Organisation: |
Method: |
Tools used: |
CADP (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes)
Domain: |
Period: |
Size: |
110 lines of LOTOS
Description: |
The study focuses on the matrix switch problem that has been put
forward during the FORTE'88 conference in Stirling (Scotland, UK).
It is a real problem in telephony to define the combination of a concentrator, switch block, and expander switch, in which many routes through the switch are simultaneously active. There is also the issue of describing connections from many ports to many ports and of defining simultaneously active routes. The system under study contains two components: a square ``matrix switch'' and a ``concentrator''. |
Conclusions: |
A ``reasonable'' LOTOS specification style was proposed and
illustrated step by step on the matrix switch problem. This style
is based upon communicating automata for the control part (using only
static control structures and avoiding dynamic control features, such
as recursion in LOTOS parallel composition, as well as recursion on the
left of the enabling and disabling operators) and constructor
discipline for the data part (still making plain use of dynamically
allocated data structures to express dynamic aspects of the problem).
Publications: |
Hubert Garavel and Carlos Rodrìguez.
An Example of LOTOS Specification: the Matrix Switch Problem.
Rapport SPECTRE, C22, Laboratoire de Génie Informatique -
Institut IMAG, Grenoble, June 1990
Available on-line from: or from the CADP Web site in PDF ![]() ![]() |
Contact: | Hubert Garavel LGI IMAG Campus BP 53X 38041 GRENOBLE cedex FRANCE |
Further remarks: | This case-study, amongst others, is described on the CADP Web site: |