Table of Contents
bisimulator - on-the-fly equivalence/preorder checking
.bcg] [
bisimulator [
or: [exp_opt] lts1[.exp] [cc_opt] bisimulator [bisimulator_opt] lts2[.bcg]
or: [fsp_opt] lts1[.lts] [cc_opt] bisimulator [bisimulator_opt]
or: [lnt_opt] lts1[.lnt] [cc_opt] bisimulator [bisimulator_opt]
or: [lotos_opt] lts1[.lotos] [cc_opt] bisimulator [bisimulator_opt]
or: [seq_opt] lts1[.seq] [cc_opt] bisimulator [bisimulator_opt]
bisimulator takes as inputs two Labelled Transition
Systems (LTSs), the first one being represented either as a BCG graph, a composition expression
lts1.exp, an FSP program
lts1.lts, an
LNT program
lts1.lnt, a LOTOS program
lts1.lotos, or a sequence file
and the second one being represented as a BCG graph Traditionally,
lts1 represents the behaviour of a
protocol and
lts2 represents the behaviour
of its
bisimulator performs an on-the-fly comparison of the two LTSs
lts1 and lts2 modulo a given equivalence/preorder relation (see EQUIVALENCE
RELATIONS below). The result of this verification (TRUE or FALSE) is displayed
on the standard output, possibly accompanied by a diagnostic (see OPTIONS
Note: The verification method underlying the current version of
bisimulator is based upon a translation of the equivalence/preorder checking
problem into the resolution of a Boolean Equation System (BES), which is
performed on-the-fly using the algorithms provided by the caesar_solve_1
library of OPEN/CAESAR (see the corresponding manual page and the article
[Mat06] for details).
The options
bcg_opt, if any, are passed to
The options exp_opt, if any, are passed to
The options fsp_opt, if any, are passed to
The options lnt_opt,
if any, are passed to
The options lotos_opt, if any, are
passed to caesar
and to caesar.adt
The options seq_opt, if
any, are passed to
The options cc_opt, if any, are passed
to the C compiler.
The options bisimulator_opt currently available are described
The options below specify the equivalence relation used for comparing
lts1 and lts2.
- -branching
- Use branching equivalence (resp. its corresponding
preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation for comparing lts1 and
lts2. Not a default option.
- -observational
- Use observational equivalence (resp.
its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation for
comparing lts1 and lts2. Not a default option.
- -safety
- Use safety equivalence
(resp. its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation
for comparing lts1 and lts2. Not a default option.
- -strong
- Use strong equivalence
(resp. its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation
for comparing lts1 and lts2. Default option.
- -taustar
- Use tau*.a equivalence
(resp. its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation
for comparing lts1 and lts2. Not a default option.
- -trace
- Use trace equivalence
(resp. its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder) relation
for comparing lts1 and lts2. Not a default option.
- -weaktrace
- Use weak trace
equivalence (resp. its corresponding preorder) as equivalence (resp. preorder)
relation for comparing lts1 and lts2. Not a default option.
The options below
specify the kind of comparison between lts1 and lts2.
- -smaller
- Check whether
lts1 is included in lts2 modulo the preorder corresponding to the equivalence
relation considered (if the two LTSs are equivalent, they are also included
one into the other modulo the corresponding preorder). Not a default option.
- -equal
- Check whether lts1 is equivalent to lts2 modulo the equivalence relation
considered. Default option.
- -greater
- Check whether lts2 is included in lts1
modulo the preorder corresponding to the equivalence relation considered
(if the two LTSs are equivalent, they are also included one into the other
modulo the corresponding preorder). Not a default option.
The options below
specify the algorithm used for comparing lts1 and lts2.
- -bfs
- Compare lts1
and lts2 using a breadth-first search algorithm. Compared to -dfs, this option
is generally slower, but produces counterexamples of smaller depth. Not
a default option.
- -dfs
- Compare lts1 and lts2 using a depth-first search algorithm.
Compared to -bfs, this option produces counterexamples of greater depth,
but is generally faster and consumes less memory if lts2 is deterministic
(for strong equivalence) and has no invisible actions (for weak equivalences).
Default option.
The options below specify various features available in
addition to the comparison of lts1 and lts2.
