XTL manual page
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xtl - evaluation of value-based temporal logic formulas


xtl [ -cc options ] [-create] [-depend] [-english] [-expand] [-french] [-remove] [-silent] [ -source file:line ] [ -tmp directory ] [-update] [-verbose] [-version] [-warning] file1[.xtl] file2[.bcg]


xtl takes as input file1[.xtl], which is a program written in XTL (eXecutable Temporal Language), and evaluates it on file2[.bcg], which contains an LTS (Labelled Transition System) encoded in the BCG (Binary Coded Graph) format.

The XTL tool offers the following features:

A detailed description of the XTL language is available in the xtl-lang manual page.


-cc options
Pass options to the C compiler when it is invoked. options is a list of compiler options (enclosed in quotes or double quotes). These options are appended to the compiler options, if any, contained in the $CADP_CC environment variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below). Not a default option.

Force the dynamic library of file file2[.bcg] to be created, even if it already exists in the current directory and if it is up-to-date. Not a default option.

Display the list of library files included (directly or transitively) in the file file1[.xtl] and stop. This list may be incomplete if the XTL program is syntactically incorrect. If present, this option has precedence over all the other options. Not a default option.

Print messages in English. Opposite of -french. This option overrides the $CADP_LANGUAGE environment variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below).

Expand the macro definitions and the XTL source files included as libraries in the file file1[.xtl], producing as output a file file1.xp, and stop. This option may be useful for debugging purposes. Not a default option.

Print messages in French. Opposite of -english. This option overrides the $CADP_LANGUAGE environment variable (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below).

Remove the dynamic library of file file2[.bcg] after usage. Not a default option.

Execute silently. Opposite of -verbose. Default option is -verbose.

-source file:line
Change the file name and line number displayed in error messages as if the XTL program was contained in file file starting at line line (instead of starting at line 1 in file file1[.xtl]). This option has effect only on the messages triggered by the errors occurring in the top-level file file1[.xtl]. The messages triggered by the errors occurring in the included libraries (if any) are left unchanged.

-tmp directory
Use directory to store the temporary files. This option overrides the environment variable $CADP_TMP (see ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES below). Not a default option.

Do not create the dynamic library of file file2[.bcg] if it already exists in the current directory and if it is up-to-date. Default option.

Animate the user's screen, telling what is going on. Opposite of -silent. Default option.

Display the current version number of the XTL tool and stop. To be effective, this option should occur as the first argument on the command line. Subsequent options and/or arguments, if any, will be discarded.

Print extra warning messages. Not a default option.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used:
The meaning of these variables is defined in the $CADP/INSTALLATION_2 file.

If this variable is set, its value should reference the directory in which the XTL package in installed. By default, this variable is supposed to be unset: the XTL package is normally installed in the directory referenced by the environment variable $CADP. Setting the $XTL variable should be avoided in official distributions of the XTL package, since it may cause problems.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.


When the source XTL file file1[.xtl] is erroneous, error messages are issued.


Radu Mateescu (INRIA Rhone-Alpes / VASY)


XTL source program (input)

LTS in BCG format (input)

XTL expanded program (output)


object file (temporary)

dynamic BCG library (auxiliary)

license file

C compiler shell

predefined XTL library (input)

intermediate C code (temporary)

binary code (temporary)

See Also

bcg , bcg_io , xtl-lang .

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at http://cadp.inria.fr

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


Please report bugs to Radu.Mateescu@inria.fr

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