 "then" E'1
    "else_if" En "then" E'n
    "else" E'n+1
allows the conditional evaluation of expressions. The expressions E0, ..., En must be of type boolean, whereas E'0, ..., E'n+1 must be of the same type (which is also the type of the "if" expression). The evaluation of an "if" expression proceeds as follows: the conditions Ei are evaluated (for 1 <= i <= n) and the value of the "if" expression is equal to the value of the first E'i for which Ei is true. If none of the conditions evaluates to true, the resulting value is given by E'n+1. If a condition Ei is a matching operator, the variables assigned by the offers inside Ei are visible only in the corresponding expression E'i.

"assert" E0"," ..."," En "in"
allows to stop the execution of an XTL program if a given condition does not hold. The expressions E0, ..., En must be of type boolean. If all the assertions evaluate to true, the value of the "assert" expression is equal to the value of En+1; otherwise, the execution of the XTL program is interrupted and an error message is displayed on the POSIX standard output stream (stdout).

"use" x0"," ..."," xn "in"
uses the values of variables x0, ..., xn without changing their value and then evaluates the expression E. The "use" expression allows to write XTL programs in which every variable defined is used, which avoids the warnings of the form "variable set but not used" issued during compilation of the C code generated by XTL. Although the usage of the "use" expression is harmless and does not impact in any way the evaluation of XTL expressions, it should be employed only in the (rare) situations where it is really needed.

"for" [ x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
        xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ] ]
    [ "in" D ]
    [ "while" E'1 ]
    [ "where" E'2 ]
    "apply" OP
    "from" E'3
    "to" E'4
allows the iterative evaluation of expressions. The iteration variables x0, ..., xn range over the iteration domains T0 [ "among" E0 ], ..., Tn [ "among" En ], respectively. The expressions Ei must be of type "set of Ti": thus, iterations over sets of states, labels, or edges are allowed. There is an exception concerning integer numbers and characters: for these types, domains of the form "{" E1 "..." E2 "}", meaning all the integers (resp. characters) between E1 and E2, are also allowed. The variables declared in the "in" D declaration (if present) are called accumulators. Both iteration variables and accumulators are visible in the expressions E'1, E'2 (if present), and E'4, but not in E'3. The expressions E'1 and E'2 must be of type boolean.

Assuming that all the optional constructs are present, the evaluation of a "for" expression proceeds as follows. The accumulators are initialized to the value of E'3. Let us note v the current values of the accumulators (v may be of type tuple). Then, for each value of the iteration variables in their corresponding domains, the expression v OP E'4 is evaluated and its result is stored in the accumulators. The value of the "for" expression is equal to the value of the accumulators obtained after the last iteration. The "where" clause allows to perform only those iterations for which the expression E'2 evaluates to true. The "while" clause allows to stop the iterations when the expression E'1 becomes false.

Particular cases of "for" expressions may be obtained by eliminating some (or all) of the optional constructs. If the iteration variables are absent, the "for" becomes an infinite loop: in this case, the "while" clause must be present in order to stop the evaluation. If the "in" declaration is absent, the accumulator is implicit: it is used internally to store the results of intermediate iterations, but it cannot be used in E'1, E'2, nor E'4.

The "for" expressions are useful for describing iterative computations. For instance, the expression below displays on the standard output the sequence of Fibonacci numbers smaller than 1000:

    in    (xn_plus_1, xn: integer, a:action)
    while xn < 1000
    apply (replace, replace, fby)
    from  (1, 1, nop)
    to    (xn_plus_1 + xn, xn_plus_1,
           print (xn) fby printf ("\n"))

"forall" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
         xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
is the universal quantifier. It is equivalent to the following "for" expression:
"for" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
      xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
    "apply" and
    "from"  true
    "to"    En+1
The type of En+1 may be either boolean, stateset, labelset, or edgeset. In the three latter cases, the true and and operators correspond to full set and set intersection, respectively (see TYPES, FUNCTIONS AND CONSTANTS above).

"exists" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
         xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
is the existential quantifier. It is equivalent to the following "for" expression:
"for" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
      xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
    "apply" or
    "from"  false
    "to"    En+1
The type of En+1 may be either boolean, stateset, labelset, or edgeset. In the three latter cases, the false and or operators correspond to empty set and set union, respectively (see TYPES, FUNCTIONS AND CONSTANTS above).