- -bes [ file[.bes[.ext]] ]
- Print
in file[.bes] or, if the file name argument is missing, in file bisimulator.bes,
a textual description of the BES corresponding to the comparison of lts1
and lts2 modulo the equivalence/preorder relation considered. If present,
the extension .ext must correspond to a known file compression format (e.g.,
.Z, .gz, .bz2, .xz, etc.). In this case, the file containing the BES is compressed
according to the corresponding format. The list of currently supported extensions
and compression formats is given by the $CADP/src/com/cadp_zip shell-script.
This option does not influence the comparison between the two LTSs. Not
a default option.
- -diag [ -minimal ] [ diag[.bcg] ]
- When the comparison of
lts1 and lts2 yields FALSE, generate a diagnostic (counterexample) in BCG
format (see the bcg
manual page for details) explaining this result.
The diagnostic is generated in the file or, if the file name argument
is missing, in file This option has no effect when the comparison
of lts1 and lts2 yields TRUE, since in this case the diagnostic would be
larger than lts1 and lts2, and would not bring any useful information. The
BCG file containing the diagnostic can be visualized using the bcg_draw
and bcg_edit
tools of CADP (see respective manual pages for details).
The diagnostic is a directed acyclic graph included (modulo the preorder
corresponding to the equivalence relation considered) both in lts1 and
lts2. Each state p of the diagnostic corresponds to a couple of states (q,
r) belonging to lts1 and lts2, respectively; the portion of diagnostic
going out of p illustrates why the two corresponding states q and r are
not equivalent. The terminal states of the diagnostic have additional "error"
outgoing transitions with labels of the form "Present in b" or
"Absent in b", indicating that the action b does not occur either
in lts1, or in lts2, respectively (b can be either a visible action, or
the invisible action tau, see EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS below for naming conventions).
Intuitively, all transition sequences contained in the diagnostic lead,
when executed simultaneously in lts1 and lts2, to states which are unrelated
modulo the equivalence/preorder relation considered. Note that for weak
equivalences, any transition p1--b-->p2 in the diagnostic may correspond to
sequences of the form q1--tau*.b-->q2 and r1--tau*.b-->r2 contained in lts1 and lts2,
respectively. Also, any transition p1--tau-->p2 in the diagnostic may correspond
to a sequence q1--tau-->q2 contained in lts1 and possibly to a sequence r1--tau*-->r2
contained in lts2, or vice-versa.
In the case of branching equivalence, the
diagnostic may also contain some transitions of the form p1--b-->p2 leading
to sink states. Considering that p1 corresponds to the couple of states
(q1, r1), such a transition indicates the existence of two sequences of
the form q1--tau*-->q2--b-->q3 and r1--tau*-->r2--b-->r3 in lts1 and lts2, respectively, such
that the states q2 and r2 are not branching equivalent. For each transition
p1--b-->p2 leading to a sink state in the diagnostic, the remainder of the diagnostic
going out of p1 illustrates the non equivalence of the states q2 and r2.
This specific handling of branching equivalence is due to the nature of
this relation, which (at the opposite of other relations, such as strong,
observational, tau*.a, and safety) requires that not only the target states
of transitions, but also their source states are equivalent.
If the additional
option -minimal is specified, a small-depth diagnostic is generated (the
depth is guaranteed to be minimal only when the diagnostic is a tree).
the diagnostic is a sequence of transitions, it will also be displayed
on standard output using the SEQ format (see the seq
manual page
for the definition of this format). Not a default option.
- -stat
- Display statistical
information about the resolution of the BES corresponding to the comparison
of lts1 and lts2 modulo the equivalence/preorder relation considered. Not
a default option.
