CADP Installation Directives

Version %R%.%L% last updated on 20%E% %U%

Welcome to the CADP Installation Page.

This document is intended to persons in charge of installing or upgrading the CADP software, which is distributed electronically using Internet protocols FTP and HTTP.

The installation of CADP can be greatly simplified by the use of Installator, the CADP Installation Assistant. Installator is a user-friendly program which will help you to install or upgrade CADP. It will automatically download and configure the CADP software on your machine(s).

Alternately, there is also a manual installation procedure for CADP (details available from here), which is more complex and, therefore, not recommended unless required by some specific circumstances. In most cases however, the assisted installation procedure should be preferred.

In the sequel, the term "your current machine" refers to the computer on which you are currently reading this Page.

ATTENTION: Use of the CADP software is subject to the terms and conditions defined in a software agreement. For academic users, this agreement is available in French and in English. For non-academic users, a separate agreement must be signed with INRIA beforehand. By going on and downloading software from our site, you signify that there exists a valid software agreement corresponding for your situation, that you have read it and accept its terms and conditions.

1. First, make sure that you are in possession of the password required for downloading the latest version of the CADP. This password should have been sent to you by the CADP development team. If you do not have it, please enquire by sending an e-mail to "".

2. Please notice that the whole CADP software is entirely contained in a single directory. There is no constraint on the location of this directory: you can install it in any place on any filesystem (provided that there is sufficient disk space). At the beginning of the installation, Installator will emit a warning if the disk space is unsufficient.

On a local area network, it is recommended to have only a single installed copy of the CADP software, which is exported and made visible to other machines by means of mounted filesystems (e.g., using NFS).

This installation mode (a single copy of the CADP software shared by several machines) can be used even if the machines have different hardware architectures and/or operating systems. The CADP software has been designed to support several architectures/systems at the same time.

3. On Unix-based systems (namely, SunOS, Linux, and macOS), it is not necessary to be a super-user ("root") to install or upgrade the CADP software. We even recommend that you install it as an ordinary user (not "root"). However, you may also need super-user privilege to install some additional software (e.g., Gnuplot) suitable for using all functionalities of CADP.

On Windows systems, you will need administrator privileges to install both the Cygwin software and the CADP software. In particular, you must install CADP from a Cygwin Terminal window launched with administrative privileges (right-click on the Cygwin icon and select "Run as Administrator").

In any case, if a copy of CADP already exists on your system, you will need to be the owner of the directory containing CADP (including all its files and sub-directories) to perform the upgrade.

4. Before starting the assisted installation procedure using the Installator tool, you should carefully check the following points (you might skip this section if you have previously used Installator successfully on your current machine):

5. There are two possible solutions to start the assisted installation procedure:

6. Once you have downloaded the latest version of CADP, please remember that:

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