"<|" OP "on" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
             xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
     [ "where" E' ]
"|>" En+1
is an abbreviated form of the "for" expression, called iterator. It is equivalent to the following "for" expression:
"for" x0 ":" T0 [ "among" E0 ]"," ...","
      xn ":" Tn [ "among" En ]
    [ "where" E' ]
    "apply" OP
    "from"  init_OP
    "to"    En+1

Here init_OP is a "start" value associated by default to the operator OP. Only the binary predefined operators that have initial values assigned by default can be used in the iterators. These operators, together with their initial values, are given in the table below (where "set" denotes either stateset, labelset, or edgeset).
|            Operator OP            |    init_OP    |
| or  : boolean, boolean -> boolean | false         |
| and : boolean, boolean -> boolean | true          |
| + : integer, integer -> integer   | 0             |
| * : integer, integer -> integer   | 1             |
| union, or  : set, set -> set      | empty, false  |
| inter, and : set, set -> set      | full, true    |
| diff       : set, set -> set      | full          |
| insert : set, elem -> set         | empty         |
| remove : set, elem -> set         | full          |
| fby : action, action -> action    | nop           |
The iterators allow to express iterative computations in a form close to the mathematical notation. For example, the sum of the integer numbers from 1 to 100 may be computed with the following iterator:
    <| + on K:integer among { 1 ... 100 } |> K
Similarly, the number of transitions labelled with "SEND" labels may be computed as follows:
    <| + on T:edge where T -> [ SEND ... ] |> 1

"{" x ":" T [ "among" E0 ] "where" E1 "}"
is a set value defined by specifying a predicate E1 characterizing the elements of the set. This construct is also a particular case of "for" expression:
    "for" x ":" T [ "among" E0 ]
        "where" E1
        "apply" union
        "from"  empty
        "to"    "{" x "}"
The implicitly defined sets allow to compute sets of states, labels or transitions in a form close to the mathematical notation. For example, the set of deadlock states (i.e., states having no successors) can be computed by the XTL expression below:
    { S:state where succ (S) = empty }


The XTL language allows to define and use functions. The syntax of function definitions is given by the grammar below:
FD      ::=  "def" F "(" x1 ":" T1"," ..."," xn ":" Tn ")" ":" RT "="
                 [ FD1 ... FDm ]
                 [ "where" FDm+1 ... FDm+p ]

         |   "def" "_" F "_" "(" x1 ":" T1"," x2 ":" T2 ")" ":" RT "="
                 [ FD1 ... FDm ]
                 [ "where" FDm+1 ... FDm+p ]
The first construct above defines a function F having the parameters x1, ..., xn of types T1, ..., Tn, the body E, and returning a result of type RT. The calls of F have the form:
        F "(" E1"," ..."," En ")"
where the arguments E1, ..., En must be compatible (in number and types) with the parameters of F. The result of the call is equal to the value of E computed in a context in which the parameters xi are assigned the values of Ei for all i between 1 and n. The body of F may also contain definitions of local functions, placed either before E, or after E and the keyword "where". These functions are visible only in the expression E. Recursive functions are allowed. Also, functions can be overloaded: several functions with the same name, but different profiles, may be defined in the same scope. In case of ambiguity of the type of a function call, the "of" expression may be used to precise a unique type (see EXPRESSIONS above).

The second construct above defines a binary infixed function F having the parameters x1, x2 of types T1, T2, and returning a result of type RT. The function F behaves like an ordinary binary function, except that its calls may be written either in the form F "(" E1"," E2 ")", or in the form E1 F E2. This kind of functions allow to write expressions involving infixed operators using a syntax close to the mathematical notation. For example, the predefined function "+" over integers is in fact an infixed operator: the user may write either + (1, 2), or 1 + 2. The infixed operators (both predefined and user-defined) are right-associative: e.g., the expression 1 + 2 + 3 is parsed as 1 + (2 + 3).

Functions can be, of course, recursive (either directly, or transitively). For example, the recursive function below computes the factorial of an integer number:

def fact (n:integer) : integer =
    assert n >= 0 in
        if n = 0 then
            n * fact (n - 1)
This function also checks whether its argument is greater or equal to 0 using an "assert" expression; if this is not the case, the program execution is aborted with an appropriate error message.


The XTL compiler allows to define and use macros. The syntax of macro-definitions is given by the following grammar:
MD        ::=  "macro" M "(" P1"," ..."," Pn ")" "="
The above construct defines a macro M having the parameters P1, ..., Pn and the body <text>, which is a portion of text built using the characters allowed by the XTL language (see LEXICAL ELEMENTS above). The calls of M have the form:
        M "(" <text1>"," ..."," <textn> ")"
where the arguments <text1>, ..., <textn> are portions of XTL text. The result of the call is <text> in which all the occurrences of the parameters Pi have been syntactically substituted with the arguments <texti>, for all i between 1 and n. The following syntactic restriction must be satisfied: the keywords contained in each <texti> argument must be well-bracketed, i.e., if <texti> contains a keyword opening an expression (e.g., "for"), then <texti> must also contain the corresponding keyword closing the expression (e.g., "end_for"). This also applies to the non-alphabetic keywords such as "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}". A macro is visible from the point of its definition until the end of the XTL program. The macros may be overloaded: several macros with the same name, but different arities, may be defined in the same scope.