- -tauconfluence
- Reduce lts1 on-the-fly modulo tau-confluence
(a form of partial order reduction that preserves branching equivalence)
while performing the comparison with lts2. This option can be used only
in conjunction with options -branching and -observational, and in some cases
it may improve speed and memory consumption significantly. Not a default
An LTS is a quadruple
M = (
q0), where:
Q is the set of
A is the set of
actions (transition labels),
included in
Q *
A *
Q is the
transition relation, and
q0 is the
state. The set
A contains the invisible action
tau, which denotes internal
(unobservable) activity. A transition (
q) in
T (also noted
q) means
that the system can evolve from state
p to state
q by performing action
a. If
L is a language included in
A*, then
q denotes a transition sequence
q such that the word
an belongs to
L. All states
q of
Q are
assumed to be reachable from the initial state
q0 via sequences of transitions
T (i.e.,
q). In the sequel, we denote by
a any visible action of
and we denote by
b any action (either visible or invisible) of
A. The transitive
and reflexive closure of
T is denoted by
Two LTSs M1 = (Q1, A, T1, q01)
and M2 = (Q2, A, T2, q02) are related modulo an equivalence relation R
(noted M1 R M2) if and only if their initial states are related modulo
R (noted q01 R q02). The equivalence relations currently supported by bisimulator
are defined below. For each equivalence R_equ, the corresponding preorder
relation I_equ, which indicates whether a state p is ``simulated'' by a state
q (resp. q is ``simulated'' by p) is obtained by keeping only condition 1 (resp.
2) in the definition of R_equ.
- Strong equivalence [Par81]
- This is the largest
relation R_str such that two states p and q are related modulo strong equivalence
(p R_str q) if and only if:
- 1. for each transition p--b-->p' in T1
- there is
a transition q--b-->q' in T2
such that p' R_str q'
- 2. for each transition q--b-->q' in T2
- there is a transition p--b-->p' in T1
such that p' R_str q'
- Branching equivalence [GW89]
- This is the largest relation R_bra such that
two states p and q are related modulo branching equivalence (p R_bra q)
if and only if:
- 1. for each transition p--b-->p' in T1
- a. either b = tau and
p' R_bra q, or
b. there is a sequence q--tau*-->q'--b-->q'' in T2*
such that p R_bra q' and p' R_bra q''
- 2. for each transition q--b-->q' in T2
- a. either b = tau and p R_bra q', or
b. there is a sequence p--tau*-->p'--b-->p'' in T1*
such that p' R_bra q and p'' R_bra q'
- Observational equivalence [Mil89]
- This is the largest relation R_obs such
that two states p and q are related modulo observational equivalence (p
R_obs q) if and only if:
- 1. a. for each transition p--tau-->p' in T1
- there
is a sequence q--tau*-->q' in T2*
such that p' R_obs q'
b. for each transition p--a-->p' in T1
there is a sequence q--tau*.a.tau*-->q' in T2*
such that p' R_obs q'
- 2. a. for each transition q--tau-->q' in T2
- there is a sequence p--tau*-->p' in
such that p' R_obs q'
b. for each transition q--a-->q' in T2
there is a sequence p--tau*.a.tau*-->p' in T1*
such that p' R_obs q'
- Tau*.a equivalence [FM91]
- This is the largest relation R_tau such that
two states p and q are related modulo tau*.a equivalence (p R_tau q) if
and only if:
- 1. for each sequence p--tau*.a-->p' in T1*
- there is a sequence
q--tau*.a-->q' in T2*
such that p' R_tau q'
- 2. for each transition q--tau*.a-->q' in T2*
- there is a sequence p--tau*.a-->p' in
such that p' R_tau q'
- Safety equivalence [BFG+91]
- This is the largest relation R_saf such that
two states p and q are related modulo safety equivalence (p R_saf q) if
and only if:
- 1. p I_tau q
- 2. q I_tau p
Safety equivalence is defined in terms
of the tau*.a preorder I_tau. It is a simulation equivalence rather than
a bisimulation (e.g., like tau*.a equivalence), because it only requires that
states p and q are included one into the other modulo I_tau, and does not
require that each tau*.a-successor of p (resp. q) is equivalent to a corresponding
tau*.a-successor of q (resp. p). Therefore, safety equivalence is weaker than
tau*.a equivalence (see the note below), but it has the same associated
preorder (i.e., I_saf = I_tau).
