SEQ manual page
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seq, SEQ - CADP common format for execution sequences (i.e., traces)


The SEQ format (where SEQ stands for SEQuence) is used to specify a finite set (possibly empty) of execution sequences belonging to a Labelled Transition System (LTS). Each of these sequences is finite and starts from the initial state of the LTS. Thus, a SEQ file specifies a subgraph of the LTS; in this subgraph, only the initial state may have more than one successor state (namely, if there are several sequences).

The SEQ format has been carefully designed so as to be easily readable and writable by both humans and computer programs. For this reason, it is a character-based format. Files in the SEQ format are expected to have a .seq extension.

There are two versions of the SEQ format:

Both versions of the SEQ format are compatible in the sense that the simple format is a subset of the full format. Therefore, the simple format can be used at every place where the full format is allowed.

BNF-like Notation

The syntax of the SEQ format is described below using a notation similar to the BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation. However, as the angle brackets < and > used in BNF are also meaningful in the SEQ format, there are some differences with respect to the standard BNF notation:

Note: it should be understood that * and '*' do not have the same meaning: the former is the meta-symbol denoting repeated occurrences, whereas the latter denotes the terminal character "star".

Lexical Definitions


A string is a sequence of characters, enclosed between double quotes characters '"', that denotes a label of the LTS:
 string ::= '"' valid_character* '"'
where valid_character denotes any character different from double quote ('"') and from end-of-line ('\n'). Consequently, a string cannot encompass several lines; however, there can be several strings on the same line (see, e.g., label and label_group below).

The strings can be used in both the simple and full SEQ format, with the same lexical conventions.

Regular Expressions

A regular_expression is a notation for a set of labels. The regular_expressions of the SEQ format are based upon UNIX basic regular expressions (see the regexp(5) and regexp manual page for a detailed description of UNIX basic regular expressions). Syntactically, a regular_expression of the SEQ format is a UNIX basic regular expression enclosed between square brackets '[' and ']':
 regular_expression ::= '[' UNIX_basic_regular_expression ']'
Unlike standard UNIX basic regular expressions, each regular_expression must satisfy two additional restrictions:

Like strings, regular_expressions cannot encompass several lines; however, there can be several regular_expressions on the same line (see, e.g., label and label_group below).

Note: the choice operator '|' is not supported in UNIX basic regular expressions. For instance,

will search for a label of the form "PUT.*|GET.*" rather than for either "PUT.*" or "GET.*". However, the intended meaning can be obtained using the choice operator available in the syntax of labels (see below):
      [PUT.*] | [GET.*]

The regular expressions can only be used in the full SEQ format.


A blank is a (possibly empty) sequence of space characters ' ' and/or tab '\t' characters:
  blank ::= ( ' ' | '\t' )*
Blanks can appear anywhere, at the beginning of a line, at the end of a line, or between two tokens. They are ignored (except, of course, in strings and regular expressions).

Note: end-of-line characters ('\n') are not part of blanks. On the contrary, they are meaningful in the SEQ format as they are used in the definition of many non-terminal symbols.

Both versions of the SEQ format share the same lexical conventions for blanks.


A comment is a sequence of characters that is meaningless and ignored. There are two kinds of comments:

Both versions of the SEQ format share the same lexical conventions for comments.

Syntax of the Simple Format

The following BNF-like grammar defines the syntax of the simple SEQ format. The axiom of the grammar is sequence_list.
sequence_list     ::= ''
                   |  sequence
                   |  sequence '[]' '\n' sequence_list
sequence          ::= string '\n'
                   |  string '\n' sequence
                   |  '<deadlock>' '\n'

Note: this grammar defines a regular language.

