PBG_CP manual page
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pbg_cp - copy a partitioned BCG graph


pbg_cp [ -i ] source[.pbg] target[.pbg]


pbg_cp copies source.pbg, which is a partitioned BCG graph encoded in the PBG format, into target.pbg. Both names source.pbg and target.pbg must not designate the same file. If target.pbg already exists, it is removed first, as well as all the BCG fragments and log fragments referred to in target.pbg (these fragments being stored either on the local machine or on remote machines); however, the grid configuration file referred to in target.pbg is not removed, as this file may be used by other PBG files than target.pbg.

The difference between pbg_cp and the UNIX command cp is that pbg_cp does a "deep" copy, whereas cp does a "shallow" copy (only source.pbg is copied and only target.pbg is removed if it exists already, but their associated fragments are kept unchanged).

Refer to the gcf and pbg manual pages for details about the GCF and PBG formats.


Prompt for overwrite confirmation whenever target.pbg already exists. Any answer starting with 'y' or 'Y' means that the copy should proceed. Any other answer prevents overwriting to take place.

Exit Status

Exit status is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.


An early prototype was written by Jerome Fereyre and Hubert Garavel. The current version was developed by Wendelin Serwe and Hubert Garavel (INRIA Rhone-Alpes).


partitioned BCG graph (input)

resulting partitioned BCG graph (output)


The binary code of pbg_cp is available in $CADP/bin.`arch`/pbg_cp.

See Also

bcg , gcf , pbg , bcg_merge , distributor , pbg_info , pbg_mv , pbg_open , pbg_rm

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at http://cadp.inria.fr

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


pbg_cp was not designed to ensure atomic transactions. If an error occurs while copying certain fragments, pbg_cp will abort the copy and try to remove all fragments already copied. However, if target.pbg already existed, its removal and the removal of its fragments cannot be undone.

Please report other bugs to cadp@inria.fr

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