- Trace equivalence (a.k.a. language equivalence)
- This is the largest relation R_tra such that two states p and q are related
modulo trace equivalence (p R_tra q) if and only if:
- 1. for each sequence>p' in T1*
- there is a sequence>q' in T2*
- 2. for each sequence>q' in T2*
- there is a sequence>p' in T1*
- Weak trace equivalence [BHR84]
- Two states p and q are related modulo weak
trace equivalence (p R_wtr q) if and only if:
- 1. for each sequence p--tau*.a1...tau*.an-->p'
in T1*
- there is a sequence q--tau*.a1...tau*.an-->q' in T2*
- 2. for each sequence q--tau*.a1...tau*.an-->q' in T2*
- there is a sequence p--tau*.a1...tau*.an-->p'
in T1*
Note: A relation R1 is said to be stronger than another relation R2 (noted
R1 <= R2) iff p R1 q implies p R2 q for any states p, q. The relations above
are ordered w.r.t. their strength as follows:
- R_str <= R_bra <= R_obs <= R_saf
<= R_wtr
- R_str <= R_tra <= R_wtr
- R_bra <= R_tau <= R_saf
As opposed to R_str
and R_tra (the strong and trace equivalences), which handle all transition
labels in the same way, the relations R_bra, R_obs, R_tau, R_saf, and R_wtr
are called weak equivalences, since each of them performs a kind of abstraction
over invisible actions.
Note: To obtain maximal performance, it is recommended
to put the ``bigger'' LTS (the protocol) in argument lts1 and the ``smaller'' LTS
(the service) in argument lts2. In addition, the service LTS lts2 can be
minimized before comparison, either modulo strong equivalence (when strong
equivalence is considered for comparing lts1 and lts2), or modulo branching
equivalence (if a weak equivalence is considered) using the bcg_min
tool of CADP (see the corresponding manual page for details). This restriction
will be eliminated in a future version of bisimulator.
Exit status
is 0 if everything is alright, 1 otherwise.
- [BHR84]
- S. D. Brookes,
C. A. R. Hoare, and A. W. Roscoe. A Theory of Communicating Sequential Processes.
Journal of the ACM 31(3):560-599, July 1984.
- [BDJ+05]
- D. Bergamini, N. Descoubes,
C. Joubert, and R. Mateescu. BISIMULATOR: A Modular Tool for On-the-Fly Equivalence
Checking. In N. Halbwachs and L. Zuck (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International
Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of
Systems TACAS'2005 (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science vol. 3440, p. 581-585. Springer Verlag, April 2005. Available from
- [BFG+91]
- A. Bouajjani, J-C. Fernandez, S. Graf, C. Rodriguez, and J. Sifakis.
Safety for Branching Time Semantics. In Proceedings of 18th ICALP. Springer
Verlag, July 1991.
- [FM91]
- J-C. Fernandez and L. Mounier. ``On the Fly'' Verification
of Behavioural Equivalences and Preorders. In K. G. Larsen and A. Skou (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computer-Aided Verification CAV'91 (Aalborg,
Denmark), Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 575. Springer Verlag, July
- [GW89]
- R. J. van Glabbeek and W. P. Weijland. Branching-Time and Abstraction
in Bisimulation Semantics. In Proceedings of the IFIP 11th World Computer
Congress (San Francisco, USA), 1989.
- [Mat06]
- R. Mateescu. CAESAR_SOLVE: A
Generic Library for On-the-Fly Resolution of Alternation-Free Boolean Equation
Systems. Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology
Transfer (STTT), 8(1):37-56, 2006. Full version available as INRIA Research
Report RR-5948. Available from
- [Mil89]
- R. Milner. Communication and Concurrency. Prentice-Hall, 1989.
- [Par81]
- D. Park. Concurrency and Automata on Infinite Sequences. In Peter Deussen
(Ed.), Theoretical Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.
104, p. 167-183. Springer Verlag, March 1981.
Radu Mateescu, with the
help of Damien Bergamini (both at INRIA/VASY), who implemented a first
version of the encoding of branching equivalence in terms of boolean equation
- BCG graph (input)
- lts1.exp
- network of communicating
LTSs (input)
- lts1.lts
- FSP specification (input)
- lts1.lnt
- LNT specification
- lts1.lotos
- LOTOS specification (input)
- lts1.seq
- sequence file (input)
- BCG graph (input)
- diagnostic in BCG format (output)
- file.bes
- BES in textual format (output)
The binary code of
bisimulator is
available in $CADP/bin.`arch`/bisimulator.a
Additional information is available from the
CADP Web page located at
Directives for installation
are given in files $CADP/INSTALLATION_*.
Recent changes and improvements
to this software are reported and commented in file $CADP/HISTORY.
report bugs to
Table of Contents