Syntax of the Full Format

The following BNF-like grammar defines the syntax of the full SEQ format. The axiom of the grammar is sequence_list.
sequence_list     ::= ''
                   |  sequence
                   |  sequence '[]' '\n' sequence_list

sequence          ::= label_group '\n'
                   |  label_group '\n' sequence
                   |  '<deadlock>' '\n'

label_group       ::= label
                   |  label '*'
                   |  label '+'
                   |  '<while>' label
                   |  '<until>' label
                   |  '<while>' label '<until>' label

label             ::= simple_label
                   |  label '&' simple_label
                   |  label '|' simple_label
                   |  label '^' simple_label

simple_label      ::= '<any>'
                   |  string
                   |  regular_expression
                   |  '~' simple_label
                   |  '(' label ')'
Note: each label_group (and consequently each label and simple_label) appears on a single line of text.

Note: from the grammar, the postfix operators '+' and '*', and the '<while>' and '<until>' operators have the lowest priority. Then, the binary operators '&', '|', and '^' have the same, intermediate priority. Finally, the prefix operator '~' has the highest priority.

Note: the simple SEQ format is the subset of the full SEQ format in which each label_group is constrained to be simply a string.

Semantics of the Full Format

The semantics of the full format is defined by induction on its syntax; the semantics of the simple format can be derived as a special case.

Let (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) be an execution sequence that starts from some state S0 (not necessarily the initial state of the LTS) and that reaches some state Sn by applying n successive transitions T1, ..., Tn. The number n of transitions can be null.

A SEQ file contains a finite list of execution sequences, separated by the '[]' keyword. This list can be empty, as specified by the '' token in the BNF-like grammar. The semantics of the full format is only defined for a given sequence:

Definition of Simple Label Matching

For any transition T of the LTS, let L(T) denote the character string generated from the label of transition T.

Let "T |= simple_label" be a relation expressing that the transition T "matches" simple_label. This relation is defined by induction on the syntax of simple_label and it is mutually recursive with the relation "T |== label" defined in the next subsection.

T |= '<any>'
is always true

T |= string
iff L(T) is equal to string

T |= regular_expression
iff L(T) matches regular_expression

T |= '~' simple_label
iff not T |= simple_label

T |= '(' label ')'
iff T |== label

Definition of Label Matching

Let "T |== label" be a relation expressing that the transition T "matches" label. This relation is defined by induction on the syntax of label.

T |== simple_label
iff T |= simple_label

T |== label '&' simple_label
iff T |== label and T |= simple_label

T |== label '|' simple_label
iff T |== label or T |= simple_label

T |== label '^' simple_label
iff T |== label exclusive-or T |= simple_label

Note: regular_expressions apply to entire label strings, from the first character to the last one, and not to substrings. For instance, the label 'PUT !0' will match the regular expression 'PUT.*', but not 'PUT'. Consequently, the special characters '^' and '$' of UNIX basic regular expressions are useless in the SEQ format, and should not be used.

Definition of Label Group Matching

Let "(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |=== label_group" be a relation expressing that the execution sequence (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) matches label_group. This relation is defined by induction on the syntax of label_group.

(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |=== label
iff n = 1 and T1 |== label

(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |=== label '*'
iff for all i in {1 ... n} Ti |== label

The remaining constructs '+', '<while>', and '<until>' used in the syntactic definition of label_group are merely shorthand notations introduced for user convenience. They are defined as follows:

Definition of Sequence Matching

Let "(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== sequence" be a relation expressing that the execution sequence (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) matches sequence. This relation is defined by induction on the syntax of sequence.

(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== label_group '\n'
iff (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |=== label_group

(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== label_group '\n' sequence
iff there exists some state Sm in the sequence (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) such that:
(S0 T1 ... Tm Sm) |=== label_group and
(Sm Tm+1 ... Tn Sn) |==== sequence

(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== '<deadlock>' '\n'
iff n = 0 (the sequence is reduced to a single state) and
S0 is a sink state (no transition goes out from S0)

Exhibitor's Semantic Conventions

The current version of exhibitor interprets the full SEQ format in particular ways, described hereafter.

Transition Labels

Since exhibitor operates on the fly and is based on the OPEN/CAESAR's graph module, it implements the aforementioned T(L) notation by invoking the CAESAR_STRING_LABEL() function (see the caesar_graph manual page).