There is also possible to include in the text of an XTL program external libraries, typically containing definitions of temporal operators. The inclusion command has the following syntax:
LI        ::=  "library" <file0.xtl>"," ..."," <filen.xtl>
At the compilation of the program, the above construct is syntactically replaced with the contents of the files <file0.xtl>, ..., <filen.xtl>, placed one after the other in this order. The XTL compiler searches the included files first in the current directory, then in the directory referenced by $CADP/src/xtl. Multiple inclusions of the same file are silently discarded, unless the -warning option is passed to the compiler; in this case, appropriate messages are issued.


The XTL compiler allows to declare and use in an XTL program data types and functions implemented externally in C. The directive for an external type declaration has the following syntax:
ETD  ::=  "type" T
                [ "!" "implementedby" "<C_type>" ]
                [ "!" "comparedby" "<C_compare>" ]
                [ "!" "enumeratedby" "<C_iterate>" ]
                [ "!" "printedby" "<C_print>" ]
where T is the identifier of the declared type and the optional pragmas preceded by "!" refer to the C implementation of T: <C_type> is the identifier of the C type implementing T; <C_compare> is an operator for comparing two values of type T; <C_iterate> is a macro allowing to iterate over all values of type T; and <C_print> is a printing function for values of type T. The C names declared by these pragmas cannot be used directly in the XTL program, but are used in the C code generated by the XTL compiler. For each external type T, a replacement operator "replace" is generated automatically. The directive for an external function declaration has the following syntax:
EFD  ::=  "func" F "(" T1"," ..."," Tn ")" ":" RT
                [ "!" "implementedby" "<C_func>" ]
where F is the identifier of the declared function, T1, ..., Tn are the types of its parameters, and RT is the type of its result. The optional pragma "implementedby" declares the name <C_func> of the C function implementing F. This C identifier cannot be used in the XTL program, but is used in the C code generated by the XTL compiler. The external types and functions declared using the directives above may be implemented in (one or more) C files file1.c, ..., filen.c that must be included in the C code generated by the XTL compiler. This is done using the following external include directive:

EID  ::=  "include" "<file1>", ..., "<filen>" "end_include"
where <file1>, ..., <filen> are the names of the C source files (".c" and/or ".h") that must be included. This directive is translated into corresponding "#include" pre-processor commands in the C code generated by the XTL compiler. The compilation and linkediting of the C modules included may require specific parameters. These can be indicated to the XTL compiler using the following external compile directive:
ELD  ::=  "flag" "<C_compiler_directives>" "end_flag"
where <C_compiler_directives> is a portion of command-line for invoking the C compiler (typically containing "-I", "-L", and "-l" options) that specifies the desired compilation parameters. This portion of command-line is used by the XTL compiler when creating the binary file of the generated C code. As an example, the XTL program below uses the CAESAR_ERROR() function for error handling, which is declared externally in the "caesar_standard.h" file and defined in the OPEN/CAESAR library libcaesar.a. Upon execution, the program will output the error message and stop.
      "-I/common/Cadp/incl -L/common/Cadp/bin.sun5 -lcaesar"
    func error (string) : action
      ! implementedby "CAESAR_ERROR"
    error ("Here occurs a fatal error. Farewell.")


The syntax of an XTL program is given by the following grammar:
PG  ::=  [ ( FD1 | ETD1 | EFD1 | EID1 | ELD1 )
           ( FDm | ETDm | EFDm | EIDm | ELDm ) ]
         [ MD1 ... MDp ]
         [ LI1 ... LIr ]
         [ "where"
            [ MDp+1 ... MDp+q ]
            [ LIr+1 ... LIr+s ]
            ( FDm+1 | ETDm+1 | EFDm+1 | EIDm+1 | ELDm+1 )
            ( FDm+n | ETDm+n | EFDm+n | EIDm+n | ELDm+n ) ]
The expression E is the body of the program. There may also be lists of function definitions, external directives, macro definitions, and/or library inclusions, placed in the front of the program or at its end, after the "where" keyword. The functions defined by FD1, ..., FDm+n are visible in the body E of the program, as well as in all their bodies.

How to Create a XTL File

At present, XTL files must be written by hand.

How to Read a XTL File

At present, there is one single CADP tool, xtl , that reads and processes XTL files.


[MG98] R. Mateescu and H. Garavel. XTL: Meta-Language and Tool for Temporal Logic Model-Checking. Proc. of the International Workshop on Software Tools for Technology Transfer STTT'98 (Aalborg, Denmark). BRICS Notes Series NS-98-4, pp. 33-42, 1998. Available from http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-Garavel-98.html

[GLMS13] H. Garavel, F. Lang, R. Mateescu, and W. Serwe. CADP 2011: A Toolbox for the Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes. Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), 15(2):89-107, 2013. http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Garavel-Lang-Mateescu-Serwe-13.html

See Also

bcg , bcg_io , xtl .

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at http://cadp.inria.fr

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


Please report bugs to Radu.Mateescu@inria.fr

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