Case Insensitivity

In order to be compatible with the conventions used by caesar when printing labels as character strings, all lower-case letters contained in strings and regular_expressions are turned to upper case. However, the strings and regular_expressions (case-insensitively) equal to "i" or "exit" are recognized as special values (denoting the internal gate and the termination gate) and turned to lower case.

This is the default option, but it can be overriden using the -case option of exhibitor if case sensitivity needs to be preserved.

Determinization Strategy

Given a sequence, exhibitor will search for execution sequences (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) such that S0 is equal to the initial state of the LTS and such that (S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== sequence.

In the above second semantic rule defining sequence matching (namely, "(S0 T1 ... Tn Sn) |==== label_group '\n' sequence"), if there exist several states Sm, the one with the greatest index m is selected. By doing so, exhibitor reduces potentially non-deterministic sequences into deterministic ones. Intuitively, every time that exhibitor has the choice between remaining in a '*'-group or leaving it, it will remain in the '*'-group. For instance, if the label "B" has to be matched against the sequence:

      (~ "A") *
there is a conflict, since "B" matches both lines of the sequence. In such case, the sequence will not be recognized successfully, since the label "B" will be used to match the first line of the sequence instead of the second line. Therefore, the determinization strategy gives priority to the longest match.

The -conflict option of exhibitor (see the exhibitor manual page for a detailed decription of this option) can be used to display the list of all conflicts which have been solved using this determinization strategy.

The solution to this problem consists in avoiding the conflict by making the sequence more precise:

      (~ "A" & ~ "B") *
Similarly, the sequence:
will never be recognized, because of the conflict between <any> and "A". It should be written instead:
      (~ "A") *
Note: translating the label_group construct:
      label '+'
      label '*' '\n'
would not be correct because, due to the determinization strategy, this sequence is never recognized (one always remains in the '*'-group).

Sequence Reduction

exhibitor removes all trailing '*'-groups at the end of the sequence to be searched, because these groups are meaningless. For instance, the following sequence:
is reduced to:
If the sequence becomes empty due to this reduction, exhibitor emits a warning and stops.

Examples of Patterns

The following sequence:
     "i" *
     "i" *
searches for an action "PUT", followed by an action "GET", with any number of invisible actions "i" before and between.

The following sequence:

     <until> [PUT !TRUE !.*]
     <until> [GET !FALSE !.*]
searches for an action of the form "PUT !TRUE !.*", followed by an action of the form "GET !FALSE !.*", with any number of visible or invisible actions before and between.

The following sequence:

        <until> ([SEND !.*] & ~ "SEND !NULL")
searches for an action of the form "SEND !.*" such that the offer associated with gate "SEND" is different from "NULL".

The following sequence:

     <until> "OPEN !1"
     <while> ~ "CLOSE !1" <until> "OPEN !2"
searches for an action "OPEN !1", followed by an action "OPEN !2" without any "CLOSE !1" action between them.

The following sequence:

searches for deadlocks. Thus, exhibitor can be used as an alternative to terminator , although it implements totally different algorithms.

How to Create a SEQ File

It is easy to create a SEQ file manually, using a text editor. It is also possible to produce a SEQ file automatically, using the bcg_io tool, which converts to the simple SEQ format a graph (encoded in various other formats) consisting of a set of sequences all starting from the initial state. Finally, many CADP tools for simulation, model checking, equivalence checking, etc. generate their output in SEQ format when such output denotes an execution sequence or a set of execution sequences (as opposed to more general labelled transition systems).

How to Read a SEQ File

The tool reads a SEQ file in the simple SEQ format.

The tool exhibitor reads a SEQ file in the full SEQ format.

SEQ files can be converted to many other graph formats using the bcg_io tool.


The SEQ format was developed by Hubert Garavel (INRIA Rhone-Alpes).

See Also

bcg_io , exhibitor ,

Additional information is available from the CADP Web page located at

Directives for installation are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.

Recent changes and improvements to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.


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